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MIDTERM REVIEWER ON -This is simply achieved by comparing

GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING performance with predetermined plans

Budget Preparation Budget Legislation and Authorization
-It covers estimation of the government -This procedure is a prerogative of the
revenues, the determination of budget congress which refers to the enactment
priorities and activities within the of the General Appropriations bill based
constraints, imposed by available on the budget of receipts and
revenues and borrowing limits, and the expenditures into appropriations act.
translation of approved priorities and
activities into expenditure levels for a
budget year. -It refers to an authorization made by
law or other legislative enactment,
Budget Execution or Operation
directing the payment of goods and
-This aspect involves also the regulation services out of government funds under
of funds release, the scheduling of specified condition or for special
preferred activities, etc. the purposes.
responsibility for monitoring the budget
execution rest primarily with the DBM.
-The authorization issued by the DBM to
Section 29, Article VI of the 1987
the Agency, which allows it to incur
obligations, for specified amounts within
-"No money shall be paid out if the the legislative appropriations.
Treasury except in pursuance of an
RAPAL (Registry of Appropriations
appropriation by law"
and Allotments)
Budget Preparation
-Upon approval and issuance of the
-The Budget preparation begins with the ABM and SARO. The DBM shall enter
issuance of a budget call issued by the the pertinent data on releases for each
DBM in December. This Document government agency in RAPAL.
outlines the specific guidelines on the
Agency Budget Matrix
preparation of the agency budget,
estimates to be submitted to the DBM. -The official document used as the basis
The DBM, consolidates all budgets to in the release of the obligation Authority
form a government-wide budget to be
submitted to the President for Final Agency Budget Matrix
approval before it will be forwarded to -ABM is prepared by appropriation
the Congress. source and major programs and the
Budget Accounting amounts are classified into:

-This aspect focuses on tracking, -Not Needing Clearance - Notice of

monitoring and evaluation of Cash Allocation
expenditures and performance.
-Needing Clearance- Special Allotment -Registry of Allotment and Obligations
Release Order (SARO) - Notice of Cash Maintenance Operations and Other
Allocation upon request Expenses
RESPFA (Registry of Special Purpose RAOPS
Funds Appropriation)
-Registry of Allotment and Obligations
-The DBM maintains the registry to Personal Services
maintain releases from Special Purpose
-Registry of Allotment and Obligations
RENREP (Registry of NCA and
Financial Expenses
Expected Results
-Upon receipt of the copy of the NCA
frim the DBM, the BTr shall enter it in -Means services, products, or benefits
the RENREP. accruing to the public, estimated in
terms of performance measure or
-The transfer of Cash from it's Bank
Account to the appropriate MDS
accounts shall also be recorded Resources
RANCA (Registry of Allotments and -Refers to the actual assets of any
NCA) agency of the government such as cash,
instruments representing or convertible
-The DBM shall maintain this registry for
into money, receivables, land, building
the allotments and the NCA issued to
as well as contingent assets such as
the Agency.
estimated revenues applying to the
-The ______ shall be the control and current fiscal period not accrued or
monitoring record of the DBM. collected and bonds authorized and
-The DBM shall furnish the BTr a copy
of the NCA Obligations
Record of Agency -Are the amounts which are committed
to be paid by the government which
arise from the acts of a duly authorized
administrative officer and which binds
the government to the immediate or
eventual payment of a sum of money
-Registry of Allotment and Obligations
-Refers to the functions and activities
Capital Outlay
necessary for the performance of a
RAOMO major purpose for which a government
entity is establish
Internal Control -It is what the government plans to
spend for its programs and projects and
-Is the plan of the organization and all
where the money will come from.
the coordinate methods and measures
adopted within an organization or Public Sector Accounting Standards
agency to safeguard assets, check the Board
accuracy and reliability of its accounting
-Assists the commission in formulating
data, and encourage adherence to
and implementing the PPSAS where
prescribed managerial policies.
PPSAS applies, in which case the PFRS
Cash Disbursement Ceiling and relevant standards issued by the
Financial Reporting Standards Council,
-Is a control Measure designed to
Board of Accountancy and Professional
ensure that withdrawals from Treasury
Regulation Commission shall apply.
shall be within the Treasury's capability
to honor such withdrawals Accounting Responsibility
Project -Emanates from the constitution, laws,
policies, rules and regulations
-Means a compound of a program
covering a homogenous group of -The constitution mandates the keeping
activities that result in the of the general accounts of the
accomplishment of an identifiable output government, promulgation of the
accounting rules, and the submission of
Balanced Budget
reports covering the financial condition
-Is applied in the preparation of the and the operation of the government
national budget, where the total
Government Accounting
estimated income must be more than
the total estimated expenditures. -One which encompasses the process
of analyzing, recording, summarizing
Continuing Appropriations
and communicating of all transactions,
-Refers to a legislative authorization involving the receipt and disposition of
which extends beyond one fiscal year government fund and property and
interpreting the results thereof.
Performance Budget
Coverage of PPSAS
-Is a plan or program of activities
together with costs of undertaking the -NGAs
meet goals or targets which emphasize -LGUs
on expected results. -GOCC not considered as GBE

National Budget NGAs

-Is the government estimate of its -National Government Agency

income and expenditure
-Local Government Unit
Government Owned and controlled Government Business Enterprise
corporation—— Government
-An Entity with the power to contract in
Business Enterprise
its own name
-GOCC not considered as GBE
-Has been assigned the financial and
Government offices charged with operational authority to carry on a
accounting responsibility business
-COA -Sells goods and services, in the normal
-DBM course of business, to other entities for
-BTr profit or full cost recovery
-Government agencies discharging the
-Not reliant on the continuing
functions of the government to enable it
government funding to be a going
to attain its commitments to the Filipino
-Controlled by a public sector entity
Commission on Audit
-Commission on Audit
-Keeps the general accounts of the
-Department of Budget and
-Promulgate accounting rules and
-Submits annual report of the
BTr government, its subdivisions, agencies
and instrumentalities, including GOCC
-Bureau of Treasury
to the President and Congress
Objectives of the Government
-Has the exclusive authority, subject to
the limitation in this article to define the
-To produce information concerning past scope of its audit and examination
operations and present conditions
-Promulgate accounting rules and
-To provide a basis for guidance for regulations
future operations
Department of Budget Management
-To provide for control of the acts of
-Responsible for the formulation and
public bodies and offices in the receipt,
implementation of the National Budget
disposition and utilization of funds and
with the goal of attaining our National
socio economic plans and obligations
-To report on the financial position and
Bureau of Treasury
results of operations of government
agencies for the information and
guidance of all persons controlled
-Receive and keep national funds,
manage and control the disbursements
-Maintain accounts of financial
transactions of all national government
offices, agencies and instrumentalities
National Government Agencies
-Departments, bureaus, offices and
other instrumentalities of the National
Governementc including the Congress,
the Judiciary, the constitutional bodies,
state colleges and universities, and ther
self contained institutions and hospitals
are required by law to have accounting
units/ divisions/ departments
Double Entry Bookkeeping
-It is a system of bookkeeping where
every Journal entry to account requires
a corresponding and opposite entry to a
different account
Fund Cluster Accounting
-Refers to an accounting entity for
recording expenditures and revenues
associated with a very specific activity
for which accounting records are
maintained and periodic financial reports
are prepared

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