WSSOA Objective Questions

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WSSOA Objective Questions

Fill in the Blanks

1. Distributed computing provides Scalability and fault tolerance.
2. A service can be considered as “nano enterprises” or mega corporations.
3. -----DCOM is not portable.
4. -----MOM is a middleware between the client and server.
5. Web servers are the program to program communications.
6. SOAP is based on XML
7. Java RMI is used to implement client \server communications.
8. Web services can be invoked using XML based RPC mechanism.
9. Web servicesis used to convert an application into web application.
10. WSDL stands for web services Description language.
11. UDDI stands for universal Description,discovery and integration.
12. Apache axis is an open source SOAP server and client.
13. Services delivery acts as a presentation module for the service requestor.
14. ebXML has a Messaging service(ms) that offers greater reliability and security when
compared to SOAP .
15. RPC -based communication model is based on request/response communication.
16. Web services are described by using a description language known as WSDL.
17. Java2WSDL tool is used for generating a java file from WSDL document from the existing
java class.
18. WSDL compiler is used for generating a java file from WSDL document .
19. Java 2 WSDL and WSDL compiler are provided by WASP 4.0
20. is a site from where SUN ONE studio 4
WSDL tool can be downloaded.
21. XML is simple markup language.
22. SGML stands for standard generalized markup language.
23. XLink is a XML linker language.
24. XSLT is a Declarative programming language.
25. Xpointer is a pointer language in XML.

Multiple Choice

26. In client server application model,the user interacts with the server through( a )
a. GUI
b. Client
c. RPC
27. A region called – helps the CORBA in verifying the appearance of the interferences at run
time (b )
a.implementation repository
b)intereface repository
c)repository identifier
d)all the above.
28.Which layer in RMI converts the remote references to local refernces at skeleton layer(c )
a.stub layer
b. remote reference layer at client
c. remote reference layer at server
d. skeleton layer.
29.Which layer of J2EE is responsible to deal with the business logic processing ?(b)
a. presentation layer
b.application layer
c. intergration layer
d all
30.Web service is ---(d)
a. standard way to integrate web based applications
b.Programmable XML based service
c. type of service that is part of a SOA
d. all
31.The basic web service platform has --- and -----(c)
a. xml,Html
b. css,http
c. xml,http
d Css, java
32.Which language is used UDDI?(a)
c. soap
33.Operational model of web services consists of(d)
a.service provider
b.service broker
c.service requestor
34.Web services communicates using(b)
a. close protocols
b. open protocols
c.write protocols
d. none
35.How to response is sent in XML -RPC(b)
a. xml response are appended to url of http response
b.xml response are embedded in the body of http response
c.xml response are converted to http response
d. none.
36. Which of the following perform coding,decoding and transporting of data
a. XML and UDDI
b. XML and SOAP
c. HTML and HTTP
d. HTML and SOAP
37.which of the following designates what a web service can do ?(b)
38.------ is the component that hosts the services that are published?(a) registry
b. services delivery
c.service container
d. UDDI registry.
39.---- behaves as registry and repository for the storage of WSDL based service
40.For creating the web services ,the service provider invokes the service by deploying it
in (b) registry
b. services container
c. UDDI registry
d. services delivery
41.The following tool is used for generating a WSDL document from an existing Javafile.
a.WSDL complier
c.Systinet WASP
d. Apache axis
42.The following element indicates the address of the service port.(d)
43.Following operation involves in generating the data structures and skeletons to carry
out the services.(a)
a.WSDL compliation
b. WSDL Proxy generation
c.WSDL generation
d.Java compliation
44.The binding for SOAP 1.1 end points is specified by a standard protocol called (c)
a.WSDL 1.2
b. WSDL 1.0
c. WSDL 1.1
d. WSDL 2.2
45. In the following type of end points the service can only obtain the message defined
by <input> element.(a)
a.One -way
d. notification
46.XML stands for -----(d)
a.extra markup language
b.extensible mark language.
c.extended markup language.
d. extensible markup language
47.Which of the following is a type of Xml parser?(c)
a. DOM
b. SAX
c. DOM and SOX
d. HMT
48.XML uses—(a) time data
b .data type definition
c.document twisted definition
d.document type definition
49.DTD stands for –(d) time data type definition
c.document twisted definition
d.document type definition
50.Which of the following is true ?(a)
a.XML elements can be empty
b.XML elements cannot be empty
c.XML elements can contain numbers
d. none
Fill in the Blanks

51. Usage of Tava RMI is client server communication

52.web services is set of distributed systems provider is used for web services development and deployment
54.Green pages level are Utilized by business
55.inquiring API is used in XML programming

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