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Florida Power and Light

Happiness at Work Training Program



Training Needs Analysis…………………………………………………………………4

Training Design…………………………………………………………………………...9

Training Objectives………………………………………………………………………12

Training Methods………………………………………………………………………...13

Training Development…………………………………………………………………...14

Training Evaluation……………………………………………………………………...17

Appendix I……………………………………………………………………………….18



This training program is designed for our customer care representatives at Florida Power
and Light (FPL). It is focused on keeping our customer care representatives happy and
motivated while at work. This training is designed to teach our new representatives tips
and coping mechanisms, due to the every day stresses that representatives must deal with
when handling over 100 calls daily. This training program will be incorporated during the
on-boarding process in order for representatives to take this knowledge from when they
take their very first call. Employees will be able to utilize these skills while answering
calls, which will result in a more positive attitude, a better tone, and an overall better
experience for the representatives and customers. The objectives of this training include
learning how to breathe, creating happy rituals, setting goals, and other tips on how you
could truly become happier while at work. This training will be implemented across all
customer care centers including West Palm, Miami, and the call center in El Paso, Texas.
By implementing this training with new hires as well as existing representatives it will
increase satisfaction with the customers and representatives. For Florida Power and Light
to incorporate this training program would be highly effective in making the employees
aware that they do care about their well being and happiness. This may also be helpful in
retaining good employees who may find their job much easier after this training and
learning how to cope with these stresses. The turnover rate for most call center jobs is
extremely high, this training should motivate employees to have a more positive attitude
and want to work towards higher goals to move up within the company. This training
program is essential and should be implemented within every call center to improve
customer satisfaction as well as the satisfaction of the representatives assisting them.

Florida Power and Light (FPL) is an enormous company that services more than 4.8
million customers in the state. It is extremely important that these customers receive the
best customer service so that the image of the company is not deterred. Although for
many of these customers the only option they have is to have FPL as their utility
company it is still important that they are satisfied with the service. There are still
standards from the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) about certain guidelines
the company must follow and how they must treat their customers. With increased
representative satisfaction it will result in an increase in employee satisfaction as well.
The representatives are the voice of the company and its important that they portray the
company in a respectable and friendly manner. This training will help productivity as
well as customer satisfaction and lead to a healthier working environment as well.

Utility of Training
This training will be utilized to ensure the FPL continues to have representatives who are
happy to go to work and help customers. This will only help the image of the company
because they will able to create a much healthier work environment, which will result in
better employees. Not only will this help new hires understand the principles and
importance of great customer service but they will be able to deliver it effectively by
focusing on maintaining a positive attitude. This training will be implemented with

current representatives as well and will be reinforced annually. This will be done
annually to emphasize the significance of continuing to be happy at work and how this
will reinforce their commitment to excellent customer service.

This training program will be able to support the company’s commitment to excellent
customer service and will make employees truly willing to help. Once the employees
become happier at work it will become a domino effect. There will then be happier
employees, which lead to a happier tone on the calls, and finally increased customer
satisfaction. Each month, the quality assurance team will randomly select four calls to
grade and based on different points such as genuine care and concern, tone, mood, etc.
The company will then incorporate these quality scores and tie them to the “Pay for
Performance” incentives. This will be a monetary reward of up to $350 that will be
rewarded if an employee receives perfect scores on these calls that are graded by quality
assurance. By tying this into the happiness at work training this will lead employees to
become motivated and be rewarded for being happy on the phones and at the workplace.

Effect on the Organization

Implementing this training within the organization will continue to make the
organization, its workforce, and its customers grow. This training program will
implement happiness within the organization as a whole. It’s important that the
representatives know how important their attitudes are and how they affect the customers
and the organization. The organization will link this with incentives to motivate the
employees to utilize these happiness tips and encourage them to link this great customer
service. It’s important that the representatives understand that they are the voice of the
organization and must carry the company’s values within each and every call.



History & Strategy

Florida Power and Light (FPL) history ties into the pride the company takes within their
employees and why they choose to invest in their happiness. Florida Power and Light
used to actually be called “Pioneers of Power” and was established in 1925. Although,
the company has may successes today, it still went through many challenges during its
formation. With the rapid increase of the population in Florida, residents were in need of
a dependable electric company. FPL provides power to over 4.8 million customers and
takes pride in their reliability of service and continuing to advance their technology to
provide the best service. They emphasize having the lowest rates across the nation while
still being reliable and responsive to all their customers. They not only provide power to
residential homes but thousands of businesses as well. FPL also invests in wind and solar
energy and is trying to move forward with new advancements in cleaner energy.

FPL Mission Statement and “Corporate Values” (“Florida Power and Light |
Corporate Values”, n.d.)

We Are Committed to Excellence
By establishing high standards of quality, driving continuous improvement, making fact-
based decisions, working safely and holding ourselves accountable, we cultivate the
expertise and passion to deliver the best for our shareholders, customers, employees and
We Do the Right Thing
By acting with integrity and humility in everything we do, living up to our commitments
and being forthright and honest in our communications, we create an environment of
openness and trust.
We Treat People With Respect
By leading respectfully, promoting teamwork, building a diverse and inclusive team, and
investing in development, we strengthen and engage our greatest asset – our people.

FPL’s focus is geared toward its employees as well as their customers. Since customer
care is the face of FPL to the customers it is of the upmost importance that they recruit
the best talent and retain it. To retain great representatives FPL implements this training
to emphasize the importance of their employees being happy at work. By implementing
this training plan with current employees and with new hires during their onboarding
process they will become aware of their value to the organization. It’s extremely
important that they follow up with their employees and continue to implement this
philosophy within them and the organization as a whole. In order to encourage employees
to be happier at work and on the phones with customers they will be rewarded and could
win up to $350 if their randomly selected call has a passing score. These calls will be
graded on a number of indicators such as tone, mood, process completion, and whether or
not the customer was satisfied. This will motivate employees to want to implement
happiness at work since they will be rewarded both monetarily and by recognizing them
on the “Pay for Performance” board.

Barriers in the Internal Environment:

• Scheduling representatives: Every representative has a different schedule as well
as the trainers who provide the training to them. It could be challenging to
schedule the representatives for the training to accommodate while they are
already there. The production team will be responsible for when is the best time to
schedule the representatives.
• Business Need: In many instances meetings and trainings are canceled because
the call volume is high and the representatives have to get back on the phones to
take the calls. The production team is also responsible for evaluating the business
need and letting representatives know if they could stay at the meeting.
• Entry-level jobs: Since being a customer service representative is an entry-level
job for many people the turnover rate is extremely high. To prevent this FPL hires
classes of at least 20 representatives. However, this does not leave much time for
employees to engage with the training program and still support the business

• Lack of motivation: Many employees have so many other trainings that the care
center requires. This may lead to them feeling unmotivated to engage in the
training program.

Expected Performance
Supervisors within the care center should be incorporating happiness at work at all times.
They should be praising representatives when they notice that they are being polite and in
a good mood to speak with customers. It’s important that supervisors also realize the
importance of keeping their representatives happy because they are all aware of the
hardships that customer service representative’s face on a day-to-day basis.

Actual Performance
Although there is a lot of effort and time put into these trainings, it is always secondary to
the business needs. If there is a high call volume, trainings and meetings are immediately
canceled and the representatives must take the calls. Very rarely does it happen that the
representatives resume the training and call volume usually continues to escalate. Now
that trainings are interrupted it is not as effective and representatives become upset
because it was canceled due to high call volume.

Performance Discrepancies
Due to the constant interruptions with the trainings due to the business need it becomes
increasingly frustrating for representatives and the trainers. Although it is important that
the calls are handled in a timely manner this disrupts the attitude representatives have
going into training. As a result, these representatives are continuously being scheduled
for trainings that are continuously being canceled.


This training is offered to new hires during their onboarding process as well as existing
employees. Each employee who attends the training will be given multiple pamphlets and
packets and posters with different tips on how to remain positive in a stressful situation.
The pamphlets specifically will include data from other companies that have had a
happiness training implemented and the successes each organization had. Packets will
include copies of any slideshows that would have been presented by the lecturer in the
initial training. Lastly, the posters will incorporate motivational quotes and tips that the
representatives will be able to hang on their cubicles to keep the ideas in their mind when
they are feeling unmotivated. The idea behind presenting the representatives with posters
that they are able to take with them is that this idea is always carried with them and every
time they look at it while they are on calls they will find motivation. For the monthly
trainings the trainer will also still provide handouts and posters apart from the rewards.
Employees may find happiness in attending the training and look forward to learning new
ways on how they could incorporate happiness. Many employees may enjoy being able to
take the poster with them and constantly having a daily reminder while they are at their
desk. The training is meant to be somewhat informal so that the employees feel
comfortable enough to discuss what would truly make them happy at work. Once
employees feel more comfortable it should become a more collaborative environment.

Expected Performance
Trainers are expected to train the new hires and current employees at their respective care
centers. These trainers are expected to explain to the employees the benefits and
advantages of implementing happiness at work and in their lives in general. These
benefits will also include the importance of how it will increase customer satisfaction and
in turn lead to a happier and better working environment. Since these trainers are
demonstrating happiness they should be role models for the representatives and show
them how adopting happiness has made their jobs easier as well.

Actual Performance
When new hires are fully trained they may be required to support the call center while
they are still finishing the rest of their trainings. Trainings such as this one may be
canceled due to high call volume. This prevents the employees from receiving many
useful trainings and the call volume often becomes a greater priority. As a result, the
employees may not receive the necessary happiness training and may find difficulty in
coping with the stresses of handling customers back to back. This could definitely impact
the standards that the company has for their representatives and the tone that they should
have on the calls.

Performance Discrepancies
Unfortunately the trainers may not be able to properly train the new hires due to call
volume. Many trainers are excited to train employees on the tips that employees can use
to maintain a positive mood on calls. This only results in a better customer care center
and more satisfied customers. Unfortunately many employees that need this training may
not receive it during peak times since training is usually done during the summer.


Being a customer service representative is representing FPL to all of its customers. By

hearing random calls from different representatives and assuring them that each call will
be graded to identify mood this should encourage happiness at work.

These skills and behaviors are significant in becoming a great customer service

• Politeness: Treating each and every customer with respect.

• Positive mood: Demonstrating happiness within the call and your willingness to
• Knowledgeable: Knowing each and every process correctly and addressing them
• Listening: Demonstrating listening skills with the customer and addressing every
concern they may have.
• Communication: Being able to communicate in an effective and productive
• Consistent: Being able to demonstrate consistency within the mood of the calls
and understanding how important it is to be happy at work.

• Productivity: Being able to work in an environment that is extremely fast paced.
With over 4.8 million customers the calls are always flooding in.

Expected Performance
Employees will understand the significance of being happy at work and will adopt this
philosophy on their calls as well and will lead to higher customer satisfaction. Employees
will be excited to learn new tips on how to control their stress while at work.

Actual Performance
A customer service representative job in itself is an entry-level job; employees are hired
in classes of 20 or more. Since many of these employees will leave soon and the turnover
is so high this will result in employees not directly applying this philosophy, as they
should. Also, many of these employees may feel extremely discouraged since these
meetings get canceled very often.

Performance Discrepancies
There is not only a lack of commitment but a lack of motivation within the job of a
customer service representative. The turnover rate for these positions is always so high
and so many of the employees simply do it for a paycheck. So many employees will find
it difficult to find happiness while dealing with irate customers all day long so they
simply quit. The “Pay for Performance” program gives a monetary incentive for
employees to stay but also the fact that so much of the upper management team began in
customer care. Many employees find comfort in knowing that there is room for growth
and may find more motivation to stay.


Summary of Performance Discrepancies

• Employees must understand their importance to the organization as a whole by
adopting the happiness philosophy into their work.
• Supervisors must be accommodated to be able to remove the representatives from
the phones and allow them to attend the training regardless of call volume. If the
training is continuously interrupted it will lead to a much more frustrating
experience for the employees.
• Since becoming a customer service representative is an entry-level job it could be
extremely difficult to retain these employees. The turnover rate for call center
jobs is extremely high and employees need to understand the opportunities they
may gain from staying at the organization.

What can be addressed through training?

• Tips and ways on how to implement happiness at the workplace and on calls.
• Understanding the correct mood you should have on calls.
• Identifying ways to be attentive and listen to the customer while still being polite.
• Understanding the importance of being a customer service representative to the
organization as a whole.

• Being aware of the importance of being professional and maintaining a positive
mood on the calls.
• Addressing the customer with a willingness to help them and solve their concerns.
• Understanding the most effective ways to maintain a positive attitude in a fast
paced environment.
• Reward incentive programs such as “Pay for Performance” and quarterly
recognition events to continue to keep employees motivated.

What cannot be addressed through training?

• The call volume.
• Employee’s personal issues that may cause a lack of focus during training.
• Unexpected attitude of customers who call.
• Employee’s with unwillingness to help customers.
• Having natural people skills.


Training Methods
The most difficult obstacle for many new customer service representatives seems to be
dealing with the stress of back-to-back calls and customers. Becoming a customer service
representative is an entry level job and for many this is their first job or first job having to
deal with customers on a daily basis. It could also be quite overwhelming and redundant
after a short amount of time, which is why it is so significant to keep the employees
motivated and happy. Since this training is essentially all about the attitudes of the
representatives in general and on the phones it is important how this is taught. This can
be done by providing information to the employees that contradict any negative attitudes.
The training won’t necessarily focus on completely changing attitudes but provide them
new knowledge that they will want to apply (Blanchard, 2012, p.156). Its is essential for
these new and existing employees to feel as if adopting this paradigm into their daily
work lives will allow for less stress because that is the ultimate goal.

Time Allocation
New Hires: 2 hours
Existing Employees: 2 hours for the first session and monthly one-hour meetings

New Hires go through an extensive eight-week training that consists of 7-hour days, 5
days a week. Throughout this training is when this two-hour of the happiness training
will be incorporated and more than likely towards the end. They will be taking calls
throughout the entire last week of the training so they will incorporate the training during
this time. For existing employees it will be scheduled based on times of he lowest call
volume for the initial two-hour training. Following the initial two-hour training there will
be monthly one-hour meetings to motivate employees to continue adopting this new
behavior into their everyday tasks. These meetings are extremely important in keeping
employee morale high and employees who participate will be rewarded with extra 15-
minute breaks.

How will the training be administered?

Training Modules Method Objectives

1 Defining Happiness • Introduction by Customer Help employees
• Positive Attitudes Care Manager understand why
• Positive Tone • Videos incorporating
• Incorporating happiness at work • Handouts of the happiness at the
and home importance of happiness workplace and in
their lives is so
2 Call Calibration • Listening of Positive Employees see
• Hearing Positive Attitudes toned calls how happiness at
• Hearing Positive Tone • Listening of Negative work can
• Hearing calls with a negative toned calls positively affect
attitude • Round table discussion to the interaction
• Comparing calls compare and contrast with the customers
and make the calls
so much easier to
3 Positive Effects • Understanding the cycle Employees have a
• Happy life of adopting a happier deeper
• Happy workplace lifestyle understanding of
• More productivity • Data from other why and how they
• Happy customers business’ incorporating should incorporate
happiness happiness into
• Positive effects on their work. Seeing
productivity how successful it
is should motivate
them to want to
incorporate it as
4 Continuation of training • Explaining the agendas at Developing
• Monthly Meetings monthly meetings employee’s
• Continuing to create new ideas that • Round table discussions happiness and
will help incorporate happiness at on improvements for continuing to
the workplace incorporating happiness implement it both
at work and in
their personal
lives. Also,
helping the
incorporate new
ideas to make
improve it.

This training will be done at the employees’ respective customer care center in which
they primarily work out of. The training will be the same for all customer service
representatives for that initial training. However, each of the monthly trainings will be
different based on the discussion that the group has and how they are able to improve
methods of incorporating happiness. The training environment will be in a classroom
setting just like the new hire training is. Each class will have one trainer that will lecture
the importance of happiness at the beginning and will conduct the round table discussion.
These round table discussions will allow employees to bring up any thoughts or
comments they may have and will allow for continued improvement. In order to
encourage employees to participate in the round table discussions they could be awarded
one extra 15-minute break.

Number of Trainees
These classes could be of up to 20 representatives and the training for this will be exactly
the same with about 20 or more representatives. The training will be conducted by only
one trainer who will first lecture about the importance of happiness and show any videos
or material that supports this idea. This same trainer will also be the conductor of the
round table discussion and will initiate the session and reward the participation. There
will only be three 15-minute breaks rewarded during the round table discussion and based
on participation the trainer will determine the winners. It is important that employees feel
motivated to participate in these round table discussions so that they could contribute new
ideas and continue to adopt the philosophy into their daily work and personal lives. It’s
important that the class sizes are 20 or more so that the round table discussions can be
collaborative and could help employees learn more from their peers. With a round table
discussion environment it will be good for employees to speak and learn about how their
peers cope with stress as well. The meetings will try to be scheduled with different peers
so that the employees can get to know more of their coworkers also.

Voluntary or Mandatory Training

This training will be mandatory and will be incorporated to the onboarding process for
new hires. The following monthly meetings will be mandatory as well and will be
incorporated into their schedules. The hourly monthly meetings will be scheduled
according to call volume and staffing needs.

Training Site
The training will be in a classroom setting and will be held at the customer care center
that the representatives primarily work out of. However, depending on call volume and
current staffing needs the monthly meetings may be rescheduled but will be planned to
avoid this from happening. It is important for these monthly meetings to happen so each
and every employee interacts with their coworkers in a different setting and is able to
learn new ideas of happiness and what it means to others. The first 30 minutes will be a
lecture and will incorporate any new ideas that the trainer will want the representatives to
learn. While the remaining 30 minutes will be the round table discussion where the extra
15-minute breaks will be rewarded based on participation. It is important that the trainer
makes the employees feel comfortable so that they are able to be open with their thoughts
during the round table discussion.


Training Objectives Description

Trainee Reaction Objectives Positive attitude on the job and at home, implementing happiness to
improve customer service skills and satisfaction.
Learning Objectives Achieve a positive attitude and mindset while speaking with
customers to demonstrate effective listening and better customer
service skills.
Transfer of Training Customer service representatives demonstrate happiness in their tone
Objectives on calls, and genuine care and concern.
Organizational Objectives Increase in customer satisfaction, employee morale, and customer
service skills.

Trainee Reaction Objectives

• Build up employee morale and happiness to be able to demonstrate effective
listening skills with customers and better customer service skills.
• Demonstrate a friendly tone and a willingness to help.
• Find the happiness in mundane and repetitive daily activities.
• Express happiness on the phones and in their daily lives.

Learning Objectives
• Representatives will demonstrate better tone and mood on their calls.
• Representatives demonstrate better customer service skills, and a willingness to
help. This means active listening with each customer to ensure that the
representatives handle each of their needs.
• Understanding how the representative’s mood can positively affect the workplace
and the interaction with the customers.
• Representatives should understand their importance as being the voice of the
company and their significance to the organization as a whole.
• Representatives should have a commitment to not only themselves but to their
lifestyle and adopt happiness everywhere to help them.

Transfer of Training Objectives

• Representatives will be able to successfully apply happiness in the workplace and
in their lives.
• Representatives will display an improved mood and tone while assisting customer
on their calls.
• Representatives will provide excellent customer service skills by being
knowledgeable with each process and implementing happiness on the calls.
• Representatives will be able to apply these skills in the workplace simply by
taking the calls and incorporating the tips learned throughout the trainings.

Organizational Objectives
• Employee retention and positive employee feedback.

• Customer satisfaction and positive customer feedback.
• This training will lead to an increase in employee’s commitment to the company
and their happiness while at work.


Training Methods Used

The objective of this training is to teach representatives tips to be able to incorporate
happiness on the job and at home. The trainer will use different methods to execute each
of the modules effectively. This will be done to keep the employees engaged and so that
they are able to tie back the training into their daily lives and at work.

Each module will begin with the trainer giving a lecture of
the significance of happiness in the workplace and at
home. The monthly training sessions will also begin with
a lecture however each month will be something different.
It could be current events that discuss happiness to
statistics of other companies implementing similar
trainings. Each representative will have a print out of the
objectives for each training. There may be videos that fit
with the lecture and will provide support to what the
monthly topic is.
Call Calibration
The modules will then proceed with a call calibration.
The trainer will demonstrate calls that have a positive
tone and mood and also calls with a negative one. This
is so the representatives truly see how their mood affects
the whole call and their interaction with the customer as
a whole. They will also be able to see the results from
the survey filled out by the customer after the call. The
trainer will always keep it confidential whose call it is so
that the representatives don’t feel pressured that it will
ever be them. However, this is an effective way to help
them understand the importance of implementing
happiness in the workplace.

Round Table Discussion

Each training will end with a round table discussion

including all the representatives and the trainer leading
it. This will be a time for the representatives to discuss
any concerns and for them to tell the trainer anything
that they might want to learn about in the next
training. They will also discuss what they liked about
the current training and how they have implemented at
least one thing that they have learned from previous
sessions in their daily lives. This will allow the
representatives to reinforce what they have learned.

On-the-job Training

The training will carry on to the actual job and the

representatives will be provided worksheets with tips. These
tips will include different methods such as breathing techniques
you could do on the job and meditation techniques that they
could do at home. These on-the-job trainings will be evaluated
with calls that are coached by the representative’s immediate
supervisor. They will grade the call based on the mood, tone
and the representative’s willingness to help.


The training will take place in the corresponding customer care center that the employee
usually reports out of. There are a few locations such as the Lejuene-Flagler Office, the
West Palm Beach Office, as well as another office on Flagler. There may be some
exceptions if a representative has to attend the training at a different location or if it is
more convenient for them to report to a different location then they will schedule them
appropriately. Each of these offices have a training center which is basically a classroom
environment equipped with computers, a projector, white boards, tables and office
supplies. The trainers will mainly utilize the projector to lecture and the speakers that are
in each room so that the representatives can hear the call examples. The tables will be set
up in a semi circle for this training specifically so that once the group is ready to engage
in the round table discussion they don’t have to move the tables. Before the training
begins the trainer will place a note pad and a pen at each chair in the even that the
representatives may want to write something down such as any questions, concerns or
comments. This will also encourage employees to take notes about any tips or
recommendations that any other coworkers had about techniques of coping with stress on
the job. This training will be carried out on the actual job and will have their calls graded
and will tell if they are incorporating the training in their daily jobs.

The trainers may sometimes be the representative’s immediate supervisor or a trainer
directly from the training department. These trainers should be a role model to the
representative’s and should incorporate happiness in their daily work and lives as well.
When the new hires initially get this training it is more often done with their immediate
supervisor so they could have a level of comfort with them.

• Each time the trainers have the monthly meeting they will have the projector set
up with the Power Point. The Power Point for the initial happiness at work
meeting will include the same concepts and demonstrate how effective the
training can be while the monthly meetings will always be different. However, the
Power Point will be incorporated within every training.

• The initial training session will provide each representative with a number of
worksheets with tips as well as a brochure with the information on the Power
point. This is so the representatives can always refer back to this and can have
worksheets to place at their desks to remind them about these tips.

All of these different tools come together so that each and every representative is able to
understand the material and apply it successfully at home and work. These different
mediums should also appeal to all the different learning styles and will help to facilitate
the transfer of learning to actually being on the job. There will be some employees who
may need more time and may need to read how the different techniques can help them
cope with the stress so the brochures will be effective for them to ensure they actually
learn it.


How will the training intervention be evaluated?

• The training will be evaluated through calibration of calls and the round table
discussions at the end of each monthly meeting. The trainer will lead the
calibration of calls and they will pause the call and talk about any important
points. The trainer will also lead the round table discussion as well however; the
trainer will allow the employees to engage with each other. Customer Service
Representatives will be able to engage with other representatives and discuss what
tips truly work while they are on calls. The trainer will listen to the methods that
worked and the ones that didn’t to continue to implement effective training on a
monthly basis.

Sample Scenarios:
Scenario 1: Demonstrate how to approach daily stress at the workplace.
Scenario 2: Demonstrate how to incorporate happiness to create a positive tone
on calls.

Measuring Training Effectiveness
The following quality indicators will measure the effectiveness of the training:
• Customer Feedback Surveys
• Customer Satisfaction
• Average handle time of each call
• Tone of each call graded by the quality team
• Decrease in customer callbacks
• Decrease in employee turnover rates

Measuring Transfer of Knowledge

1. Reaction: At the end of the initial and monthly meetings there will be a reaction
questionnaire for each of the representatives to fill out. This survey will provide
the trainer data as to how effective the training was, the reactions, and any points
that may make the training more effective (See Appendix I).
2. Learning: The learning of this training will be measured throughout the tone that
the representatives have on the calls. If they are incorporating these techniques
while at work they should have a better mood and tone on calls.
3. Transfer: Learning of these techniques and information will be measured by the
tone and mood on the calls. Representatives will assist each and every customer
with a willingness to help and a positive attitude. This will also be measure within
the reaction survey at the end of each meeting and will be asked when they are
using these techniques (See Appendix I).
4. Organizational: Determining whether or not organizational objectives of the
training were met will be measured by:
• % increase in employee satisfaction at work
• % decrease in employee turnover rates
• % increase in customer satisfaction survey score
• % decrease in average handle time
• % increase in quality scores amongst all representatives.


“Happiness at Work” Training Evaluation Survey

Date: ___________

Trainer: _________

Instructions: Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the statements.
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

1. The trainer was well prepared. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

2. The training objectives were [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]


3. This training will be useful in [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

my daily tasks at work.

4. Participation was encouraged. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

5. The time given for the training [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

was sufficient.

6. What did you enjoy the most about this training?

7. What feedback do you have for the trainer and the training itself?

8. What techniques do you see yourself incorporating into your daily life at work and at

9. Other comments, questions or concerns.


Blanchard, P.N. (2012). Training Design. In Effective Training: International Edition (p.
156). Pearson.

"Company Profile." FPL | Company Profile. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2017.

Florida Power and Light | Corporate Values. (n.d.). Retrieved April 9, 2017.

"FPL Group." Making a Fortune. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr. 2017.

Publications, Harvard Health. "Relaxation techniques: Breath control helps quell errant
stress response." Harvard Health. Harvard University, n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2017.


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