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(Th,' Dep,,'tmet:t of Chemistr)', T/te Ins:itute of Science. l~~mbay)

Received February 28, 1952

(Comm~m!cated by Prof. S. M. Mehta, V.A.SC3

Tras paper deals with the preparation of the compounds of the type
RSO4.Sn(SO:)_~, where R = zinc. cobalt, magnesium, m a n g a n t e and
cadmium. Of the combinations of the sulphate o f tetravalent tin with the
sulphates of bi\alent metals, the only ones described in literature are combi-
nations with the sulphates of calcium, ba¡ strontium and lead?
A stock solution of stannic sulphate was prepared by heating stannous
chlo¡ in conc. sulphuric acid to white fumes. 10c.c. of this solution
corresponded to 0-060 g. of SnOb. In each experiment, 20 c.c. of this solu-
tion were diluted to 50 c.c. with conc. sulphu¡ acid and then heated in
presence of bi~,alent metallic sulphates. From the clear solution first
obtained, a precipitate separated out on further heating. The precipitate
was filtered through a sintered glass crucible (Jena, 1G4) and washed thrice
with conc. sulphuric acid and then ~vith absolute alcohol to remove sulphuric
acid. It was dried at 220-30 ~ C.. dissolved in hydroch!oric acid and ana-
lysed as follows:
Zinc, magnesium and cobalt were separated from tin by precipitating
the latter as hydroxide with ammonia and ammonium chloride. The
hydro• was dissolved in hydrochloric acid and reprecipitated. This step
was reoeated and the three filtrates obtained were mixed together. From this
solution zinc, cobalt or magnesium was estimated as oxinate while fin was
determined directly by the cupferron method. Manganese and fin in the
manganese compound were estimated directly by the bismuthate and the
cupferron methods respectix.ely. In the case of the cadmium salt, the
cadmium was precipitated as sulphide in the presence of sodium hydroxide
and was wei~daed as cadmium sulphate. F r o m the filtrate, tin ,,vas
estimated by the cupferron method. Sulphate was determined as barium
The results obtained are reported in Table 1.
Preparation of Double Sulphate~ of TŸ and Certain Bivalent Metals 39


Wt. of
Bivalent sulphale bivalent % of 9"0 of biva- % of Formula
sulphate tin lent metal sulphate
in g.

ZnSO.. 7H~O . . . . 0-120 25 -2 14-1 61.2

0-240 24-8 13"5 60-8 ZnS04. Sn (SO4),
0"480 24-7 14-2 61-1
CoSOv 7HeO . . . . 0. 120 25-9 12-3 61.6
0-240 25-1 12-7 62-3 COS04. Sn (SO,)~
0.480 25-7 12-1 62-4
MgSOv7H~_O . . . . 0"120 27-2 4"9 66"6
0-240 27-1 5"1 67-1 MgSO4. Sn (S04)t
0-480 26.9 5-3 66.9
.MnSO, (anhydrous) .. 0-120 25.6 11 -3 62-7
0-240 25.4 ii-4 62-2 MnS04. Sn (SO,)~
0.480 25 -9 12.1 62- I
CdSO, (anhydrous) .. 0. 120 23.1 21 -9 55-7
0.240 22.8 21.7 55 "2 CdSO4. Sn (SO4):
0.480 22-5 21-5 55-5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The compounds RSO4. Sa (SO4)-. ate all hygroscopic and ate hydrolysed
by water. The cobalt compound is pink, the manganese salt light yellow
whiie the other three compounds are white. An optimum yieId o f thesr
ccmpounds (50 to 60~ is obtained when 0,-48 g. of the bivalent sulphate
is used.
A comparative study was made of e!ectrical conductivities o f solutions
o f these compounds on hydrolysis and o f artificial solutions prepared on the
assumption thar each molecule of RSO4. Sn (SO,)., liberated on ¡
two molecules o f sulphuric acid and one mo|er of bivalent metallic sul-
40 S.R. PATBt

The measurcments showed that the conductivity for the solutions obtained
from the compound RSO4.Sn (SO,)2 and for similar solutions prepared
artificially, were very close to each other indicating that these compounds
are double sulphates.
The compounds RSO4. Sn(SO,0., have been prepared. Conductivity
measurements of the solutions obtained from R.SO,. Sn (SO4)~ when compared
with those of similar solutions preparcd arti¡ show that the substances
ate double sulphates.
1. Druce .. Chem. N e w s , 1924, 128, 33-4 ; C.A., 1924, 18, 976.
Weinland and Kª .. Z. Anorg. Chem., 1907. 54, 248.

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