Tihara Williams - Evaluate Yourself As An Intern So Far - 3135458

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Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow I

Intern Self-Evaluation
VTFT I Intern’s Name: Tihara Williams 
Date of Self-Evaluation: Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Below are the characteristics upon which your cooperating teacher will evaluate you at the
end of your internship. Today, please evaluate yourself thus far! Be honest--the numeric score
will not impact you or your VTFT grade--but be kind to yourself. :)

1 2 3 4 5
Characteristic very
poor average above

enthusiasm -
performance of assigned tasks -
ability to follow directions -
acceptance of responsibility -
engagement in classroom -
initiative in classroom -
ability to build rapport with students -
ability to manage students -
instructional skills -
acceptance of responsibility -
communication skills: written -
communication skills: verbal -
professional demeanor -
attendance and punctuality -
overall assessment 27 20 47
Comment further on what you feel are your strengths as an intern:    
My strengths are good communication with students and good instructional abilities.

If you had to give yourself some constructive criticism, what would you say?:   
I would try to be more punctual and confident.

Will you do anything differently in your last week of internship, knowing the content of
this evaluation? If so, what characteristics will this improvement relate to?:
Yes, i’m going to try and try to be more outgoing and lead more small groups or try and
practice leading a mini lesson.

Any final comments?:

no :)

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