Online Library Management System.: Requirement & System Study Document (Version 1.1)

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Online Library Management System.

Requirement & System Study Document (Version 1.1)

Project: Online Library Management

Date(s): 11-03-2011
Prepared by:


Document status: Approved / Validated / Proposed.

Online Library Management Project. Requirement Document (Version 1.1) 1

1. Introduction
This document contains the system study and user requirements for Online Library
Management System. These requirements have been derived from several sources, including
Librarian of Dept. Library of MCA, students, and staffs of MCA department.

1.1 Purpose of This Document

This document is intended to guide development of Online Library Management System. It will
go through several stages during the course of the project:
1. Draft: The first version, or draft version, is compiled after requirements have been
discovered, recorded, classified, and prioritized.
2. Proposed: The draft document is then proposed as a potential requirements specification
for the project. The proposed document should be reviewed by several parties, who may
comment on any requirements and any priorities, either to agree, to disagree, or to
identify missing requirements. Readers include end-users, developers, project managers,
and any other stakeholders. The document may be amended and re-proposed several
times before moving to the next stage.
3. Validated: Once the various stakeholders have agreed to the requirements in the
document, it is considered validated.
4. Approved: The validated document is accepted by representatives of each party of
stakeholders as an appropriate statement of requirements for the project. The developers
then use the requirements document as a guide to implementation and to check the
progress of the project as it develops.

1.2 Scope of the Project

This document summarizes the system study of online library management project for Dept.
Library of MCA department. The features of this application are categorized based users, who
interact with the library frequently. Main objective of the project is automation of library and
provide efficient and quick library transactions and inventory management. Changes in society
and technology are impacting significantly on libraries and consequently on their management
systems. Library management systems have developed in response to technical advances and
user requirements, mainly in developing electronic interfaces, refining standards and access

Online Library Management Project. Requirement Document (Version 1.1) 2

2. Overview of the System
Proposed system provides an online version of library management system. System provides
users to take and return books/magazine/cd etc, reserve the books for next issue, notification
about book return date and due amount reports and catalog searching. Librarian can manage the
users, due amount and book/magazine/cd inventory and mail service to inform the users about
their return date, due amount and other information.

2.1 Existing System

The existing is fully manual driven. Librarian keeps different records about users,
books/magazines/cd. Book index is keeping in books. All transactions in recording in appropriate

 Quick Report generation is not possible.
 Tracking a book is not possible.
 Issue/return of books and due calculations are difficult.
 Reservation for books not available.
 Communication facilities to the user are not adequate.
 Catalog information is available only in library.

2.2 Proposed System

Proposed system is an online library management program, which can access from anywhere and
anytime. This provides fast transaction and due calculations, Book reservation facility, quick
Report Generation, fast communication facilities and inventory management. System also
reduces employee workload and paperwork.

System handles three type users

 Student: Normal user with limited access in the system.
 Staff: all facilities of Student + medium level access
 Librarian: Full access.

System contains two main modules

 User module (handles user operations)
 Librarian and staff module (handles librarian operations)

Online Library Management Project. Requirement Document (Version 1.1) 3

2.3 System Functions

Normal User
 Login
 Catalog searching (Based on Book ID, Book name, Author, Publisher, Category).
 Take Books/Magazine/CD.
 Due amount Report
 Report of taken books.
 Reserve books
 EBook upload/download
 See events
 See news
 Feedback

 Login
 Managing user account (Activation/Deactivation user, password reset).
 Adding new books
 Viewing/editing/deleting existing books
 Adding new members
 Viewing/editing/deleting existing members
 Issue/return of books
 Adding/viewing/deleting existing events
 Adding/viewing/deleting latest news
 Communication facilities (sms/Email)
 Penalty and Fine handling
 Reports
 Backup

2.4. Specific Requirements

This section of the document lists specific requirements for online library management.
Requirements are divided into the following sections:

1. General: light weight.

2. Reporting requirements. Various reports, exporting facilities.
3. Security Requirements: secure communication, session management, captcha, password

Online Library Management Project. Requirement Document (Version 1.1) 4

2.5 Operational Characteristics
 Performance
 Reliability, availability, recovery
 Confidentiality, security

3. High-Level Technology Architecture

 Platform: Web
 Language: PHP and other web development language.
 Web server: apache
 Database: MySQL

4. Testing
 Beta testing.
 Acceptance testing.

5. Dataflow Diagram
A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an
information system. DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data processing
(structured design). On a DFD, data items flow from an external data source or an internal
data store to an internal data store or an external data sink, via an internal process.
Symbols used in the following DFD

1. Entity

2. Entity (Duplicated)

3. Process

4. Data store

5. Data store (Duplicated)

Online Library Management Project. Requirement Document (Version 1.1) 5

Level 0 (context-level data flow diagram)

Level 1

Online Library Management Project. Requirement Document (Version 1.1) 6

Online Library Management Project. Requirement Document (Version 1.1) 7
Level 2

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Online Library Management Project. Requirement Document (Version 1.1) 9

1. Table: tbl_book

Description: Used to store book details.

Name Type Size Remarks Description

Book_ID Long Integer 4 Primary key Book Number
Book_title Text 50 Not null Title
Book_author Text 50 Not null Author
Book_coauthor Text 50 Co-author
Book_category Text 50 Not null Main category
Book_subcategory Text 50 Sub category
Book_Isbn Text 50 ISBN
Book_publisher Text 50 Not null Publisher
Book_format Text 50 Not null Format
Book_language Text 50 Not null Language
Book_barcode_no Text 50 Barcode number
Book_edition Text 50 Not null Edition
Book_pages Long Integer 4 Pages
Book_translator Text 50 Translator
Book_shelf_no Text 50 Shelf number
Book_pur_date Date/Time 8 Purchase date
Book_price Long Integer 4 Cover price
Book_web Text 50 Web site address
Book_adddate Date/Time 8 Add date
Book_email Text 50 Author e-mail
Book_keyword Text 255 Keywords
Book_summary Text 255 Summary
Book_pic_id Text 50 Cover Picture
Book_Condition Text 50 Not null Condition

2. Table: tbl_member

Description: Used to store member details.

Name Type Size Remarks Description

Mem_ID Long Integer 4 Primary key Member ID
Mem_name Text 255 Not null Member name
Mem_address Text 255 Member Address
Mem_Batch Text 255 Batch
Mem_internal_id Long Integer 4 Internal ID
Mem_phone Text 50 Not null Phone number
Mem_email Text 50 Not null e-mail
Mem_joindate Date/Time 8 Join date
Mem_type Text 255 Not null Type
Mem_password Text 255 Not null Password

Online Library Management Project. Requirement Document (Version 1.1) 10

3. Table: tbl_ comm
Description: Used to store communication details.

Name Type Size Remarks Description

Comm_ID Long Integer 4 Primary key Communication ID
Comm_mem_id Text 255 Foreign Key Member ID
Comm_Message Text 255 Not null Communication Message
Comm_Type Date/Time 8 Not null Communication Type
Comm_status Text 10 Not null Communication status

4. Table: tbl_ebook
Description: Used to store e-book details.

Name Type Size Remarks Description

Ebook_ID Long Integer 4 Primary key Ebook ID
Ebook_title Text 255 Not null Ebook Title
Ebook_category Text 255 Not null Ebook category
Ebook_tag Text 255 Ebook Tags
Ebook_uploadby Long Integer 4 Foreign Key Uploader Name
Ebook_status Text 255 Not null Ebook Status

5. Table: tbl_event
Description: Used to store event details.

Name Type Size Remarks Description

Event_ID Long Integer 4 Primary key Event ID
Event_title Text 255 Not null Event Title
Event_desc Text 255 Not null Event Description
Event_date Date/Time 8 Not null Event Date

6. Table: tbl_ feedback

Description: Used to store feedback.

Name Type Size Remarks Description

Feedback_ID Long Integer 4 Primary key Feedback ID
Feedback_memid Text 255 Foreign Key Member ID
Feedback_text Text 255 Not null Feedback information
Feedback_date Date/Time 8 Not null Feedback Date

7. Table: tbl_ news

Description: Used to store news details.

Name Type Size Remarks Description

News_ID Long Integer 4 Primary key News ID
News_title Text 255 Not null News title
News_desc Text 255 Not null News description

Online Library Management Project. Requirement Document (Version 1.1) 11

8. Table: tbl_due

Description: Used to store due details.

Name Type Size Remarks Description

Due_ID Long Integer 4 Primary key Due ID
Due_Mem_id Long Integer 4 Foreign Key Member ID
Due_book_id Long Integer 4 Foreign Key Book ID
Due_duedate Date/Time 8 Not null Date
Due_amount Double 8 Not null Amount
Due_Descrip Text 255 Description

9. Table: tbl_borrow

Description: Used to store book details.

Name Type Size Remarks Description

Borrow_ID Long Integer 4 Primary Key Borrow ID
Borrow_date Date/Time 8 Not null Borrow Date
Borrow_Mem_id Text 50 Foreign Key Member ID
Borrow_Book_id Text 50 Foreign Key Book ID
Borrow_Duedate Date/Time 8 Not null Due Date
Borrow_Status Text 50 Not null Status
Borrow_Returndate Date/Time 8 Not null Return date

10. Table: tbl_reserve

Description: Used to store book reservation details.

Name Type Size Remarks Description

Reserve_ID Long Integer 4 Primary key Reserve ID
Reserve_book_id Long Integer 4 Foreign key Book ID
Reserve_mem_id Text 255 Foreign key Member ID
Reserve_date Date/Time 8 Not null Reserve date
Reserve_status Text 255 Not null Reserve status

11. Table: tbl_config

Description: Used to store various Configuration details.

Name Type Size Remarks Description

Config_ID Long Integer 50 Primary Key Configuration ID
Config_Variable Text 50 Not null Variable name
Config_Value Text 50 Not null Value

Online Library Management Project. Requirement Document (Version 1.1) 12


Changes Change Type

Version 1.0 Enhanced Search facilities, EBook handling, sms Enhancement

communication. Penalty and fine handling, Upload facility for

Document Signoff

Nature of Signoff Person Signature Date Role

Online Library Management Project. Requirement Document (Version 1.1) 13

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