Adventure Summar1

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The Traveler has discovered irregularities in the timeline, someone has been erasing people from
history. Circe the sorceress (1600 B.C., Sicily), the Phantom of the Opera one of the first of the modern
supervillain (1881, France), Sir Byron the gothic poet who ruled the vampire nation before Dracula left
his Transylvania manor (June 1816, Villa Diodati Switzerland), Ehrich Weiss, stage name Harry Houdini,
the supernatural investigator (1904, New York), Captain-Prince Dakkar Nemo the founder of New
Atlantis (1863, in the Atlantic), a seemingly unimportant medieval Irish lord named James Sherlock (479
CE, Camelot), and Ink Spot the mystery man of the 30’s (1939, Falconcrest). Each of these people has
important descendants, if not by blood then by the impact they made on the world. Without them the
world would lose an important component, in more ways than even the traveler realizes. The world
would become mundane and dull. The world is a stage and its people merely players, and one man in his
time plays many parts. It is the Traveler’s and his Allies responsibility to make sure that these actors stay
on script and keep the play from being rewritten for some diabolic purpose. If they fail, they themselves
might be erased.

The Traveler has gone a little loopy through his time travel. He no longer has a grasp of what era he is in
or what has and has not happened to him. He asks for the players to help him fix irregularities in the
timeline, when playing The Traveler feel free to give him an English accent and play with his temporal
displacement. When choosing a starting point roll a 8 sided die, each era will have a number.

1- Circe (1600 B.C., Sicily)

2- James Sherlock (479 CE, Camelot)
3- Sir Byron (June 1816, Villa Diodati Switzerland)
4- Captain-Prince Dakkar Nemo (1863, in the Atlantic)
5- the Phantom of the Opera (1881, France)
6- Harry Houdini (1904, New York)
7- Ink Spot (1939, Falconcrest)
8- The Mirror Zone (outside of time, Re-roll after an attack by alternate universe villains)

The explanation is a time flux making the travel unpredictable.

1600 B.C., Sicily.

You find yourselves that you are in small Greek colony in Sicily, little more than a rural village the
players need to find a local to point them in the right direction.

When they find the hut that Circe is living in the find 4 Anachronistic Thugs ransacking the place,
each go down in a single hit. The witch is gone, you need to investigate the hut. If a character makes an
intelligence save they can notice that the thugs are from the 1930’s. the characters find 4 clues

Miriam Dobson, Khrushchev’s cold summer

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