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Is Gum Healthy For Your Teeth, Jaw,

and Overall Health?

Chewing gum is around since ancient times. It used to be derived from tree saps. Nowadays,
they prepare chew gum from synthetic material. It is not surprising 374 billion chewing gum
sell worldwide each year. The fun fact is an average American chew nearly 300 pieces of
gums every year.

It's no wonder why so many chewing gums are selling each year. Chewing gum Flavors like
mint can freshen up bad breath—some chew for reducing stress, while others use it to avoid
food cravings.

But the question is, is it good or bad for our teeth and jaw?

Relationship of Gum with Teeth and Jaw

The actual benefit of chewing gum is 'Chewing.' Your Musculoskeletal jaw joint needs
exercise. Our modern diets are softer than our ancestors' diets. There is less use of the jaw
muscles, and the bones don't grow as they should. It increases the risk of unaligned teeth.

Another major benefit of Chewing gum is that it increases the production of saliva in the
mouth. Saliva contains immune cells and minerals. The saliva bath and protect the teeth
from tooth decay. Also, it protects from dry mouth. Dry mouth is a decay called root caries.

Those were some of the benefits of chewing gum, but beware, chewing gum can be harmful
if you have TMJ…

TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) is also called TMD. It is due to imbalances in the
jaw. Chewing gum can make it worse, and you may have a sore jaw. In that case, you should
avoid chewing gum entirely or as much as possible.

According to this study, there is a common myth that gum causes TMD, but this is not true.

Now you may wonder which type of gum is right for your health…

Sugar-Sweetened Gum Vs. Sugar-free gum

Sugar is terrible for your teeth and also for your overall health as it can cause diabetes. In
your mouth, sugar is digested by harmful bacteria, which causes plaque and tooth decay
over time. You want to avoid sugar-sweetened gum at all costs as it increases the chance of

On the other hand, chewing sugar-free gum after a meal or snack can help neutralize the
bacteria's plaque acids.

Some sugar-free gum contains a natural sweetener called Xylitol. Xylitol is found in fruit,
vegetables, mushrooms, and berries. Study shows it is good for your teeth as it reduces
decay-causing bacteria. Xylitol has a simple mechanism of inhibiting Streptococcus Mutan
and Oral bacterium's growth, which causes cavities.

Not every gum flavor is good…

Sugar-free Gum Containing Artificial Flavors

Some artificial flavors contain food acids that cause dental erosion. These flavors are pack
with chemicals that is not recommendable.

Some artificial flavors can't be digested.

Chewing Gum and Digestion

Chewing gum can stimulate the overproduction of stomach acid, causes bloating and
diarrhea. Humans can't digest gums, so it goes straight through you when you swallow it as
the body lack the enzymes to break down the gum.

Some sugar-free gums contain FODMAPS. Those gums containing sugar alcohol are
FODMAPS. It causes digestive problems for people with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

Chewing gum healthy or not? This decision depends upon you. Chewing gum may help you
quit smoking or give you a cavity if you are not careful.

People with no issue should get non-artificial sweetener sugar-free gum. Chewing gum with
Xylitol is excellent for teeth but should not replace proper dental hygiene. And chewing gum
should also not replace actual meals.
Stop chewing if you experience symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea. Take a break from the
habit and give your muscles to relax if experiencing jaw pain or neck pain.

Some Common Questions Asked About Chewing

Is chewing gum vegan?

Some chewing gum contains animal glycerin which is not suitable for vegans.

Is gum bad for the environment?

Around 80-90% of chewing gum is not disposed of correctly as it is non-biodegradable. It is

the second most common form of litter after cigarette butts.

Does chewing gum go bad?

Gum is stable as it is non-reactive, so gum is not required to have an expiration date in most

What kind of gum can you chew with braces?

Any sugar-free gum would be fine, such as Dentyne Ice, Eclipse, Extra, Ice Breakers, Orbit,
Stride, and Trident.

Is gum ketogenic?

Sugar-free mint gums are delicate, but some gums contain a small amount of carbohydrates…
Chewing several a day may kick you out of ketosis.

Is it safe to chew gum while pregnant?

Gums with Xylitol are considered safe during pregnancy in moderate amounts.

Does chewing gum help you stay awake?

Study shows chewing gum can fight sleepiness. Chewing gum is a voluntary muscle
movement that stimulates the brain.

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