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UPPER INTERMEDIATE UNIT 10 10.2 participle clauses

10.1 relative clauses

1 Choose the correct sentence in each pair.
1 a) Sadly, some of the friends we inviting to the
1 Find and correct the mistakes in seven of the wedding can’t make it.
sentences. b) Sadly, some of the friends we invited to the
wedding can’t make it.
1 Have you met the man he lives in the house
2 a) In the army, anyone not obeying the rules is
opposite? severely punished.
2 My friend Diana, that she speaks Portuguese and b) In the army, anyone who not obeyed the rules is
Italian, is a translator. severely punished.
3 What’s the name of the place what you stayed in 3 a) Realised he was caught in a trap, he turned and
Portugal? drew his gun.
b) Realising he was caught in a trap, he turned
4 Are these the glasses who you were looking for?
and drew his gun.
5 I’ll never forget the first time we met them. 4 a) She was thrilled when she got the letter which
6 Who’s eaten the ice cream was in the freezer? offering her the job.
7 The team with who he works are ridiculously b) She was thrilled when she got the letter
competitive. offering her the job.
8 They want to live in a place which the sun shines 2 Rewrite the participle clauses using relative clauses.
every day. 1 Do you know the man talking to your wife?
Do you know the man who’s talking to your wife?
2 The film directed by Peter Jackson won the most
3 A new supermarket employing 250 people has just
opened in town.
4 I’ve never met the people living upstairs.
5 He’s got three children, all studying medicine.
6 The theatre, almost destroyed by a fire in 2012,
reopened in 2015.

2 Cross out one or two incorrect pronouns in each 3 Complete sentences 1–6 with phrases a)–f).
sentence. Add commas where necessary. 1 The skiers managed to escape just in time.
1 They’re going to spend a few weeks in Spain, 2 Nobody will get home early tonight.
where/that/which his parents live. 3 , nobody recognised him.
4 Luckily, we got a room and the beach.
2 Their flight was cancelled which/that/who meant
5 Police have found some of the priceless
waiting another five hours.
paintings last year.
3 We stopped to help a woman who/whose/that car 6 They gave us a brochure we needed.
had broken down.
4 I’ve just read a book which/whose/that was a) overlooking the mountains
b) stuck in the traffic jam
recommended to me by a fan of the author.
c) stolen in an art gallery robbery
5 They invited us to have dinner at their home
d) containing all the information
which/what/where was very generous of them.
e) caught near an avalanche
6 The new shopping centre that/where/which will f) wearing dark glasses
have 500 shops will be ready in two years.
7 The hotel that/which/where we’re staying in at the
moment is extremely noisy.

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10.3 giving a tour Consolidation

1 Complete the text with the phrases in the box. 1 Choose the correct answer, a), b) or c).

apparently are buried carefully restored The White Tower, 1 originally gave the Tower of
could go by for almost founded interestingly London its name, was 2 by William the
it or not or so shall sure you know Conqueror in 1078. The Tower of London is the most
well worth paying were destroyed why don’t we famous of all British medieval castles, its violent
history 3 some of the most important events
spend the day at Windsor Castle? It’s of English history. 4 acted as a royal residence,
a great day out and it’s quite impressive. I think you’ll prison and place of trial and execution for famous
like it. We 2 train from Paddington names, among 5 were Thomas More and
station. It only takes around thirty to forty minutes. Queen Anne Boleyn, there are countless superstitions
It costs £14 3 to get in, but it’s and legends 6 it. One of the most popular is
that just to see the Royal Art that of the ravens, 7 the Guardians of the
Collection with paintings by masters like Holbein, Tower, 8 have witnessed so many momentous
Rubens and Van Dyke. 5 , it’s the oldest historic events. The 9 that, ‘If the Tower of
and largest residential castle in the world. It’s been a London ravens are lost or fly away, the Crown will fall
Royal residence and fortress 6 1,000 and Britain with it’. It was King Charles II, 10 to
years, since William the Conqueror chose the site the stories, who first insisted they should be protected
overlooking the Thames. As I’m 7 , parts in 1670 or so. His astronomer, John Flamsteed, had
of the royal apartments 8 in a fire not complained about the ravens, 11 they should
that long ago, in 1992. Fortunately, everything’s been be removed from the White Tower 14 his
. And 10 we visit observatory was situated. 13 , Charles moved
St. George’s Chapel in the Castle grounds? the observatory to Greenwich rather than move the
in 1348, it was completed by King ravens! Stories such as this make the Tower of
Henry VIII in 1528. He, and nine other Kings and London well worth 14 again and again.
Queens of England, 12 there. Believe
, Queen Elizabeth spends most 1 a) which b) who c) that
weekends at Windsor and 14 , it’s her 2 a) modelled b) made c) built
favourite ‘home’. 3 a) encompassing b) encompassed c) encompass
4 a) It’s b) Having c) Being
2 Match 1–6 with a)–f). Then underline the correct 5 a) who b) these c) which
alternative in a)–f). 6 a) who surround b) surrounding c) surrounded
1 So how big is the town we are visiting today? 7 a) oen called b) who called c) called oen
2 How old is the royal princess? 8 a) that b) whose c) who
3 How many people are you expecting on the tour 9 a) story saying b) story goes c) history tells
tomorrow? 10 a) apparently b) apparent c) according
4 It’s an amazing house. It must’ve cost a fortune to 11 a) saying b) thinks c) had said
12 a) place b) where c) that
5 When do they think the building restoration will
13 a) Surprisingly b) Funny c) Surprised
be completed?
14 a) to visit b) visit c) visiting
a) Just under/below sixteen. Fieen and nine months,
to be exactly/exact.
b) It’s a smallish town with roughly/largely 20,000
people, I’d say.
c) Yes, I gather they spent somewhere in the area/
region of three million euros on it.
d) They’re hoping in about ten years or so/so on.
e) We’ve received approximately/apparently
100 enquiries and we hope that at least half
will come.

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