MAP 115 Exam 5 Study Guide

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MAP 115 EXAM 5 Study Guide

1. Define CDC and explain their duties as it relates to immunization:

2. What do the following vaccine abbreviations stand for and in your own words what do they
a. Td
b. MMR
c. DTap
3. Know the Immunization schedules for the following:
a. DTap
b. MMR
c. HIB
d. VAR
e. IPV
f. Rotavirus
4. Define and describe the difference between:
a. Active acquired immunity
b. Passive acquired immunity
c. Natural immunity
d. Artificial immunity
5. List the preferred injection site for an infant
6. List the preferred injection side for a child over 2
7. What is the VIS form and what responsibility does the MA have with it?

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