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Encabezado: tareas 2 1

Tarea 2 Writing Task

Yeimy Tatiana morales Sanabria

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

Escuela Agrícola Pecuaria y del Medio Ambiente

ECAPMA - Agronomía



tareas 2 2

Stage 1:

Escribir un párrafo con una presentación personal en el idioma inglés, que incluya

información relacionada a: Name, age, nationality, city, family members (¿who do you live

with?), study program, current semester, likes & dislikes.


Hello my name is yeimy Tatiana morales Sanabria i am 20 years old, i am of

colombian nationality i live in the city of acacias, meta.

My family is made up of my father who is called Wilson, my mother who is called

pilar and my two brothers sebastian and cristian, i currently live with my pather, i am an

agronomy student of the 5 semester at the open national university and at a distance, i dislike

the lies and i really like doing sports.

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Stage 3:

Escribir 4 oraciones en inglés en las cuales se haga la descripción de las actividades

que realizas en la ciudad que vives (usar las expresiones every day, every other day, on

weekends, on vacation) y en 2-3 líneas describir el clima de este lugar. Debe ser una

composición propia (poner en práctica lo que ha aprendido en el desarrollo de los módulos),

respetando las políticas de plagio de la universidad.


1. In my city on weekends family is shared in spas

2. In my city on vacation dates many tourists arrive because it is summer and it is the


3. In my city almost always right now in Winter season it rains almost every dary

4. In my city the joropo dance is seen a lot when the summer parties are on

weekends they do many presentations of this dance

Stage 4:

Describir en un párrafo un lugar el cual hayas visitado. 4 líneas mínimo. Tener en cuenta que



6 months ago i was traveling in cali, valle i was there for a walk and we went to visit some

relatives i went with my brother my cousin and my pather and my dog, we were there a full

week i visited several tourist places i went in summer time, the i had a great time on thy

Is trip

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