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‫ـوت َو َل بَـ ِعــيــ ُ‬

‫ََ َ َ ٌ َ ُ ُ‬
‫ال ول فـــرس تــمــ‬
‫َّ َّ ُ َ ْ ُ َ‬ ‫َ َ ْ ُ َ َ‬
‫لـعـمـــرك ما الـر ِزيـــة فـقـــد م ٍ‬
‫ـق َكـثِ ُ‬ ‫َ ْ ٌ‬ ‫َ ُ ُ َ‬
‫ـم ْ‬ ‫ـد َقـ ْ‬
‫َّ َّ َّ َ َ ْ ُ‬ ‫َ‬
‫ـيـر‬ ‫ـوت ِــ ِه ـخلــ‬ ‫ـرمٍ يـمـــوت ِب‬ ‫َولـكِـــن الـر ِزيــــة فــقـــ‬

‫يف رثاء العالمة املرابط أمحد فال ودل أمحدنا األمسيم‬

‫شيخ حمظرة عني اخلشبة بموريتانيا‬
‫رمحه اهلل وقدس رسه‬

‫ْ َ‬
‫اإلسل ِم‬ ‫ف‬ ‫العال ُِم ثُل َ‬
‫َ َ َ َ‬
‫قال يلع ‪« :‬إِذا مات‬
‫ِ ِ ِ‬
‫ُ ْ َ ٌ َ َ ُ ُّ َ َّ َ َ ٌ ْ ُ‬
‫ثلمة ل يسدها إِل خلف مِنه»‪.‬‬

‫‪On the Passing of‬‬

‫‪Shaykh Murābiţ Aĥmad Fāl al-Amsamī‬‬
‫‪by Hamza Yusuf‬‬
Our community recently lost feel some obligation to preserve of the holistic and polymathic
three great scholars. I did not their memory and impart what curriculum of the Mauritanian
have the blessing of knowing two we know of their life’s legacy for school, they are especially noted
of them, Shaykh A^mad >¥h¥ those present as well as the yet for their specialization in the
Rayy¥n of Egypt and ±abÏb Sahl unborn. Qur’anic sciences and Islamic
b. Ibr¥hÏm b. Ya^y¥ of Yemen, law. Moreover, they are widely
Reading about the lives of
but I hope those who did will recognized for their humility,
luminaries in biographical
honor them by writing about personal devotion, and piety.
literature encourages us and
their lives for our benefit. As for
inspires in us a desire to emulate While I could write several
the third scholar, Shaykh Mur¥bi~
them. As an Arabic couplet pages on the notables of this
A^mad F¥l al-AmsamÏ of ‘Ayn
advises, clan, which include many
al-Khashbah, Mauritania, I was
َْ ُ ُ َ ْ َ ْ ُ َّ َ ََ
blessed to know him and to study ‫ــــــم تكونــــــوا ِمثل ُهــــــم‬ ‫فتشــــــبهوا ِإن ل‬ of my own teachers, such as
َ َ َ َ ُّ َ َّ َّ Shaykh ±¥mid ‘Umar al-WalÏ,
with him for a short time. He was ‫ــــــــرامِ فــــــــا ُح‬ ‫ك‬ِ ‫ِإن التشــــــــبه بِال‬ Shaykh ‘Abd al-Ra^m¥n b.
a polymath, a master of the great
If you cannot be one of the nobles, Mur¥bi~ al-±¥jj, Shaykh Kha~rÏ
works of the Islamic tradition, an
at least imitate them. For even in b. Buwaybah, Shaykh Bayyah
educator, and a devoted servant
imitation lies a type of success and b. S¥lik, Mur¥bi~ al-±¥jj b.
of God. In keeping with our
nobility. Fa^f‰, Mur¥bi~ ‘Abd All¥hi b.
tradition of ~abaq¥t literature, I
A^madna, Shaykh Mu^ammad
will try to chronicle what I know Thus inspired, I will attempt
al-AmÏn b. ±asan, and others,
of his life and his scholarship. to chronicle some aspects of
at the risk of neglecting some
the life and times of one of our
A rich genre of the Islamic important scholars, I will
community’s contemporary
tradition, ~abaq¥t literature mention the most renowned
preeminent luminaries.
includes hagiographies that of this period: Mur¥bi~ al-±¥jj
enumerate and document the The erudite and exemplary b. Fa^f‰, Mur¥bi~ Mu^ammad
great saints and scholars of any master of the Islamic sciences AmÏn b. ‘Abd al-Ra^m¥n b.
given generation (~abaqah) as well Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l b. ‘Abd Shaykh (known as ±add AmÏn),
as biographies of other notables. All¥h b. al-S¥lik b. A^madna b. Shaykh Bayyah b. S¥lik, Shaykh
This genre, like so many others, ±amm¥dÏ al-AmsamÏ entered Mu^ammad b. SÏd Ya^y¥, Shaykh
has lately fallen into dereliction. into this world in 1364 in the Mu^ammad al-AmÏn b. al-±asan,
We should note that on average, year of the Hijrah corresponding Shaykh Mu^ammad al-±asan
throughout Muslim history, over to 1946 in the Common Era. b. Dad‰, Shaykh Mu^ammad
ten percent of the notables in our Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l hails from Yabra b. Bayyah, Shaykh al-
~abaq¥t literature were women. the distinguished and literate Mukht¥r b. Mu^ammad ‘Abdi,
However, due to the neglect family ®l ±amm¥dÏ, a branch Shaykh ßadd¥f b. Mu^ammad
of this important genre, within of one of the most learned al-BashÏr, and perhaps the
the last century many eminent of the Zaw¥yah clans of West greatest living scholar of Islamic
scholars have sadly died in Africa, the Mass‰ma, which has legal philosophy (u|‰l) in the
relative obscurity. Consequently, produced an unusual number Sunni world, Shaykh Abdallah
those of us blessed to have spent of religious leaders, saints, and Bin Bayyah, who has revealed
time with and studied under scholars of the Islamic tradition. to the world—through his
the greats of our time should In addition to their mastery unimpeachable reputation,

groundbreaking initiatives, Qur’anic orthography (rasm) Maliki fiqh), memorizing it and
and creative contributions and orthoepy (tajwÏd), along mastering its commentaries,
to jurisprudence—the vast with the foundations of Islamic and completed and memorized
intellectual treasures of his native law, creed, and the rudiments of the versified u|‰l al-fiqh text
land. He is acknowledged by grammar. This early education of Sidi ‘Abd All¥h b. al-±¥jj
many as the legitimate heir to at home presaged the pursuit Ibr¥hÏm, which comprises 1001
the maq¥|idÏ school’s mantle, of knowledge that was about to lines and corresponds, from
previously held by the great unfold for the insatiable young a Maliki perspective, to the
Tunisian Shaykh >¥hir b. ‘®sh‰r. student. famous text of Imam al-SubkÏ.
At that school, Mur¥bi~ A^mad
U F¥l also read and memorized
In 1379 AH/1959 CE, Mur¥bi~ Al-Manhaj al-muntakhab (The
A^mad F¥l went on to study, chosen methodology) by Imam
as did many Mauritanian men al-Zaqq¥q, known among
from the Zaw¥yah clans, at the Mauritania’s students as a
renowned school of the ascetic notoriously difficult text on
and pious master of the Islamic the principles of jurisprudence
sciences, Mur¥bi~ al-±¥jj b. Fa^f‰, (qaw¥‘id al-fiqh).
in Tuwaymerat, Gal¥ga, in central

Shaykh Abdallah Bin Bayyah

Given the immense stature of

such a clan and the extraordinary
Mur¥bi~ al-±¥jj’s school in Tuwaymerat
notables produced by them,
Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l’s lineage Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l’s credal
gives us an insight into how such education included, besides
a scholar came to be. As the learning the creeds of Ibn ‘®shir
Arabs say, and the epistle of Ibn AbÏ Zayd
ْ َ ْ ْ َّ
‫ــــــن َمع ِدنِــــــ ِه ل ي ُ ْســــــتَغ َر ُب‬ ‫الــــــي ُء ِم‬ with his father, memorizing the
creed of Imam al-MaqqarÏ, I\¥’at
Gold from a goldmine should not seem
al-dujunnah (Illuminating the
darkness) as well as Al-W¥\i^
Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l was raised al-mubÏn (The clear and lucid
by his noble parents in an Mur¥bi~ al-±¥jj b. Fa^f‰ creed) written by the notable
environment of devotion and scholar Mur¥bi~ ‘Abd al-Q¥dir
diligent learning. Under his With his great teacher lighting b. Mu^ammad S¥lim al-MajlisÏ.
father’s tutelage, he studied the way, Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l also
and memorized the Qur’an studied twice Mukhta|ar KhalÏl memorized and mastered the
with the two recensions of N¥fi‘, (the abridgment of KhalÏl Andalusian work by Imam al-
Q¥l‰n and Warsh, and mastered b. Is^¥q al-JundÏ’s work on ‘®|im known as Al-‘®|imiyyah or

Tu^fat al-^ukk¥m (Masterpiece for Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l had a sizable taught the following books in
the magistrates), a foundational library by Mauritanian standards Maliki law: Ibn ‘®shir’s Al-Murshid
text that explicates the rules of and read extensively in Qur’anic al-mu‘Ïn (The helpful guide), Al-
the judiciary and forms the basis exegesis, the hadith tradition, Ris¥l¥h (The epistle) of Ibn AbÏ
of rulings by those who arbitrate and other sciences. He was a Zayd, KhalÏl’s Al-Mukhta|ar (The
or act as judges. In grammar and true master of the tradition abridgment), and Al-Tu^fah (The
morphology, Mur¥bi~ A^mad and explicated even the most gift) of Ibn ‘®|im, each with a
F¥l studied and memorized the difficult texts without recourse to close and masterly reading that
Alfiyyah and L¥miyyat al-af‘¥l notes or books. In his school, he allowed him to discern the strong
by Imam Ibn M¥lik with the taught in the Qur’anic sciences from the weak opinions.
addendums (tawshÏ^) of Ibn Al-¬\¥^ al-s¥~i‘ (The illuminating
B‰nah. clarification) in orthography in
addition to Al-Durar al-law¥mi‘
A decade of dedicated study
(The brilliant pearls) in the
with his mentor and exemplar,
recension of N¥fi‘, and also
Mur¥bi~ al-±¥jj, led Mur¥bi~
taught Imam al-JazarÏ’s seminal
A^mad F¥l to establish his own
didactic poem in orthoepy, Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l’s school
school in 1968. Serving as a
Al-Jazariyyah. Mur¥bi~ A^mad
teacher did not hinder his own Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l’s depth and
F¥l himself later studied and
studies, and he continued to breadth of knowledge and his
memorized Al-Sh¥~ibiyyah in
study texts and even studied command of the works of various
the verified recensions of the
traditional medicine with the disciplines—from Qur’anic
Qur’an and was given a teaching
renowned hakim of Mauritania, exegesis to hadith collections,
license (ij¥zah) to transmit it by
al-‘AlawÏ Mu^ammad b. al- from creed to jurisprudence,
Shaykhn¥ Mu^ammad b. al-AmÏn
MaqqarÏ, whose family was known from the trivium (grammar,
for their knowledge of herbal and rhetoric, and logic) to sciences
time-tested Yunani medicine. Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l also of the heart—was remarkable. In
transmitted with a chain Al- creed, he taught the following
Muwa~~a’ (The well-trodden path) texts: Faw¥’id al-wasÏlah (The
of Imam M¥lik according to the benefit of the means) by Ibn
recension of Ya^y¥ al-LaythÏ, B‰nah, I\¥’at al-dujunnah
as well as Al-Arba‘Ïn (The forty (Illuminating the darkness) of
hadith) of Imam al-NawawÏ, and Imam al-MaqqarÏ, Al-W¥\ih al-
other collections. Mur¥bi~ A^mad mubÏn (The lucid clarification)
F¥l’s licenses also included one by Imam al-MajlisÏ, and others.
to transmit Imam al-Bukh¥rÏ’s In jurisprudence (u|‰l al-fiqh),
collection of hadith, and he Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l taught Imam
taught the works of hadith al-JuwaynÏ’s Al-Waraq¥t (The
terminology used in Mauritania, monograph) and Mar¥qÏ al-su‘‰d
especially from >al‘at al-anw¥r, (Stairs to the stars) of Ibn al-±¥jj
Sidi ‘Abd All¥h’s abridgment Ibr¥hÏm with a teaching license.
of the Alfiyyah of al-‘Ir¥qÏ. At In the principles of jurisprudence
Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l in his school his school, Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l (al-qaw¥‘id al-fiqhiyyah), he
taught Al-Manhaj (The preferred of al-BadawÏ. In the sciences imbued them with a profound
method) of al-Zaqq¥q and Al- of the heart, he taught Imam sense of stillness. This emanating
TakmÏl (The completion) of Sidi al-Ya‘q‰bÏ’s Ma~harat al-qul‰b presence is not an uncommon
Mayy¥rah. Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l (Purification of the heart) and phenomenon for the masters
was a profound master of the Ma^¥rim al-lis¥n (Prohibitions of of our tradition, the learned
trivium: grammar, rhetoric, and the tongue) as well as his other spiritual adepts of West Africa
logic are central to traditional works. Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l was and beyond, and countless
Islamic studies. In grammar, he also a master of Arab genealogy students and visitors can attest to
taught Al-®jarr‰miyyah of Ibn and taught the famous text ‘Am‰d it. One hallmark of a true teacher
®jarr‰m, Mul^at al-i‘r¥b (The al-nasab (Pillar of genealogy) by is the quietude, the Qur’an’s
gift of grammar) of Imam al- al-MajlisÏ. sakÏnah, at the center of their
±arÏrÏ, Al-Alfiyyah (The millenary being. And the hallmark of a true
poem) of Ibn M¥lik, and the
U religion is that it can produce
masterpiece of Mauritanian Students who came to study such a one. Contrariwise, in the
grammar, Al-I^mir¥r (Annotated with Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l—first followers of false doctrines are
in red) of Mukht¥r b. B‰nah; from various places around West often noted a certain agitation
in morphology, he taught Ibn Africa and later from as far as the and disturbing unsettledness in
M¥lik’s L¥miyyat al-af‘¥l (Lines United States, Canada, England, their states due to their distance
in L on verbs). In prosody, he France, Italy, Spain, Pakistan, and from the presence of the divine
taught the didactic poems of several other countries—found embodied in sakÏnah.
Imam al-KhazrajÏ, Al-Khazrajiyyah, a teacher of vast erudition and
and that of Imam al-Daym¥nÏ. mastery of the Islamic sciences,
and also observed his constant
In logic, Mur¥bi~ A^mad
devotional practices.
F¥l taught Al-Sullam (The
staircase) of al-Akh\arÏ with the When not engaged in teaching
enhancements of Shaykh ‘Abd students, he recited the Qur’an,
al-Sal¥m ‘Abd al-JalÏl. In rhetoric, transcribed manuscripts, tended
Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l taught Fay\ to Muslims in need of judgment
al-Fatt¥^ (Emanations of the or arbitration, and even settled
Opener) by Ibn al-±¥jj Ibr¥hÏm disputes among the clans. He
and ‘Uq‰d al-jum¥n (Strings rarely missed night prayers and
of pearl) of Imam al-Suy‰~Ï, was well known by the angels
Al-Jawhar al-makn‰n (Hidden of the night for his nocturnal
treasure) of Imam al-Akh\arÏ, devotions. He consistently offered
and the versified text Al-Naq¥bah at the premeridian morning time
(Leadership) of al-Ghal¥wÏ. Aligned with the Sunnah in everything,
the prayer of glorification (|al¥t
Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l smiled often.
al-tasbÏ^) and was noted for his
In prophetic biography, he
constant remembrance of God. Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l was a
taught such texts as Qurrat al-
ab|¥r (The eyes’ delight) of beautiful host with an infectious
Many of those who studied
Imam al-Lam~Ï and Al-Ghazaw¥t smile and a brilliant countenance
with Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l felt an
(The military expeditions) that one gazed upon with delight,
emanating spiritual presence that
and which shone through in
the marvelous photographs other individuals were with We turned right and walked for
by the percipient chronicler me: my mentor and teacher, several minutes until we came
of the saints and scholars of Shaykh Kha~rÏ b. Buwayba, and upon some shepherds from the
Islam, Peter Sanders. Mur¥bi~ my brothers, Shaykh Ibrahim Mass‰ma clan. They seemed
A^mad F¥l contentedly lived Osi-Efa and Abd al-Rahim from overjoyed to welcome us as guests
an austere existence in a simple Liverpool—the latter two were on and demanded we stay the night.
house made of mud, next to a their way to study with Mur¥bi~ They slaughtered some goats and
mosque wherein he led the five al-±¥jj. God is my witness to the prepared our meal, and then
daily prayers. Despite suffering truth of this incident. gave us repose for the night in
greatly from kidney disease their tent. With a howling and
The four of us were traveling
due to years of drinking water wet gale blowing, the tent began
in a jeep to visit Mur¥bi~ al-±¥jj
contaminated with high levels of to sway precariously, so one of
(may God sanctify his soul) and
grit, he endured the pain without the shepherds stood in the midst
stopped on our way at ‘Ayn al-
complaint. I know this due to of us and held the center pole
Khashbah to see Mur¥bi~ A^mad
a consultation I had with him that supported the tent as we all
F¥l. We had a meal and spoke
about his malady and his constant fell into a well-earned sleep. We
with him, and as we departed, he
insistence that he was not arose at dawn astonished to find
said something to us with some
complaining and only explaining the shepherd still standing and
certainty about what we might
the symptoms. Some generous supporting the tent. After our
encounter at a midpoint in our
Western Muslims contributed dawn prayer, we were treated to
journey: “When you reach I|bir,
to funding a drilling project. a light breakfast and tea, after
you may need some help. If so,
With the money, we attempted which our hosts walked with us to
turn right and walk straight for
three times to drill a well in ‘Ayn the jeep and helped us dislodge
some time; keep walking and
al-Khashbah to provide a more it from the mud, and soon we
you’ll come upon those who will
potable source of water, but due were on our way. As foretold by
help you.”
to the extremely rocky nature Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l, we needed
of the area he lived in, all of A hard rain began to fall as help, and indeed we found the
the attempts to find pure water we drove toward Mur¥bi~ al- compassionate souls who helped
failed. ±¥jj’s school, and our jeep us.

U suddenly became mired in the

mud. We looked around, and
directly in front of us, in the
middle of the Saharan desert,
was a small white sign with bold
black letters that spelled I|bir,
which means “Be patient.” We
tried unsuccessfully to free the
Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l receiving guests
A tent in L^sÏrah near Tuwaymerat jeep from the mud, and then
Shaykh Kha~rÏ exclaimed, “This U
I will relate a miracle, not the is a kashf (unveiling) of Mur¥bi~
only one, that I witnessed, as A^mad F¥l. We need to follow Many among our community
it speaks to Mur¥bi~ A^mad his instructions.” And so we did. of believers are unaware of
F¥l’s spiritual sublimity. Three the vast loss we incur when we
lose such learned and spiritual Imam ‘AlÏ  reportedly said, dearth of scholars who can close
masters as Mur¥bi~ A^mad َ ْ َ ُ ُ َ َ َ َ these breaches at the “frontiers
ِ ‫«إِذا مــــــات العالِــــــم ث ِلــــــم ِف‬
F¥l. They are the guardians of ٌ َ َ َّ َ ُّ َ ٌ ُْ of our faith.” Lest we forget,
ُ ْ
sacred knowledge. Their level .»‫ثل َمــــــة ل ي َ ُســــــدها ِإل خلــــــف ِمنــــــه‬ these are people who spent
of scholarship, let alone their When a scholar dies, a breach emerges their entire lives in the pursuit,
devotional commitment, can at the frontiers of faith that can be preservation, and transmission
hardly be imagined by most of secured only by a righteous inheritor of of the legacy of our beloved
our contemporary academics. his legacy. Prophet , his companions,
The sheer number of subjects and those who followed them
mastered across disciplines, and And perhaps one of the most with excellence. We sorely need
the facility and ease with which troubling predictions our beloved men and women who will take it
such scholars teach them, can Prophet  was reported to upon themselves to become the
rarely be found today. have made is found in Imam al- guardians, people of the lights
Bukh¥rÏ’s collection: of learning and the nights of
The Qur’an rhetorically asks us,
‫ قــال‬،‫حدثنــا إســماعيل بــن أبــي أويــس‬ yearning. Those of us who have
“Are they equal, those who know
،‫ عــن هشــام بــن عــروة‬،‫حدثنــي مالــك‬ studied with such masters know,
and those who do not?” (39:9).
without false modesty, that we are
Mauritanians appropriately refer ‫ عــن عبــد اهلل بــن عمــرو‬،‫عــن أبيــه‬
not scholars but simply students
to their scholars as al-mur¥bi~‰n ‫ قــال ســمعت رســول اهلل‬،‫بــن العــاص‬ of knowledge of varying degrees
(the border patrol) because َ َ َّ
‫اهلل ل‬ ‫ «إِن‬:‫صلــى اهلل عليــه وســلم يقــول‬ of understanding. These masters
they guard the most important َ ُ ُ ََْ ً َ ْ َ ْ
َ ‫ـه ِمـ‬ ُ َْ of our tradition remain the true
borders from foreign invasion— ‫ـن ال ِعبــا ِد‬ ‫تعـ‬
ِ ‫ـزاع ين‬ ِ ‫يق ِبــض ال ِعلــم انـ‬
َُ َْ َ ْ ُ َْ ْ ََ scholars, the inheritors of the
the borders of our hearts and ‫العل َمــا ِء‬ ‫ــض‬
ِ ‫كــن يق ِبــض ال ِعلــم بِقب‬ ِ ‫ول‬ prophets, whom we are required
َ َ َّ ْ‫ــم ُيب‬ْ َ ‫ــى إ َذا ل‬
minds from the invasion of ‫ــاس‬ُ ‫انل‬ َّ ‫ــذ‬ ‫ــق َعل ِ ًمــا ِات‬
ِ ِ
َّ ‫َح‬
to honor. In speaking ill of them
dangerous newfangled ideas َ
ْ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ ُ ُ َ ً َّ ُ ً ُُ
and innovations that threaten
ٍ ‫ــر ِعل‬
‫ــم‬ ِ ‫رءوســا جه َــال فســئِلوا فأفتــوا بِغ‬ or belittling them, we jeopardize
ُّ ُّ َ
)‫ (صحيــح البخــاري‬.»‫ف َضلــوا َوأ َضلــوا‬ our faith. As the poet warned:
the spiritual well-being of our ٌَ
‫ة‬ ‫ـــــــوم‬ ُ ‫ــــــوم أَ ْهــــــل العلْــــــم َم ْس‬
‫ـم‬ ُ ُ
community. God will not remove knowledge ِ ِ ِ
ْ َ َ ُ َ ْ َُ ْ ََ
suddenly by ripping it away from ‫سيــــــع الهــــــاك‬ ِ ‫يهــــــم‬ِ ‫ومــــــن يعا ِد‬
False doctrines, dangerous ideas,
people. Rather, it is removed as a result The flesh of scholars is poisonous, and
and nihilistic inroads into our
of the death of those who possess it until those who oppose are quick to perish.
faith, often espousing violence,
no scholars remain, at which point,
ْ ً ْ َْ ْ ُ َ
‫ــــم َع ْونــــا َوإِن‬
have produced a type of demonic
people will take ignoramuses as their ِ ‫ــــل ال ِعل‬
ِ ‫ه‬‫فكــــن ِل‬
possession among those infected ْ ََ ْ ُ َ َْ
by them, whereby the ideas take
leaders. These ignorant leaders will ‫ــــم يَ ْو ًمــــا فخــــذ َمــــا أتــــاك‬
ْ ‫َعديتَ ُه‬
then be asked for guidance, and they
hold of those not protected Be a support for those of knowledge,
will in turn give responses (fat¥w¥).
by the guardians of the mind but should you oppose, you must take
Thus, being misled themselves, they
through mentorship and study. what comes.
will mislead their followers.
Without these guardians among
I feel profoundly fortunate to
us, many people fall victim to Unfortunately, we are losing the
have met such people, let alone
such ideologies and pathologies, guides, the many masters of our
studied with them. I was blessed
and they in turn become the tradition, such as Mur¥bi~ A^mad
to have read at least one text in
victimizers of others. F¥l, and there is currently a tragic
hadith terminology with Mur¥bi~
A^mad F¥l, but I studied several Such men are too often appreci- ‫ــال‬ َ ُ ْ َ ُ َّ َّ َ َ ُ ْ َ َ
ٍ ‫لـعـمـــرك مــا الـر ِزيـــة فـقـــد م‬
َ ُ ُ َ‫ـــــــر ٌس ت‬ َ ََ
‫ــمـــــــوت َول بَ ِـ‬
texts with his son, the notable ated only after they are gone. As ُ َ
‫عــيـــــــر‬ ‫ول ف‬
scholar and worshipful servant Fakhr al-DÏn al-R¥zÏ so aptly said:
ُ َ ‫ــــر ُء َمــــا َد‬
Mur¥bi~ ‘Abd All¥h b. A^madna, ‫ام َح ًّيــــا ي ُ ْســــتَ َهان بِــــ ِه‬ ْ ‫الم‬ َ Calamity is not loss of wealth or the
who lived with me for some time death of a mare or a dromedary.
ُ ‫ــــن يُفتَ َق‬
‫ــــد‬ َ ‫الــــر ْز ُء ِفيــــ ِه ِح‬
ُّ ُ ‫عظ‬
ُ ََ
ْ َ‫ــــــــد ق‬
ُ ْ َ َ َ
‫الـر ِز َّيــــــــة فــق‬ َّ
َّ ‫ـــــــن‬ ِ ‫َولـ‬
in California and taught several
ٍ‫ــــــرم‬ ‫ك‬
students in the San Francisco Bay َ ٌ ْ َ ُ
As long as a man is alive, he is taken ُ
‫ـــــــق كـ ِثـيـــــــر‬ ْ ‫ـم‬
‫ـوتِـــــــ ِه ـخل‬ َ ‫ـــــــوت ب‬ ُ َ‫ي‬
Area, so I feel a deep connection for granted. The calamity of his loss ِ
to both the father and the son. redoubles only when he is sought after. Rather, the real calamity is the death
Two of Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l’s of a nobleman, who when he dies,
sons are learned scholars in their I was once sitting with Mur¥bi~ multitudes die with him.
own right, and both of them are A^mad F¥l, and we began to
carrying on the tradition of their speak of our mutual teacher, The last time I saw Mur¥bi~
father, Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l, and Mur¥bi~ al-±¥jj, who was still A^mad F¥l, as I was leaving, he
his teacher Mur¥bi~ al-±¥jj. alive at the time. He mentioned took my hand and said,
how the greats are often not truly ُ
ُ ُ ُ َ ْ
‫ــــــر تبْلــــــغ َمــــــا ت ِر‬ َّ ‫أَ َل ب‬
I have deeply etched memories ِ ِ
appreciated until they are gone. َ
ُ‫ــــــك احلَديــــــد‬ َ ُ َ َ ْ َّ َ
of the short time I studied with ِ ‫وبِاتلقــــــوى ي ِلــــــن ل‬
Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l then said,
Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l and the “We are fortunate to have him Isn’t it that patience will enable you to
several times I was blessed to because such masters are the achieve all you desire? And with piety,
visit him. He left a profound inheritors of the Prophets,” and even wrought iron will bend for you.
impression on all of those who then recited these lines:
knew him and studied with him.

The above supplication was written by Mur¥bi~ A^mad F¥l in his own hand for a
Western student who requested a comprehensive supplication from him. It reads as follows:
َ َ َ ُ َ ْ َ َّ
َّ ‫ك َعفيَ َة‬
‫اريْ ِن َم َع ِكفايَ ِة ه َّميْ ِه َما‬
َ ‫ادل‬
ِ ‫امهلل إنا نسأل‬
O Allah, we ask you for well-being in both abodes coupled with freedom from their concerns.

Many thanks to Peter Sanders for providing most of the photos.

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