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Math GU4061: Introduction to Modern Analysis I

Fall 2018

Instructor: Alexis Drouot,

TAs: Yier Lin, (graduate). Help room hours: 1-4 on Tuesdays.
Zixiang (Josh) Zhou, Help room hours: 9-11 on Fridays.

Prerequisites: Calculus IV and Linear Algebra. Please contact me if you are not sure that you have the background.

Textbook: Principles of Mathematical Analysis, 3rd edition, W. Rudin (PMA below). This textbook is available online.

Lecture: Mondays and Wednesday, 10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building.

Office hours: Mondays 4-6 in Mathematics Building 716. Office hours start on 09/17.

Help room: You can get help from any TA in 406 Mathematics Building. Schedule.

Topics: Real numbers, metric spaces, elements of general topology. Continuous and differential functions. Implicit
functions. Integration; change of variables. Function spaces and applications.

There will be two 75-minute in-class midterms and a final:
Midterm 1: 10/08, 10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building. Counts for 20%.
Midterm 2: 11/14, 10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building. Counts for 20%.
Final: 12/19, 9:00-12:00, 520 Math Building. Counts for 40%.
Make-up midterms will be given only under exceptional circumstances; a note from a doctor and from the dean will be
required. In case of scheduling conflict due to another midterm at the same time, contact me during the first week of class.
Examinations will not be rescheduled because of travel arrangements. Electronic devices during exams are not allowed.

Due each Wednesday at 10:10am. Late homework are not accepted; the two lowest homework scores will be dropped.
Homework can be turned in either the appropriate box outside room 417; or at the beginning of the class on Wednesdays.
Collaboration and discussion with your classmates are encouraged, but you must write up your final answers by yourself.
You can pick up your homework next to room 520 in the Mathematics Builing. Your homework grades count for 20%.

Tentative schedule

Date / Place Topics Reading and homework

09/05 The field of rational numbers. Ordered sets. Upper and

PMA: 1, Introduction; Ordered sets.
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building lower bounds. Infimum and supremum.

09/10 The fields of real numbers. Archimedan property. square

PMA: 1, The real field.
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building root. No office hours.

09/12 Squareroot continued. PMA: 1, The real field. 2, Finite,

10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building Countable sets. countable and uncountable sets.

09/17 Countable sets continued. Metric spaces. Open and PMA: 2, Finite, countable and
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building closed sets. First office hours. uncountable sets; Metric spaces.
09/19 HW1 due. PMA: 2, Metric spaces;
Bounded sets. Compacity.
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building Compact sets.

Compacity continued. Connexity. PMA: 2, Compact sets; Connected sets.
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building

09/26 PMA: 3, Convergent sequences. HW2

Sequences, convergence, operations on limits.
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building due.

10/01 PMA: 3, Subsequences; Cauchy

Monotonic seqences. Subsequences, Cauchy sequences.
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building sequences.

10/03 Practice midterm. Solutions. HW3 due.

10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building Additional problems. Solutions. Review session

Midterm 1. Solutions.
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building Office hours 10/9, 10-12, 716 Math. Exam/drop
LAST DAY TO DROP IS 10/09 questions only.

10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building Office hours 10/9, 10-12, 716 Math. Exam/drop PMA: 3, Series; Series of nonnegative
LAST DAY TO DROP WAS questions only. Series. Convergence tests. terms; Summation by parts.

PMA: 4, Limits of functions; Continuous

Continuous functions and compactness. functions. Continuous functions and
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building

PMA: 4, Continuous functions and

Continuous functions and topology. compactness. Continuity and
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building
conectedness. No HW due.

10/22 PMA: 4, Monotonic functions. Inifnite

Monotonic functions. Infinite limits.
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building limits and limits at infinity.

10/24 HW4 due. PMA: 5, The derivative of a

10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building real function. Mean value theorems.

PMA: 5, The continuity of derivatives.

Differenciation. L'Hospital 's rule. Derivatives of higher
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building

10/31 HW5 due. PMA, 6: Definition and

Defintion of Riemann integral.
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building existence of the integral.

Academic Holiday
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building

HW6 due. PMA: 6, Definition and

Properies of integrals. existence of the integral; Property of the
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building

Practice midterm.
11/12 Additional practice problems. Review session
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building Solutions.
11/14 Midterm 2. Solutions.
Midterm 2.
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building Statistics.

11/19 Properties of integrals. PMA: 6, Property of the integral;

10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building Integration and differenciation. Integration and differenciation.

Academic Holiday
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building

11/26 Integration and differenciation continued. PMA: 6, Integration and differenciation;

10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building Riemann-Stieltjes integrals. Rectificable curves.

HW7 due. PMA: 7, Uniform

Uniform convergence. convergence; Uniform convergence and
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building

PMA: 7, Uniform convergence and

Uniform convergence. integration; Uniform convergence and
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building

12/05 HW8 due. PMA: 7, Equicontinuous

Arzela-Ascoli theorem.
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building families of functions.

12/10 PMA: 7, Equicontinuous families of

Arzela-Ascoli theorem.
10:10-11:25, 520 Math Building functions.

Practice final and solutions.

12/12 Additional problems.
HW9 due.
9:00-12:00, 312 Math Building Final Review session.
Note change in place.

Final Exam
9:00-12:00, 520 Math Building

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