Instructions: Subject: Priono Task: Welding Scorer: Joko Date: 3/3/2021

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Only fill in the BLACK boxes in the REBA Assessment worksheet

Fill in the details below

Subject: PRIONO


Scorer: JOKO

Date: 3/3/2021

+1 - 1 or more body parts static (held > 1min)
+1 - repeated > 4 per min in small range (not walking)
-1 - rapid large changes in posture or unstable base

0 Good: Well-fitting handle & a mid range power grip
1 Fair: Hand hold acceptable but not ideal, or coupling is
acceptable via another part of the body.
2 Poor: Hand hold not accepable although possible
3 Unacceptable: Awkward, unsafe grip, no handles;
coupling unacceptable using other parts of the body

Load / Force
0 < 5kg
1 5 - 10kg
2 > 10kg
Add +1 for shock or rapid build up
REBA Assessment Worksheet

Table A Table B

6 5
Trunk Load/Force Coupling Upper Arm

Add 1 if twisting or flexed to the side 4 3 3 4 Add 1 if abducted or rotated

Add 1 if shoulder is raised
Subtract 1 if leaning, supported
or gravity assisted
9 8

Table C

Neck 11 Lower Arm

Add 1 if twisting or flexed to the side 1 + 1


REBA Score Wrist
3 2 Add 1 if deviated or twisted

REBA Score Risk Level Action

1 Negligable None necessary Subject: _________________
2-3 Low May be necessary Task: _________________
4-7 Medium Necessary Scorer: _________________
8 - 10 High Necessary soon Date: _________________
11 - 15 Very High Necessary now
REBA Assessment Worksheet

Table A Table B

6 5
Trunk Load/Force Coupling Upper Arm

4 3 3 4

9 8

Table C

Neck 11 Lower Arm

1 + 1

REBA Score Wrist
3 2
REBA Score Risk Level Action
1 Negligable None necessary
2-3 Low May be necessary
4-7 Medium Necessary
8-10 High Necessary soon
11-15 Very High Necessary now

Subject: PRIONO


Scorer: JOKO

Date: 3/3/2021

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