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Name: Tong My Bui Class Date

Skills Worksheet

Remote Assignment for Owl Pellet Lab

Living Things Need Energy

1. Use each of the following terms in a separate sentence: herbivores,
carnivores, and omnivores.

Herbivores eat only plants.

Carnivores eat only meat.
Omnivores eat both plants and meat.

2. In your own words, write a definition for each of the following terms: food
chain, food web, and energy pyramid.

-Food chain: a line of who eats who from producer to largest

-Food web: A visual way to show how the eating habits of organisms in an
environment are connected.
-Energy pyramid: like a food pyramid involving all organisms within an
environment with the producers having the largest base of energy at the
bottom and the carnivores at the top.


3. Herbivores, carnivores, and scavengers are all examples of

a. producers.
b. decomposers.
c. consumers.
d. omnivores.
4. Explain the importance of decomposers in an ecosystem.

Decomposers provide energy of dead and decomposing material to

producers to use as nutrients. They are "nature's recyclers"

5. Describe how producers, consumers, and decomposers are linked in a food

Producers produce plants and vegetation for consumers such as herbivores
and omnivores to eat then when the consumers die, the decomposers break
down the dead matter to provide an energy source for the producers so that
they can again pass on that energy in plant for consumption again.
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor .

Holt Science and Technology 1 Interactions of Living Things

Name: Tong My Bui Class Date

6. Describe how energy flows through a food web.

Energy flows from primary producers to many consumers. The chain is a

single direction from producer to high level consumers. The food chain
follows this order:
Producers > Consumer > Decomposers

Section Review continued

7. Suppose you had grilled chicken breast, fresh green beans, and a baked potato
for dinner. Draw a food web for these three items. EXTRA CREDIT
OPTION: Create a poster of your food web.

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8. Identifying Relationships Draw two food chains, and depict how they link
together to form a food web.

Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor .

Holt Science and Technology 2 Interactions of Living Things

Name: Tong My Bui Class Date

Arctic Birds

Polar bear

Arctic Cod

Ringed Seal

Harbour Seal


Killer Whale
Harp Seal

9. Applying Concept Are consumers found at the top or bottom of an energy

pyramid? Explain your answer.

Consumers are at the top of an energy pyramid because they require

energy from the producers below them.

10. Predicting Consequences What would happen if a species disappeared

from an ecosystem?

The food web might be changed greatly if a species disappeared from an

ecosystem. The organisms that fed on the species would have to find new
sources of energy.

Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor .

Holt Science and Technology 3 Interactions of Living Things

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