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Integrity Essay: Clouds

Ellie Park
Integrity Essay
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In
all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3:6) My goals
and plans in life are to follow and glorify the Lord to the best of my ability. I have wanted to
become a meteorologist since I was in sixth grade. I really felt that I was called to that
profession, even from a young age, because the Lord knows how worried I am about the future.
My plans are like a cloud -clearly visible, but always distant. My goal is to get a degree and enter
the workforce while keeping my focus on the Lord. My life plans have to focus on the Lord
because He is my ‘structural integrity’. My plans may fail, but His plans never will.

Clouds are built out of condensed water vapor around cloud condensation nuclei, such as
dust, ice, or tiny particles suspended in the atmosphere. These particles help water vapor
compete for the transition between vapor and liquid water droplets. In life, these “condensation
nuclei” are things that base or hold up our lives. Throughout schooling, I've had many friends,
however hardly any long time friends. Friends are amazing, but not permanent as the Lord.
Feelings change, people change, and circumstances change. My faith and trust need to be in the
Lord, as my lifeline and anchor in life, just as water vapor needs a particle to form. In the future,
I plan to keep God in the center of my life in the future because I know He will be with me as
I’m falling, rising, and going through life. God, through the Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible,
makes up the structure of my life. I may not always stay attached to my particulate as water, but
my goal is to have God completely in the center.
Clouds take up many different forms with an endless array of attributes and conditions
that make up how the cloud looks. With fair weather, cumulus clouds tend to fill the air. With
cirrostratus clouds, one may experience moist weather within a day. My plan in the future is to
move away from college in order to test and build upon my current characteristics. I was born 4
minutes after my twin sister, who is the eldest out of 5 children. My father is a choir and guitar
teacher and my mother is a copy editor for the ReederMedia. I was raised in a humble, but strong
Christian household. My life has been built around the Lord, trust, and love, through my family.
As I create my own experiences, my life will reflect my past and my future, continuing to change
the shape of my character.
Air masses are the reason clouds are held together. As air rises, the water molecules
expand, creating water vapor, and eventually condenses into water droplets as the vapor attaches
itself onto nuclei, creating clouds. Air masses travel together, become clouds together, and
eventually dissipate together. True friends are similar, in which, they go through life in the same
stage of life as you. For most of my life, my twin sister has been with me by my side since birth,
however, our differing majors is going to split us up for college. In the future, I hope I can have
friends, as close as my sister, that can help hold me together as we go through the ups and downs
of life.
Clouds are deceptive. Cumulus clouds are the classic depiction of simplicity and bliss in
photographs and cartoons; however, cumulus clouds are also baby forms of cumulonimbus
clouds, which when mature can produce tornados. The strength of clouds can be formed from
wind directions, wind speeds, and atmospheric pressures. In the past, I have been a very passive
person, fearing conflict and rejection; however, I do enjoy speaking about my passions and
interests in life. Although I do not want to be disruptive and dangerous as a tornado with my
words, it is still important to learn how to stand up for oneself and stop hiding. In the future, I
hope to be bolder in my faith. With a more mature mind and bold heart, I hope to conquer
difficult situations, knowing that God can give me the strength to defend myself.
From the day the Earth was formed, there is still the same amount of water on the planet.
Inside geological caves, natural reservoirs, perspiration, the atmosphere-there is not a single drop
unaccounted for. This conservation is due to water recycling. The water is uniquely designed to
evaporate into clouds and return to the ground as precipitation naturally in the water cycle.
Water takes many forms, however, it is still intrinsically H​2​O. Throughout my years, I have gone
through many phases. I was a baby, an elementary schooler, a middle schooler, and a high
schooler. Emotionally, I was focused on making friends, then my grades, and now managing my
time. I have changed so many times, but I am still Ellie. I hold God above everything else and I
love my family. Sometimes calamity can interrupt me in life, but, like water, I will endure and
live through it all with God.
Clouds move with the wind. The wind is the change of pressure from high pressure to
low pressure. Tornados and hurricanes are famous for their high wind speeds, cloud shapes, and
wacky paths. My plan for the future is to follow Christ as I follow where He leads me. Currently,
that means pursuing meteorology in college. The Lord, through prayer and His Word, shows me
where to place my feet on my life’s path. Clouds go where the wind leads them; I follow where
God leads me. Unlike clouds, I often can stray from the life the Lord has for me, however, my
reality, my joy, is found in Him. So, although my path can look like a tornado’s back and forth,
roundabout path, through guidance, God can take my broken path and correct it.

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