Identify The Three Major Scientists and Their Contributions in The Field of Science and Technology

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Ferrer, John Alexis A.

May 14, 2021

GEC007-CPE32S3A Quiz 1.3 Intellectual Revolutions

Identify the three major scientists and their contributions in the field of science and

1. Julian Banzon (March 25, 1908 – September 13, 1988)

 Julian Banzon is a Filipino Biochemist and a member of National Scientist of the

Philippines. Julian Banzon was born March 25,1908 at City of Balanga,
Philippines. He graduated at University of the Philippines and Iowa State
University in the US. Julian Banzon is credited for his research in alternative fuel.
He researched the production of Ethanol or Ethyl Ester Fuels from the sugarcane
and coconuts and devised a method of extracting residual coconut oil through
chemical means. The research title is “The Production of Ethanol” in 1949. The
production of ethanol is still existing in the Philippines. In 2019, fuel ethanol
production for Philippines was 5.51 thousand barrels per day. Fuel production of
Philippines increased from 0 thousand barrels per day in 2000 to 5.51 thousand
barrels per day in 2019 growing at an average annual rate of 435.99%
production). I guess Julian Banzon is one of the major scientists in the
Philippines that has biggest contribution when it comes to science and
technology that help our society up until now.

2. Louis Pasteur (December 27, 1822 – September 28, 1895)

 Louis Pasteur was an average student in his early years, but he was gifted in
drawing & painting. Most of his portraits are his parent and friends and it was
kept in the Museum of the Pasteur Institute that was located in Paris. Louis
Pasteur is a French chemist and microbiologist and he is one of the most
important founders of medical when it comes to microbiology. The contribution of
Pasteur to science, technology, and medicine are nearly without precedent.
Based on the what I’ve search Louis Pasteur is a pioneer of the molecular
asymmetry study wherein they discovered that the microorganisms cause
fermentation and disease. First, I’ll tackle why Louis Pasteur became one of the
greatest scientists in the world. Louis Pasteur was assigned to help to solve the
problems related to alcohol production at a local distillery in University of Lille this
is the start series of studies on alcoholic fermentation. Second, I’ll tackle about
what’s pasteurization, Pasteurization is a heat-treatment process that destroys
pathogenic microorganisms in certain foods and beverages. Pasteur applied his
knowledge of microbes and fermentation to the wine and beer industries in
Frances, that was effectively saving the industries from collapse due to problems
that associated with production and contamination that occurred during exporting
goods. Pasteur produce a simple procedure that will help to prevent
contamination that heated the wine to 50-60C (120-140F) and this is called a
Pasteurization. Lastly, Louis Pasteur developed vaccines against anthrax and
rabies. (

3. Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879 – April 18 1955)

 German-born physicist who developed the special and general theories of

relativity and was awarded the honor in Physics for his description of the
photoelectric effect in 1921. Albert Einstein is widely thought to be the foremost
influential physicist of the 20th century. Einstein was a well-known physicist. His
works ranged from quantum physics to gravity and motion theories. Following the
publication of several ground-breaking documents, Einstein went on a world tour,
giving speeches about his findings. physicist is best known for his equation E =
mc2, which states that energy and mass (matter) are one and therefore the same
thing. physicist had a serious impact on modern physics. His theory of relativity
totally changed how we expect of space today. It also foreshadowed the creation
of the A-bomb, together with his equation E = mc2. Einstein's interpretation of
sunshine as both a wave and a stream of particles laid the groundwork for what's
now called quantum physics.

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