Homework 3 - CEE 511 - F19

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University of Michigan

CEE 511 - Structural Dynamics

Homework #3 – Assigned 09/20/2018 - Due 09/27/2017 at 5:00PM

Problem 1 – A machine that weighs 1800 lb is mounted on springs whose total stiffness is 4200 lb/ft and the total
damping is 50 lb-sec/ft (see figure). Determine the expression for the motion u(t) for the following two initial
conditions, and use MATLAB to plot at least four cycles of each function. (a) 𝑢𝑎 (0) = 0.5 in ; 𝑢̇ 𝑎 (0) = 0 and (b)
𝑢𝑏 (0) = 0 ; 𝑢̇ 𝑏 (0) = 4 in/sec.


k/2 c k/2

Problem 2 – Consider the following SDOF system with a weigh of 2000lb, stiffness of 4000 lb/ft, and initial
displacement of 𝑢(0) = 4 in

(a) If the system had only frictional damping in the wheels, that constitutes to a coefficient of friction
µ=0.01, what is the displacement after four cycles of oscillation?
(b) For case (a), after how many cycles does the system come to stop?
(c) If the system had only exponential damping with ζ=0.05, what would the displacement be after
six cycles?
(d) If the system had both the frictional damping in (a) and the exponential damping in (c), when
would it come to rest? (An approximate solution is alright – but just explain your methodology)

Problem 3 – Chopra 2.16

University of Michigan

CEE 511 - Structural Dynamics

Problem 4 – The active spring-mass oscillator in the following figure has a velocity-feedback force 𝑓𝑣
generator that is proportional to the velocity of the mass. This new technology claims to rapidly damp out
all motions. The sign of the force from the system can be either i) positive or ii) negative. When setting up
the system, the engineer arbitrarily chose one of the two options. For this particular setup of the SDOF
system, the spring, mass, and feedback force parameters lead to the following differential equation of
𝑢̈ − 2𝑢̇ + 5𝑢 = 0

where u is the displacement of the mass in inches.

(a) If the initial conditions are (0) = 0 ; 𝑢̇ (0) = 0.10 in./sec. determine the motion of function u(t).
(b) Using your answer to part (a), write a computer program (i.e. MATLAB file), and obtain a plot
for t=0 to t=10sec.
(c) Comment on your results. Was the system set up correctly?


Problem 5 – Chopra 3.1

Extra Credit (2 pts) --- Problem 6 – Chopra 3.4 – (This problem is NOT required)
(i.e. you can earn 2 more points to HW grade  e.g. you can earn 42/40 in this assignment)

Note: when using MATLAB – provide your i) source code, ii) output (if any), and iii) the appropriate

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