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Investigative Toxicologic Pathology

Integrated Evaluation of Central Nervous System Lesions:

Stains for Neurons, Astrocytes, and Microglia Reveal
the Spatial and Temporal Features of MK-801-induced
Neuronal Necrosis in the Rat Cerebral Cortex*

The Procter &

1 Gamble Co., Miami Valley Laboratories, Cincinnati, Ohio 45253, and
N euroscience Associates, Knoxville, Tennessee 37922


Routinely processed, hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained slides are typically used to assess the morphologic integrity of the
central nervous system in neurotoxicity safety studies. However, the value of special stains for improving neuropathologic evaluations

during the assessment of neurotoxicity has been emphasized in the neuroscience literature and by regulatory agencies. The primary
objective of the present study was to characterize the spatial and temporal changes in neurons, astrocytes, and microglia after dizocilpine
maleate (MK-801)-induced focal neuronal necrosis in the posterior cingulate/retrosplenial (PC/RS) cortex of the rat. A secondary
objective was to evaluate the application of special stains and a novel sectioning procedure for detecting neurotoxicity. Sixty adult
male Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with sterile water vehicle or 10 mg/kg MK-801 and perfused through the left ventricle (pumped
at 65 mm Hg pressure) with 10% neutral buffered formalin or 4% paraformaldehyde at 4 hr and on days 1, 3, 7, 14, and 28 after
treatment. For light microscopic evaluation, brain sections were stained with H&E, a special cupric-silver (CS) stain that selectively

impregnates degenerating neurons and makes them readily evident, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunohistochemistry for
astrocytes, and Griffonia simplicifolia isolectin B 4 (GSA) histochemistry for microglia. Brains perfusion-fixed with 4% paraformal-
dehyde were prepared for CS staining with a novel frozen-sectioning procedure for multiple embedding in a composite gelatin block.
In H&E sections from treated rats, necrotic nerve cell bodies were observed in PC/RS cortical layers 3 and 4 on days 1, 3, 7, and
14, but not on day 28. These necrotic neurons required high magnification for detection (X20 objective, X 10 ocular). In contrast,
degenerating neurons selectively stained with CS were observed in the same location as necrotic neurons seen with H&E but at low
magnification (X2 objective, X10 ocular). Cupric-silver staining showed details not seen with H&E, including dendritic and axonal
degeneration with progressive fragmentation. Beginning on day 3, GFAP immunohistochemistry revealed hypertrophic astrocytes in
a diffuse pattern throughout the region of cell body necrosis, a change that persisted throughout the study. However, GSA lectin

histochemistry identified a few reactive microglia on day 1 in a multifocal pattern throughout the region of cell body necrosis. Reactive
microglia were observed on days 3, 7, and 14, but not on day 28. Glial changes observed with H&E staining were limited to an
increase in the cellularity of glial cell nuclei in the area of neuronal necrosis. This study provides a comprehensive and integrated
view of the temporal changes occurring in neurons, astrocytes, and microglia during acute neurotoxic injury. Moreover, advantages
for using new staining and sectioning methodologies to enhance the toxicologic evaluation of the central nervous system are dem-

Keywords. Brain; cupric-silver stain; dizocilpine maleate; glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP); GFAP immunohistochemistry;
lectin histochemistry; neuropathology; neurotoxicity; risk assessment; toxicity

INTRODUCTION structural heterogeneity of the central nervous system

(CNS) and the fact that many neurotoxicants have highly
Heightened concern about the potential impact of neu- localized morphologic and/or functional effects. While
rotoxicants on human health (29, 32) has prompted re-
the vast majority of safety studies have utilized traditional
vision of guidelines for neurotoxicity testing (25, 56) and
increased the frequency of comprehensive neuropatho- sectioning, staining, and evaluation procedures, new ap-
logic evaluations in safety studies. Most toxicologic pa- proaches may assist the toxicologic pathologist in meet-
thologists are challenged by the anatomic scope and ing the enormous challenge presented in evaluating the
A growing body of experimental literature in the field
Address correspondence to: Dr. Andrew S. Fix, Procter and Gamble
Co., Miami Valley Laboratories, P.O. Box 538707, Cincinnati, Ohio of neuroscience confirms the ability of special neuronal
45253-8707. and glial markers to demonstrate neuronal injury (31).

TABLE I.-Summary of experimental design and procedures.

Six total time points evaluated after treatment (4 hr; 1, 3, 7, 14, and 28 days).

Several of these special techniques may be appropriate (GFAP, the major intermediate filament protein in astro-
for identifying neurotoxicant-induced damage in regulat- cytes) after MK-801 treatment (22). However, that report
ed safety studies, including cupric-silver (CS) stains that only identified increased astrocytic staining with GFAP
selectively impregnate neurons undergoing primary de- immunohistochemistry at 1 time point (9 days after treat-
generation (3, 5, 62) and histochemical stains for astro- ment). Similarly, another study reported the dose-related
cytes and microglia that reveal secondary responses to activation of microglia shortly after treatment with MK-
CNS injury (12, 46, 58, 64). In contrast to astrocytes and 801, but did not provide information regarding temporal
microglia, oligodendroglia have not received the attention responses (41).
in the literature regarding their ability to demonstrate sec- The primary objective of this study was to use special
ondary responses to neurotoxic injury. Special procedu- stains to characterize the spatial and temporal changes in
res for staining neurons, astrocytes, and microglia may neurons, astrocytes, and microglia as a result of MK-801-
also have the potential to reveal morphologic changes induced neurotoxicity. A secondary objective was to
that otherwise might not be evident with routine histo- demonstrate the integrated application of special stains
pathology. Although previous studies have demonstrated and a novel sectioning procedure for neurotoxicity as-
the potential utility of individual special stains for de- sessment. Specific goals were: 1) to evaluate the ability
tecting evidence of neurotoxicity, few studies have at- of the CS staining method to demonstrate neurotoxicant-
tempted to integrate information derived from multiple induced damage relative to H&E findings, 2) to compare
special stains with routine histopathology to better un- responses made by astrocytes and microglia while relat-
derstand the varied and complex changes that occur after ing those responses to changes in the different parts of
acute neurotoxicity. injured neurons, and 3) to assess a novel histologic tech-
The induction of focal neuronal necrosis by MK-801 nique which generates composite frozen sections from
exemplifies the highly selective vulnerability of a specific multiple rodent brains embedded in a single gelatin
CNS site to the action of one neurotoxicant. MK-801 is block. Portions of this work have been presented previ-
a potent noncompetitive antagonist of the N-methyl-D- ously in abstract form (20, 21).
aspartate (NMDA) receptor (52) and is a prototype of a
drug class with the potential to treat stroke and related
cerebrovascular diseases (7). In rats, single doses of MK- METHODS
801 produce dose-dependent vacuolization and necrosis General. Sixty adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (at
of neurons in layers 3 and 4 of the posterior cingulate/ least 90 days old, 361-508 g; Harlan, Indianapolis, IN)
retrosplenial (PC/RS) cortex (16, 18, 19, 51). Cytoplas- were used. Rats were housed individually in hanging cag-
mic vacuoles appear in this small cerebral cortical region es with wire mesh floors and maintained on a 12/12 hr
within 4 hr of treatment, but are not seen at 24 hr (51). light/dark photoperiod cycle. Food pellets and water were
Higher doses of MK-801 induce neuronal necrosis in the available ad libitum during the study. All procedures
same neuronal population; however, this effect is not ev- were conducted in compliance with the National Institute
ident until 1 or 2 days after vacuolization is no longer of Health guidelines for the use of animals in research
observed (18). Careful light microscopic examination is (65).
required to detect the eosinophilic necrotic neurons in The experimental design for this study is summarized
routine paraffin sections stained with hematoxylin and in Table I. Briefly, rats were treated subcutaneously with
eosin (H&E) (18). a single injection of sterile water vehicle (n =
24) or 10
Studies of MK-801 neurotoxicity using special stains mg/kg MK-801 [5R, lOS-(+)-5-methyl-10,11-diben-
are very limited and have not characterized temporal ef- zo[a,d]cyclohepten-5,10-imine hydrogen maleate] (n =

fects after treatment. Morphologic changes detectable by 36; dizocilpine maleate; Research Biochemicals Inc., Na-
the selective CS impregnation stain for neuronal degen- tick, MA). At 4 hr and days 1, 3, 7, 14, and 28 after
eration (mentioned above) have not been reported for treatment, rats were anesthetized
deeply with sodium
MK-801. Moreover, astrocytic and microglial responses pentobarbital and perfused through the left ventricle with
to MK-801-induced neuronal necrosis have only been fixative solutions specific for embedding individual brain
characterized superficially with histochemical techniques. slices in paraffin or for composite embedding multiple
An enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) using whole brains in large gelatin blocks. All perfusates were
fresh brain tissue has been used to determine dose-related delivered with a pressure pump system at 65 mm Hg.
and temporal changes in glial fibrillary acidic protein Each of the 2 perfusion and embedding procedures was

done with an identical set of brains from similarly treated

rats (2 controls and 3 treated for each of 6 time points).
Paraffin Embedding. Rats ( 12 control, 18 treated) were
perfused with heparinized phosphate buffer to remove
blood from the vasculature ( min) followed by 10% neu-
tral buffered formalin (8-10 min). After postfixation in
10% neutral buffered formalin containing 1 % zinc sulfate
(24 hr), brains were removed and trimmed in 2-mm slices
through the PC/RS cortex using a commercial rat brain
matrix (RBM-4000, ASI Instruments, Inc., Warren, MI).
Since the extent of MK-801-induced neuronal necrosis
has recently been shown to vary significantly along the
rostrocaudal extent of the PC/RS cortex (23), sections
examined were standardized so they were all from ap-
proximately the middle of the susceptible region, near the
caudal termination of the corpus callosum (53). Trimmed
slices were dehydrated through graded alcohols, embed- FIG. 1.-Composite freeze-cut section of 15 brains at the same ros-
ded in paraffin, and sectioned at 5 [Lm. Sections were trocaudal level stained with the CS procedure. To produce this section,
stained with H&E. 15 perfusion-fixed whole brains were embedded with similar orientation
Detection of astrocytes by GFAP immunohistochem- in a large gelatin block. Note the rather consistent anatomic alignment
istry was based on adaptation of a previously published of individual brain sections, facilitating comparison among individual
procedure (22). Paraffin sections (5 J.Lni) were collected sections. x 1.2.
(ProbeOn Plus slides) and loaded onto an automated im-
munostainer (Code-On, BioTek Solutions, Inc., Santa
Barbara, CA). Following deparaffinization, hydrogen per- left ventricle with a solution of 0.8% NaCl and 0.8%
oxide treatment to reduce endogenous peroxidase activi- sucrose in cacodylate buffer to remove blood from the

ty, and antigen retrieval (Target Unmasking Fluid, Signet, vasculature (1 min) followed by a fixative solution of
Dedham, MA), slides were incubated in a 1:1,500 dilu- 4.0% paraformaldehyde and 4.0% sucrose in the same
tion of primary polyclonal rabbit anti-cow GFAP anti- buffer (8-10 min). Brains were left in the skull for 2-4
body (DAKO, Carpinteria, CA) for 30 min, followed by days while immersed in the same fixative. After removal,
a goat anti-rabbit secondary antibody and an avidin biotin brains were cryoprotected in a glycerol-based solution for
complex (details in Vectastain Elite Kit, Vector, Burlin- 6-8 hr. Whole brains were embedded collectively in 2
game, CA) for 15 min each. All incubations were at 37°C. large gelatin blocks (15 brains per block) with parallel
Slides were treated with diaminobenzidine tetrahydro- alignment of their rostrocaudal axes for coronal section-
chloride (DAB) and counterstained with Mayer’s hema- ing (MultiBrain Technology, NeuroScience Associates,
toxylin. For positive controls, endogenous GFAP staining Knoxville, TN). Although this procedure has been used
in normal astrocytes was observed throughout the brain before (13, 63), it has not been described in detail or
in all sections. Substitution of primary antibody with au- illustrated as done in the present study. Gelatin blocks
tomation buffer produced no staining in negative con- were hardened in a 4% formaldehyde solution for 48
trols. hours, then frozen on dry ice. With an American Optical
To detect microglia, an automated lectin histochemical sliding microtome, 20- or 40-pLm composite freeze-cut
procedure was developed for paraffin sections based on sections were taken through the PC/RS cortex in the area
previously published procedures for thick vibratome (58) near the caudal termination of the corpus callosum [a
and paraffin (61) sections. Paraffin sections (5 [Lm) were landmark which delineates the approximate middle of the
prepared as described above for GFAP Following depar- cortical area targeted by MK-801, see Fix et al (23)]. This
affinization, slides were immersed in O.1M PBS (Sigma) region matched the rostrocaudal level of the sections se-
containing cations (0.1 mM each of CaCl2, MgCl,, and lected for evaluation in paraffin (see above). Since all 15
MnCl2) and 0.1 % Triton-X 100 for 30 min. Slides were brains had similar orientation in each gelatin block, each
then incubated for 2 hr in 10 pLg/ml peroxidase-labeled composite frozen section provided a set of 15 individual
lectin from Griffonia simplicifolia (GSA; sold by Sigma cross-sections at approximately the same level of the
as lectin from Bandeiraea simplicifolia B S-Isolectin B4; brain (Fig. 1). Brains were distributed between the 2 gel-
catalog # L-5391; specific for a-D-galactosyl residues), atin blocks so that each composite frozen section con-
treated with the chromagen DAB, and counterstained tained control and treated rats at each time point. This
with Mayer’s hematoxylin. All incubations were at room equalized staining conditions for all sections and allowed
temperature. For positive controls, endogenous GSA lec- direct, side-by-side comparison of control and treated rats
tin staining in normal microglia was observed throughout on the same slide. Twenty-micron composite sections
the brain in all sections. Substitution of lectin with au- were stained routinely with H&E, while 40-pLm sections
tomation buffer produced no staining in negative con- were stained by the CS method specific for neuronal de-
trols. generation and by GFAP immunohistochemistry for as-
Gelatin Embedding for Composite Frozen Sectioning. trocytes (see below).
Rats (12 controls, 18 treated) were perfused through the Cupric-silver staining for the selective identification of

degenerating neurons was based on previously published phologic changes were detectable at the end of the study
procedures (10, 11). Briefly, 40-pLm frozen sections were (day 28), H&E slides were evaluated without knowledge
collected and stained free-floating. Sections were rinsed of treatment condition. After treatment group assign-
in deionized water and placed in an aqueous mixture of ments were provided, interpretation of these data was
silver and copper nitrate, pyridine, and ethanol for 4 days. made. CS-stained slides were evaluated for degenerative
Sections were then processed through acetone for 2 min changes in nerve cell bodies, dendrites, and axons. Since
followed by a diammine solution of silver nitrate in com- the CS staining procedure selectively impregnates degen-
bination with ammonium and sodium hydroxide for 7 erating neurons, specific positive staining was interpreted
min, then reduced in a weak formaldehyde solution con- as being indicative of a lesion. For sections stained by

taining citric acid and ethanol for 1.5 to 2 min. After GFAP immunohistochemistry, relative staining intensity,
several rinses, sections were bleached in a solution of thickness of cellular processes, and extent of perinuclear
potassium ferricyanide and sodium borate to remove any cytoplasmic staining were evaluated for astrocytes. When’
unreduced silver. Following several additional rinses, sec- increases in these were found, astrocytes were considered
tions were mounted on 2 X 3-inch glass slides (Baxter to be hypertrophic and reactive. The relative prominence
Diagnostic Products, Inc., McGaw Park, IL), air-dried, and thickness of cellular processes and the extent of peri-
and coverslipped (Permount, Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, nuclear cytoplasmic staining was also evaluated for mi-
PA). croglia by GSA lectin histochemistry. When increases in
For GFAP immunohistochemistry, 40-pLm sections these were found, microglia were considered to be reac-
were collected and stained free-floating. After hydrogen tive. Morphologic changes in neurons, astrocytes, and mi-
peroxide treatment, sections were immunostained with a croglia were scored based on the following grading sys-
1:2,000 dilution of primary polyclonal rabbit anti-cow tem : -, absent or same as controls; +, scant/occasional
GFAP antibody (DAKO, Carpinteria, CA), a goat anti- presence or slight increase; + +, moderate presence or
rabbit secondary antibody and an avidin-biotin complex increase; + + +, prominent presence or increase. Individ-
(details in Vectastain ABC kit, Vector, Burlingame, CA). ual scores were averaged to determine a group score for
Incubation times were 48 hr for the primary antibody (at tabular presentation.
4°C), 30 min for the secondary antibody (at room tem-
perature), and 1 hr for the avidin-biotin complex (also at
room temperature). Sections were treated with DAB and
mounted on gelatinized (subbed) glass slides as described Morphologic changes in the posterior cingulate/retro-
above for CS staining. For positive controls, endogenous splenial (PC/RS) cortex observed by all staining tech-
GFAP staining in normal astrocytes was observed niques 3 days after treatment with 10 mg/kg MK-801 are
throughout the brain in all sections. Substitution of pri- summarized in Fig. 2. Neuronal necrosis (Fig. 2A) was
mary antibody with buffer produced no staining in neg- observed by H&E; selective nerve cell body, dendritic,
ative controls. and axonal degeneration was seen with CS (Fig. 2B);
Light Microscopy. All evaluations were by qualitative increased GFAP immunoreactivity was observed in as-
light microscopy and were limited to sections from the trocytes (Fig. 2C); and increased Griffonia simplicifolia
posterior cingulate/retrosplenial (PC/RS) cortex. For each BS-1 Isolectin B4 (GSA) staining was seen in microglia
stain at each time point, sections from treated rats were (Fig. 2D). Temporal changes in neurons, astrocytes, and
compared to corresponding control rats. In H&E-stained microglia observed with the different staining procedures
slides, neurons were evaluated for cytoplasmic vacuol- are presented in Table II. Detailed morphologic descrip-
ization, overall size, and tinctorial alterations indicative tions of these changes follow.
of necrosis. The relative number and prominence of per-
ineuronal glial nuclei was also assessed, particularly in Hematoxylin and Eosin (Paraffin and Composite
relation to necrotic neurons (reported as glial hypercel- Freeze-Cut Sections)
lularity). These nuclei were considered to be of glial or- No structural abnormalities were seen in control rats.
igin based on previously published electron microscopic Morphologic changes in treated rats (5-pLm paraffin-em-
data using the same neurotoxin (18). However, the spe- bedded sections stained with H&E) were observed only
cific identification of each glial cell type was not attempt- at high magnification (X20 objective, X 10 ocular) and
ed in the H&E-stained slides. To determine whether mor- involved subtle changes in a small number of neurons.

FIG. 2.-Photomicrographic array summarizing changes in the PC/RS cortex by different histochemical staining techniques 3 days after treatment
with 10 mg/kg MK-801. Stains include H&E (A), CS for neuronal degeneration (B), GFAP immunohistochemistry for astrocytes (C), and GSA
histochemistry for microglia (D). Note the relative obscurity of the eosinophilic necrotic neurons with H&E (arrows in A and the corresponding
inset) compared to the prominent CS-positive degenerating neurons in B. CS staining also reveals degeneration of dendrites (arrows) and superficial
apical tufts (asterisks) not evident with H&E, as well as dense staining of degenerating nerve cell bodies (B, inset). Reactive astrocytes (GFAP

stain in C) and microglia (GSA stain in D) are confined to the area of neuronal degeneration and necrosis. However, within that area, astrocytic
hypertrophy is diffuse while microglial reactivity is more multifocal. Hypertrophic astrocytes (C, right inset) have thickened processes compared
to those from a control rat (C, left inset). Reactive microglia (D, right inset) surround necrotic neuronal debris and have abundant cytoplasm
compared to those from a control rat (D, left inset). x 178; insets x357.

TABLE II.-Summary of morphologic changes in neurons, astrocytes, and microglia in the posterior cingulate/retrosplenial cortex of rats treated
with 10 mg/kg MK-801 ,a

a Average group scores determined by the following grading system (2 control, 3 treated rats per time point): -, absent or same as controls; +, scant/occasional
presence slight increase; + +, moderate presence or increase; + + +, prominent presence or increase.
Morphologic changes confined to PC/RS cortical layers 3 and 4 (5-[Lm paraffin sections).
Stains degenerating components of neurons (40-~Lm composite freeze-cut sections-see text for details).
Reactive astrocytes diffusely distributed throughout area of neuronal necrosis (40->m composite freeze-cut and 5-f-Lm paraffin sections).
Reactive microglia multifocally distributed throughout area of neuronal necrosis (5-f-Lm paraffin sections).

These findings were consistent with those previously re- exact cellular origin of this staining could not be deter-
ported at comparable time points (18) and are described mined. Isolated red blood cells retained in clear, dilated
here in order to provide a basis for comparison with spe- capillaries were also silver-positive (Fig. 3A). The loca-
cial stains. Briefly, changes were confined to a subset of tion of these cells was confirmed by focusing up and
pyramidal neurons in the PC/RS cortex (cortical layers 3 down through the entire thickness of the 40-pLm frozen
and 4 only). At 4 hr, affected neurons had pale, foamy sections. Short portions of axons deep in the PC/RS cor-
cytoplasm containing variably sized cytoplasmic vacu- tex near or in the cingulum and corpus callosum were
oles discernible only by careful evaluation. At day 1, vac- stained also. These latter axons were dark brown and typ-
uoles were not seen, but occasional neurons in layers 3 ical of the silver-positive unaffected axons (called &dquo;nor-
and 4 were necrotic (shrunken and eosinophilic cell bod- mal fiber staining&dquo;) previously reported with this proce-
ies). On days 3 (Fig. 2A), 7, and 14, more necrotic neu- dure (10).
rons were evident throughout the susceptible region, al- Cupric-silver staining revealed selective degeneration
though these were smaller and more shrunken at the later of neurons in the PC/RS cortex (Fig. 3). No specific sil-
time point. There was slight variability in the extent of ver-positive staining was observed in PC/RS cortical neu-
necrosis among treated rats. An increase in the number rons from control rats at any time point (Fig. 3A). In
and prominence of perineuronal glial nuclei around some treated rats at 4 hr (time of vacuolization), no specific
of the necrotic cell bodies was evident as early as day 3. silver-positive staining was observed. However, on day
These nuclei were more prominent on days 7 and 14; 1, all treated rats had isolated, individual silver-positive
however, this change did not persist to the end of the degenerating neurons in cortical layers 3 and 4 (Fig. 3B).
study (day 28). Evaluation of day 28 slides without The cell bodies of these degenerating neurons exhibited
knowledge of treatment condition failed to identify variable staining intensity (light gray to black) and were
changes in the morphology or number of neurons be- seen easily at low magnification (X2 objective, X 10 oc-
tween control and treated rats. ular). In addition, slightly positive silver staining was not-
In 20-pLm composite freeze-cut sections stained with ed for degenerating apical dendrites (the orienting den-
H&E, necrotic neurons were evident in treated rats as dritic processes that extend superficially through cortical
described above for paraffin sections, except that finding layer 2 into layer 1) and apical tufts (the branched ter-
these neurons was more difficult. The necrotic neurons mination of each apical dendrite in layer 1). Degenerating
were less obvious because the thicker composite sections basal dendrites (processes that extend laterally from cell
reduced the contrast between the necrotic neurons and bodies within layers 3 and 4) stained slightly positive on
the background neuropil. day 1. On day 3, the overall staining of degenerating cell
bodies and dendrites was more intense and involved more
Cupric-Silver (Composite Frozen Sections) neurons than on day 1 (Fig. 2B). Degenerating neurons
All silver-stained slides had a uniform light golden were more shrunken and angular than on day 1. In ad-
brown background color that revealed sufficient cytoar- dition, isolated silver-positive, corkscrew-shaped degen-
chitecture to determine neuroanatomy without the need erating axons were evident in deeper cortical layers near
for a counterstain (Fig. 3). Some nonspecific background the corpus callosum. On day 7, axons had a prominent
silver-positive staining was observed in control and treat- corkscrew or beaded appearance, but staining of cell bod-
ed rats at all time points. Fine silver-positive stippling ies and associated dendrites was less intense than at ear-
was observed in meninges and perivascular areas. The lier times (Fig. 3C). Neurons were no longer intact, as

FIG. 3.-Time course of neuronal changes demonstrated by CS staining in the PC/RS cortex of rats treated with vehicle (A) or 10 mg/kg MK-
801 (B, C, D). No CS-positive staining is evident in vehicle-treated controls, except occasional remnant erythrocytes (marked with asterisks in A
and B). These were consistently located within dilated capillaries and were observed clearly by focusing up and down through the 40-)JLm-thick
sections. At day 1 (B), isolated silver-positive degenerating neurons are evident in the same location as necrotic neurons found with H&E. Note
the fine staining of irregular degenerating apical (a) and basal (b) dendrites. By day 7 (C), silver-positive degenerating cell bodies (d) are shrunken
and dendritic fragmentation is prominent (fine stippling around degenerating nerve cell bodies). At day 14 (D), cell bodies and dendrites remain as
silver-positive debris (d). Note that silver-positive staining of degenerating axons is evident in the deeper portions of the cortex on day 7 (arrow in
C and inset) and is still present at day 14 (arrow in D and inset). x 178; insets X357.

degenerating cell bodies appeared slightly fragmented rats, GSA I-B4 staining revealed nonreactive microglia
and had lost direct connections with both apical and basal with fine, highly ramified processes extending out from
dendrites. On day 14, silver-positive debris persisted in scant perinuclear cytoplasm (Fig. 5A), consistent with
cortical layers 3 and 4 and cell bodies remained as small previous reports using the same lectin (60). In treated
dense structures or partial fragments (Fig. 3D). Staining rats, lectin histochemistry revealed a slight increase in
of basal dendrites appeared dustlike around moderately the number and staining intensity of reactive microglia
fragmented cell bodies. Small portions of silver-positive beginning day 1. These treated rats had isolated GSA I-
apical dendrites were broken and beaded, while apical B4 lectin-positive microglia that were slightly enlarged
tufts were difficult to observe. In contrast to the overall and more clumped in appearance than those in control
fragmentation and light staining observed in cell bodies rats. Like hypertrophic astrocytes, reactive microglia
and dendritic processes, silver-positive axons remained were confined to PC/RS cortical layers 3 and 4 (region

prominent near the corpus callosum (Fig. 3D). On day of necrotic cell bodies). On day 3, prominent reactive
28, fragmented cell bodies and dendrites remained as microglia were observed in the same area from treated
scant clumps of silver-positive debris in cortical layers 3 rats (Fig. 2D). These cells had prominent perinuclear cy-
and 4 while virtually no silver-positive staining was ev- toplasm and thickened processes (Fig. 2D, right inset)
ident in cortical layer 1. However, axonal staining in the compared to the thin, pale staining processes in microglia
area of the corpus callosum was still evident, but slightly from control rats (Fig. 2D, left inset). In some cases, a
lessprominent than on day 14. There was a slightly great- small ring of positive lectin staining surrounded a central
er degree of variability in the number of silver-positive clear area containing necrotic neuronal debris. Frequent-
neurons with CS staining than with H&E staining. ly, reactive microglia were located immediately adjacent
to ramified, nonreactive microglia. This observation in-
GlialFibrillary Acidic Protein (Paraffin and dicated that microglial reactivity was occurring in a mul-
Composite Frozen Sections) tifocal pattern, rather than the more diffuse pattern seen
Changes observed in astrocytes with GFAP immuno- for astrocytes. Reactive microglia remained prominent on
histochemistry are presented in Fig. 4. In control rats, day 7 and day 14 (Fig. 5B, C), but were smaller and
paraffin-embedded sections contained thin processes and more compact at the later time point. By day 28, reactive

slight perinuclear cytoplasmic staining in normal, non- microglia had only a scant increase in cytoplasmic stain-
reactive astrocytes (Fig. 4A). Staining was similar be- ing (Fig. 5D).
tween control and treated rats at 4 hr and day 1, but a
slight increase in GFAP immunoreactivity was evident in DISCUSSION
treated rats beginning on day 3 (Fig. 2C). This increase
was diffuse, but confined to a relatively narrow band in This light microscopic study characterized morpholog-
cortical layers 3 and 4 (region of necrotic cell bodies). In ic changes in neurons, astrocytes, and microglia after se-
this area, all hypertrophic astrocytes had prominent peri- lective MK-801-induced neuronal vacuolization and ne-
nuclear cytoplasm and thickened processes (Fig. 2C, right crosis in the rat cerebral cortex. Data from the integrated
inset) compared to the thin, pale staining processes in approach described in this study demonstrate the value in
astrocytes from control rats (Fig. 2C, left inset). At all combining routine histopathology with special sectioning
later time points, GFAP immunoreactivity remained dif- and staining procedures for a more complete toxicologic
fusely prominent in the same region of treated rats (Fig. evaluation of the central nervous system. The CS stain
4B). No difference in the intensity of GFAP immuno- selective for neuronal degeneration accurately identified
reactivity or the thickness of astrocytic processes was ap- the cell population injured by MK-801 and better dem-
parent between control and treated rats in other layers of onstrated the associated neurotoxic changes than routine
the PC/RS cortex. histopathology. This is consistent with the historic use of
Changes in GFAP immunoreactivity in composite CS stains, which were developed originally by neuroan-
freeze-cut sections paralleled those described above for atomists for use in tracing neuroanatomic tracts after ex-
paraffin sections (Fig. 4C, D). However, the PC/RS cor- perimentally induced injury to the CNS (10). The con-
tical zone of hypertrophic astrocytes was more prominent clusion that the silver-positive neurons are degenerating
in composite sections than in paraffin sections (compare as a result of MK-801 treatment is based on the absence

Fig. 4B and D). This was particularly evident at lower of staining in corresponding controls and on data from
magnification and was likely due to the increased thick- previous studies reporting morphologic changes in the
ness of the composite freeze-cut sections, since more as- same neuronal population after similar treatment. The

trocytes were present per given area. The corresponding vacuolization originally reported in PC/RS cortical neu-
greater density of astrocyte processes throughout the neu- rons (51) and further characterized by light and electron

ropil produced prominent GFAP immunoreactivity in the microscopy (1, 2, 17, 18) was seen with routine histo-
area of PC/RS cortical neuronal cell body necrosis that pathology in the present study. Moreover, the subsequent
resembled a localized increase in background staining. temporal changes in eosinophilic necrotic neurons de-
scribed herein confirm previous data (18). In addition to
Griffonia simplicifolia B4 Lectin these overt morphologic effects, others have described
(Paraffin Sections) the immunocytochemical expression of heat shock pro-
Changes in microglia observed with Griffonia simpli- tein 72 (57) and neuronal hypermetabolism by autora-
cifolia B4 lectin staining are presented in Fig. 5. In control diography (35) in the same neurons after MK-801 treat-

FIG. 4.-GFAP staining on paraffin (A, B) and composite freeze-cut (C, D) sections in the PC/RS cortex of rats 28 days after treatment with
vehicle (A, C) or 10 mg/kg MK-801 (B, D). Note that the increase in GFAP immunoreactivity in treated rats (B, D) is diffuse throughout the region
of neuronal necrosis as observed with H&E (area between arrows) and is more prominent in the composite freeze-cut section (D), probably due to
increased section thickness. Mayer’s hematoxylin counterstain (A, B). x 178.

ment. Collectively, these histologic, electron microscopic, These data support the hypothesis that CS stains can ac-
immunohistochemical, and autoradiographic studies have curately identify selective neurotoxic damage (3, 5, 62).
characterized a variety of changes in the same neurons In addition, the clear demonstration of neuronal injury by
selectively identified in the present study by CS staining. CS staining suggests benefits this approach may have

FiG. 5.-Time course of microglial reactivity demonstrated by Griffonia simplicifolia BS-1 Isolectin B4 staining in the PC/RS cortex of rats
treated with vehicle (A) or 10 mg/kg MK-801 (B, C, D). Normal microglia have ramified, lightly staining processes in control rats (arrows in A;
also see left inset of Fig. 2D), but have short, thickened processes and abundant cytoplasm in treated rats at day 7 (B). The cytoplasm and processes
of reactive microglia are more compact by day 14 (C) and are barely detectable by day 28 (arrows in D). Note that at day 28, reactive microglia
are barely evident while the astrocytic response is still prominent (compare to Fig. 4B). Mayer’s hematoxylin counterstain. X178.

when combined with more routine approaches in neuro- crease in GFAP in PC/RS cortical layers 3 and 4, but did
pathology screening studies, particularly concerning the it atonly 1 time point after treatment (day 9). As in the
detection of focal effects in isolated neuroanatomic sites. present study, changes were not observed in other cortical
The detailed nerve cell body, dendritic, and axonal layers. Our present results indicate that various parts of
changes revealed by CS staining in this study are in injured neurons (i.e., nerve cell bodies, dendrites, and
agreement with previous reports describing a variety of axons) may have significant differences in ability to ini-
insults to the central nervous system produced by drugs, tiate activation of astrocytes or microglia. This finding
chemicals, hypoxia, and trauma (3-5, 8, 45, 55). Al- would not be possible with routine H&E histopathology
though several of these previous studies included parallel alone, but required the identification of detailed neuronal
morphologic evaluations, those morphologic comparisons degeneration evident with CS staining and specific iden-
were limited to thicker sections stained with cresyl violet tification of glial cell types with special stains. Factors
and did not use the standard histologic approach familiar involved in this differential activation are not currently
to toxicologic pathologists (as done concurrently in the known.
present study). Thus, the lack of concurrent paraffin-em- Although astrocytic and microglial reactions were con-
bedded, H&E-stained sections has made it difficult for fined to the same cortical region where injured neuronal
toxicologic pathologists to consider the use of CS stains cell bodies were located, the morphologic character of
for neuropathologic evaluation. Moreover, CS stains, the response made by each of these glia differed some-
which have been used traditionally for tracing neuroan- what. Hypertrophic astrocytes with prominent immuno-
atomic tracts (10), have undergone significant improve- reactive processes were scattered diffusely throughout the
ment in recent years and are now more reliable and have region of cell body injury. These changes, which ap-
improved suppression of background staining (9). These peared to involve all astrocytes in the area, are consistent
stains are still, however, very complex and technically with classic astrocytic hypertrophy in response to local
demanding. This complexity could be a limiting factor injury (12, 14, 38). In contrast, reactive microglia were
for the ultimate implementation of CS stains into broader mixed sporadically with nonreactive microglia through-
scale neurotoxicity testing, since routine histology labo- out the affected area and were associated with individual
ratories are not properly equipped for these procedures. necrotic neuronal cell bodies. This association represents
Additional investment of personnel and equipment would phagocytosis of remnant cell debris by reactive microglia,
likely be required. Our comparative H&E findings help as confirmed previously by us with electron microscopy
validate the CS stain while demonstrating the potential after MK-801 treatment (18), and is consistent with the
value this approach may have in neurotoxicity screening role microglia have in many aspects of nervous system
assessments. injury (54, 64). Simultaneous identification of diffuse as-
In this both hypertrophic astrocytes and reactive
study, trocytic hypertrophy and multifocal microglial phagocy-
microglia wereconfined to the cortical layers where the tosis in the same region of neurotoxic damage illustrates
cell bodies of necrotic neurons were located, but were fundamental differences in the responses made by astro-
not observed in regions containing apical dendrites or cytes and microglia, especially considering the rather
axons of affected neurons as identified by CS staining. widespread presence of both cell types throughout the
This suggests that the presence or absence of a glial re- CNS. Although this difference is evident using the cur-
sponse was, at least in part, a function of location relative rent model of acute neuronal injury, additional studies
to affected components of injured neurons (i.e., cell body, are needed to better define the character of glial responses

dendrite, or axon). Although previous studies have not during different types of neurotoxic injury. Furthermore,
made concurrent evaluations of CS staining with histo- it is important to interpret morphologic changes in glial
chemical staining for glial cells, some studies have cor- cells with the knowledge that they (astrocytes in partic-
related CS staining changes with astrocytic responses as ular) can be primary targets of specific neurotoxins (6)
measured with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and may be influenced directly by the regulatory effects
(ELISA) for GFAP content in fresh brain homogenate (4, of steroid hormones (43, 44).
33, 45). Such an ELISA has been proposed for routine Not only were anatomical differences identified in the
use in assessing neurotoxicity (42, 47). In general, studies responses of astrocytes and microglia, but temporal dif-
with trimethyltin (4), 3,3’-iminodipropionitrile (33), and ferences were noted as well. In general, microglia re-
1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (45) have sponded earlier and were less persistent than astrocytes,
found relatively good correlation between neuronal injury which had a gradual response that remained evident to
(detected with CS staining) and increases in GFAP (mea- the end of the 28-day study. These data support findings
sured by ELISA). However, since those previous studies from other studies with different models of nervous sys-
used fresh brain homogenates and not tissue immuno- tem injury that show microglial activation preceding the
histochemistry for GFAP evaluation, they were unable to astrocytic response (30, 34, 37, 50). Collectively, these
reveal the anatomic relationship between neuronal time-course data support the hypothesis that cytokines,
changes and reactive glial changes (as done in the present particularly interleukin-1, initially are produced by mi-
study). A more recent study using the GFAP ELISA to croglia and subsequently activate astrocytes (26, 27).
evaluate injury induced by MK-801 reported temporal However, it is important to consider the type of detection
changes in GFAP similar to those found by immunohis- signal used to identify &dquo;activation&dquo; of different glia cell
tochemistry in the present study (22). That study also types. In contrast to increased GFAP immunoreactivity,
used immunohistochemistry to identify a localized in- which requires production of new protein by hypertrophic

astrocytes, reactive microglia identified by either an

are demonstrating cytoplasmic vacuolization at 4 hr after
upregulation of immunologic proteins on the cell mem- treatment. These datasuggest that the composite section-
brane, an overt change in shape, or a combination of both ing procedure may be best used for special stains that
(59, 60, 64). The inherent differences in these approaches produce reasonable contrast between positive cells and
should be considered when interpreting data that compare background, rather than for identifying subtle tinctorial
temporal responses made by microglia and astrocytes in or morphologic changes.
an area of nervous system injury. As more information This study provided an integrated view of the multi-
is generated on glial cell biology, the complex and di- faceted changes in neurons, astrocytes, and microglia af-
verse responses these cells make will require continual ter acute neuronal injury, while demonstrating the utility
reassessment, particularly regarding their role in identi- of combining multiple morphologic approaches for as-
fying areas of neurotoxic injury. sessing neurotoxic injury in the CNS. Linking the proven
Methods for identifying microglia in tissue section are value of routine histopathology with additional morpho-
relatively new and include immunohistochemistry for logically based endpoints can strengthen our ability to
major histocompatibility antigens and complement recep- interpret data for hazard identification and characteriza-
tors, as well as specific membrane staining with the lectin tion during the risk assessment process. Studies with oth-
used in the present study (28, 40, 60). Approaches such er neurotoxicants acting at different sites and through oth-
as these are beginning to be used for characterizing the er mechanisms are needed to better understand the role
reactive responses microglia make to different nervous special staining and sectioning techniques may play in
system insults, including toxicants (41, 48, 49, 66), hyp- future neurotoxicity testing. In addition, dose response
oxia (36), and trauma (24, 59). What is clearly evident studies will better define the degree of neurotoxic injury
from these and other data is that microglial responses required induce the changes measurable by these tech-
occur along a gradient that involves a range of molecular niques.
and morphologic changes. Furthermore, many variables
are involved in the character of these changes, such as
type of insult (24), brain location (39), time after insult
(39), and involvement of the blood-brain barrier (15). As The authors thank Dave Barnett, Gerry Lawhorn, Cin-
research with microglia progresses, our understanding of dy Lewis, Tracy Pesut, Julie Switzer, and Dana Wheat
the overall response to neurotoxicants will grow and ad- for their technical contributions to this manuscript. Drs.
ditional opportunities for identifying neurotoxic insult James Maurer, Jay Nash, and Laurence Whiteley provid-
should emerge. ed valuable scientific review.
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