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Name: Richard Woo Date: 05/15/2021 (Alternate Assignment -- Sample Copy)

Name: Sevek Fishman Birth date: July 14th 1918 Location: Kaluszyn, Poland

1933 to 1939 1940 to 1944 (Holocaust): How did their Holocaust story
(Pre-Holocaust): end?

Each Friday, before the In 1940 Sevek's family was Sevek and Lonia were
Sabbath began, Sevek's forced into the Warsaw ghetto, liberated by the Soviets in
mother asked the neighbors if and he was married there that 1945. After so many months in
they had enough food for the same year. After two years, confinement, they had to
Sabbath. If they didn't, she Sevek and his wife Lonia relearn how to walk. In 1948
brought them a meal. Although escaped to Lonia's town of the Fishmans immigrated to
Sevek belonged to a Wegrow, and later to a village the United States.
non-religious Zionist group, Ha near the town. A peasant
Shomer ha-Tsa'ir, and didn't couple, Jan and Maria, agreed
wear a skullcap like religious to hide them. With bloody
Jews, when he entered his fingernails they dug a dank
parents' home he respected cellar "grave," lined it with
their wishes to cover his straw, and lay motionless,
head--to defy them would have concealed from danger for 18
shamed his family. months. Jan and Maria risked
their lives by bringing them
food and emptying their
chamberpot every day. Once a
week they sponged them

Define one important word Find a picture of the country Write a 2-3 sentence response
(vocabulary if possible) they they are from (like a flag or a after you have studied your
mention country). Label and write person.
their city below. (You can
Ha Shomer ha-Tsa'ir, is a definitely use the internet to Sevek belongs to a religious
non-religious group. Sevek help you.) family in which his parents
belongs to this group. run a family owned
haberdashery business.

He was apprenticed as a

Sevek’s family was forced

into the Warsaw ghetto.
Kaluszyn, Poland Sevek and his wife Lonia

Directions: Go to US Holocaust Memorial Museum’s ID Cards page, you will then scroll down
and choose between children, men, and women. Select a person to fill the above chart out about. This
will be due at the end of class.

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