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َ‫ َمنْ َي ْه ِد ِه هللاُ َفالَ مُضِ َّل َل ُه َو َمنْ يُضْ لِ ْل َفال‬،‫ت أَعْ َمالِ َنا‬ ِ ‫شر ُْو ِر أَ ْنفُسِ َنا َومِنْ َس ِّي َئا‬
ُ ْ‫هلل مِن‬ ُ ‫ َو َنع‬،ُ‫إِنَّ ْال َحمْدَ هَّلِل ِ َنحْ َم ُدهُ َو َنسْ َت ِع ْي ُن ُه َو َنسْ َت ْغفِ ُره‬
ِ ‫ُوذ ِبا‬
َ ُ َ ْ َ َ
‫ أمَّا َبعْ دُ؛‬،.‫ َوأش َه ُد أنَّ م َُحم ًَّدا َع ْب ُدهُ َو َرس ُْول ُه‬،ُ‫ك له‬ َ َّ َ َ َ ْ َ َ
َ ‫َأش َه ُد أنْ ال إِل َه إِال هللاُ َوحْ دَ هُ ال َش ِر ْي‬، ‫ِي ل ُه‬ َ ‫َهاد‬

The honorable the jury's this competition

And The honorable my beloved friends

I'm standing in front you all, I would like to give a speech about "Stop, Don't approach adultry"

O Muslims and muslimat rahimakumullah .....

The word of God:

‫ة َو َسا َء َس ِبياًل‬4ً ‫ان َفا ِح َش‬ ِّ ‫َواَل َت ْق َربُوا‬

َ ‫الز َنا ۖ إِ َّن ُه َك‬

Meaning: and do not go near adultery, adultery is an evil deed, and a bad way (Q.S Al-Isra 'verse 32)

in the above verse Allah has said, blindly approach what leads you to that evil deed again and that is
a big sin. and there are many things that lead to that act

Another example in this modern era is courting. The thing is taboo but, worthy and worthy for us
discuss.means of courtship itself is a relationship of affection between the opposite sex that no
official ties (nonformal). According to Islamic law courts law is haram .and can not be changed into
halal. The haram is still haram. the origin of courtship itself from the western countries that most of
the non-Islamic / pagan community.

there are 4 restrictions in dating:

1. two-sided with a woman who is not a mahram

there is a hadith that explains about this, say the messenger of Allah:
means: And don't be alone with a woman who is not a mahram,

because the devil is indeed the third party except, together

His mahram . (HR Ahmad)

2. not subjecting the view

3. do not cover the aurat

4. touching

O Muslims and Muslims who are blessed by Allah ..

punishment in the world according to the Shari'a, he will be beaten (flogged) a hundred times and
do not be merciful to both. While in the hereafter he will be in the shame, made the fire of hell and
threw into jahannam, nauzubillahhiminzalik .......

O my brothers ...

do not try to approach adultery. when it happens immediately seek forgiveness and repent. Allah is
loving, most merciful.

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