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Nowe Dare _ Minority Scinools in Albania ee Facts: = = : eee = —___0n_19 December 1440, the League of Nations adoptca a —__ recommendation asking _Albama to cnforer “pvinchplcr of th —____Minonhu Trea On 11 Decemhor 1420, Albamia was admitted tp _the League Nation oa 1 May tdi, the Gmc Prep- ___ —__rurentativa forwarded a memorandum to ft geercanalt whic ____ ____ppius that Abawia should pmmn that te minonbo nope shovld pe supplemental Alnama acceded hotwover tin 1420, __ Marcas wu Manalagus ___ aka | Facts. capi aan In February l48u, then Qresidont Ferdinand —£, Marcos wos des posed from Providency througln the people ower rvolotion amd ers orced inte exile: Actor ycars latar, Moceos, Mow on ins deathed wishtt_ty_rekoth ty the Dlvilkppine! the pehtion siled ego th __ Supreme Court is gor mandamus and prombhition which oaks for ieee travel docoments to Marcos and Ws immedi [aN NO. DATE. Acpubhe vw Sandiganhayan sveeeeee Facts _ = Ree ee Pee E:0. No.4 tasks the pcGg to reroucr oll ill-qotten weal __ of former Praident Ferdinand £. Marcos. this immediale family, ___ data, svbordinata.and closed associat. One of te fjefvond ___. _invetigated bu opuration of £-0. No.1 is Major Control ameu. ____ Porsoonk_to an Order, s¢ a scare and scum operation —____ —____wai_condweted inthe promscr of Ehzaborh Dimaan®, Aatnas ___ mistrext- Disomangcop_-_ Datumanong re ss Facts: Se Eee ____ Throoqh the creahton op the 1487 Constityfon, it man=___| . dated the creation of the Autonomovs Acaion in Musvin —__ ___Mindanao_CARMM). Later on, the Congress paused fA. 406% __ oe which establishur Hie regional avtonomy of AMM. dssuus_ ____Whetnor or nok the cstablashmont of regional auto= ___ Se eoiederorm ination nndcr internatiric ci eee eee No. DATE see Seerckary of Nafonad Derense wv Manalo —____Somehme on \4 Febmary 2000. brotaurs Raymond _ ______ Manalo_and_eunalda Manolo wae abducted trom their Inoue __ —_____in_Sifho_Mu20n, Broy. ool na Mangga, San Wicpomo, —__ —_____ Bulacan buy CAFGU officers on the suspicion nak they or —__ —__membus pf the NPA. They wore continuously detained and —__subjecked fp torture and was tarcotensd with eveouhon 1 —_____was_onluy_on 1) August aod, that tha, cscaped and was ___ —_____freed rom +he conhwity: North Cotavaty u. GAP Facts. i See SS 2 on 8 ae A008, the GAP and the MILF were sches E duled_to signa Memorandum of Agreement on the Ancestral — Domain of Mushm Mindanao, particolarky the Prowinccs of Norta —_Cotaoato., Zamboanga dod Norte and soltan Kudarak, the tific of Zamboanga, Vigan — = Unamon-_ Issuc. ——Whethur_or not the subject of the MOA-AD is a wad ——___txereise “of the right fo Sle acr crn (1 Of)

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