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Jettison Folks 2007, Magnum Opus, Bee movie, offers poignant commentary

on the film industry. The honey industry. The artificial boundaries we put up
between ourselves and those around us, as well as the true meaning of
friendship, romance, and following your dreams. The fact that so few people
recognize this gem for the masterpiece that it is, and for its contribution to the
arts is truly a national embarrassment. Barry Benson is a young bee faced
with an impossible decision. He has to pick his job in the hive and he will work
at that job every day until he dies. He simply cannot fathom making such a
limiting choice, especially when there is a whole unexplored world out there
builds a hive. Barry's struggle resonates with any recent high school and
college graduate, who has to decide what steps to take next. This decision will
affect the rest of their lives. But with so many unexplored options, it feels
impossible to only pick one. Before locking himself into one occupation for the
rest of his life, Barry ventures outside into the human world with the elite
Pollen Jocks. In the real world
he encounters obstacles he's never had to face before, including rain,
delicious flowers, and seemingly malicious tennis players with bee allergies.
This latter behemoth of a character named Kim, has become an unlikely hero
for many formerly uncritical phonetics of the film. While many initially
supported the romantic art of the movie, in which Barry reveals to a human
woman that he can talk, and she consequently leaves her husband, the same
Ken for the bee, it seems that certain views changed on the second or third
rewatching. They now put Ken on a pedestal of rationality. If an insect were to
come and steal my girlfriend, they argue, this would be the most normal way
for me to act. Barry's blossoming friendship with Ken's girlfriend Vanessa
begins when she rescues him from Ken's, panic threat. Barry returns to thank
her and accidentally lets it slip that not only can he talk, but he also harbors
an acute appreciation for classical music. The match truly seems to be made
in heaven, when it at first was revealed that Vanessa works in a flower shop
and bees, as we know, love flowers. But the partnership is tragically cut short
when Barry accompanies Vanessa on a shopping trip and discovers the crime
against all bees that is the mass sale of honey to humans. In an especially
cruel twist of fate, some of the honey is even packaged in a bear-shaped
bottle. With no sensitivity to bears routine terrorization of the bee community.
Barry launches a long-overdue investigation. Following a delivery truck
through an onslaught of traffic, until he discovers a bee farm. Adding to the
horror of bees being caged away from their natural hives, Barry discovers that
the bee farmers are gassing them while they steal the honey they have
worked so hard to produce. Outraged by what he has witnessed, Barry
launches a legal tirade against the honey industry. Speaking on behalf of all
bees with his best friend as his legal co-counsel in court. Arguments are
heard from a particularly insidious lawyer who tries to paint all bees as violent.
And Barry's partner stalls for time by teaching jury members some delightful
origami tricks. Unsurprisingly, Barry wins the lawsuit and all of the honeys that
was previously available for human consumption is returned to its rightful
owners, the bees. If only this would solve all of Barry's, problems, along with
those of the humans and the bees. As it turns out, winning the battle for
justice has only made matters worse for absolutely everyone on the entire
planet. Let's start with the bees, previously made to work constantly in one
beloved position until death in the honey production industry of the hive. Bees
now have no life purpose, no reason to get up in the morning. They have all
the honey they'll ever need. So there is no point in working to make more.
Meanwhile, Barry discovers that pollination is actually crucial for all of nature
to strive. Once the bees don't work, all the flowers die, and with them,
eventually, also food available to humans. And later the humans themselves.
Vanessa's beloved flower business shuts down. And she hurries to make it to
the last Flower Festival on Earth. Barry realizes, is the folly of his mission and
works to restore the world to the way it was before. Full of flowers and
hardworking bees. I hope I have helped, shed light on one of cinema's
greatest works. And that you have been thoroughly enlightened, by this
revelations. Good luck in test.

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