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A Wideband Printed Antenna With

Band-notched Interference
Blocking Characteristic

Project Code: SDEE_1510_XXX

FYP Thesis Presentation (Semester 2: 2015/2016)

Presented By : Kyaw Soe Hein (A0103612)

Presentation Outline
Good Evening !
Objective of the Project 2.4GHz Patch Antenna

Parametric Studies
Design Simulations
Finalized Antenna Design
Fabrication & Measurement
Objective of the Project
Authorized UWB Operating Band (FCC)
Communications & Field Disturbance Sensors
UWB Definition
Impedance BW (-10dB) > 500MHz
Fractional Bandwidth > 20% or 25%
Band Rejection by U-slot
WLAN (5-6 GHz)

“Omnidirectional Radiation Pattern in E&H plane”

“Good Gain over the interested Frequency Band”
Literature Reference Work
“A Novel Printed Monopole Antenna For Future Ultra-
Wideband Communication System” by Osama M. H. Ahmed
and Abdel-Razik Sebak.
Experimental Result: 3.2 – 11.4 GHz, fractional BW 112% with
Return Loss S11 < -10dB

1.57-mm thick Rogers RT-5880 substrate

Er = 2.2 with Overall Size, L x W = 30 x 34 (mm)

Reference paper: Only Band rejection U-slot

feature is simulated, but Not validated with hardware.
Microstrip UWB Antenna
Proposed Antenna Design

1. Feed Line 2. Patch Length

3. Elliptical Bell Shape

4. Entry Width (W1)

6. Ground Patch

5. Substrate Dimension
Microstrip UWB Antenna
Proposed Band Notch (U-slot)

8. Length of Slot

7. Width of Slot
9. Etched of Slot

10. Distance from Edge

Parametric Studies
Substrate Availability
“Rogers R04003C material” with a relative permittivity Er = 3.55
and a thickness of “0.813 mm” with loss tangent of 0.0027.

Design Process
Design without Notch (UWB Requirements)

(Parametric Study on
Critical Parameters)

followed by adding in U-slot Feature (Band Rejection)

Microstrip Impedance Matching
Microstrip Impedance Matching

Hand Calculation Shows:

Wo = 2 mm >>> Zo = 42.8 ohm (3GHz)
Wo = 2 mm >>> Zo = 44.43 ohm (11GHz)
Parametric Studies
Microstrip Feed Line Width

Frequency Region (10.8 – 11.0 GHz)

could be off-tolerance during
W_feed = 2 mm
Measurement for 1.5 mm.
Parametric Studies
Ground Patch Length .

Parametric Studies
Entry Width
Parametric Studies
Elliptical Shape
Parametric Studies
Substrate Dimension

Width: original 34mm reduced to 28mm

Parametric Studies
U- Slot parametric Study
Finalized Antenna Design
Simulation: Return Loss
3 D Radiation Plots



5 GHz
Fabricated Antennae

S11 (VSWR) & Radiation Pattern S11 (VSWR)

Without Notch With U-slot Notch

Experimental Measurement: S11

Both Fabricated Antennae achieved

S11 Requirement !
Radiation Pattern Measurement

H Plane(XOZ)

E1 Plane

E2 Plane
H Plane Radiation Pattern (XOZ)
E1 Plane Radiation Pattern (XOY)
E2 Plane Radiation Pattern (YOZ)
Project Achievements
Experimental Result
3.6 GHz to 12.6 GHz with impedance bandwidth of (S11 < -10dB)
Fractional BW : 111%
Measured radiation patterns show close agreement with
“Omni directional Radiation Pattern in H & E plane”

U-slot’s band rejection Measurement

Simulation : 4.8-6GHz
Measurement: 6.2-7.6GHz
Discussion & Recommendation
Reference Paper
fractional bandwidth can achieve 112% (3.2 to 11.4 GHz)
Operating BW: 8.2GHz
No U Slot validation (without hardware experiment)
Substrate Rogers RT 5880 (1.57mm)

Student’s Project
fractional bandwidth of 111% (3.6 to 12.6 GHz)
Operating BW: 9GHz
Preliminary U Slot Investigation (with hardware experiment)
Substrate Rogers 04003C (0.82 mm)
UWB Requirements Achieved
Promising candidates for UWB communications
Satisfied Impedance Bandwidth and Return Loss
Omni-directional radiation patterns

Thank you very much for the enriching experience and

knowledge passed on to me during my time in NUS !!

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