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The Dangers of the Woods – By Kaz (Part 1)

The wind rustled through the trees as the cool night air brushed past me. I pulled my hoodie
tighter around myself and shivered, my fur bristling at the cool breeze. The moon was out tonight,
casting a pale light on the path in front of me. My tail was curled tight up to my back, the vibrant blue
coloring visible even in the moonlight.

I was on my way home after a visit to a friend's house, taking the path through the local woods.
It was serene and peaceful, if not a bit uncomfortable from the temperature. Wearing a bright pink
hoodie and a loose-fitting pair of black denim jeans, I felt pretty good about how the day had went. I'd
spent a good amount of time playing video games with my friend, and now was going to head home for
a nice long bath.

Now, the thing about me is, my balls are quite abnormally large. Weird right? Talking about a
walk through the woods and suddenly...balls. Anyway, it's relevant because they made the walk that
much more uncomfortable. Cooped up in the jeans, they made a rather noticeable bulge, even though
the pants were loose-fitting. It looked like those cartoons where characters shove objects in their pants
for comedic effect, like two large melons in my pants.

It was one of my many unique traits, the most noticeable being my outstanding fur patterns. Tan
from head to toe with pale blueish lilac coloring on my belly, chest, and in between my thighs. But none
of that was visible with the pink hoodie and jeans on. Just the tail was, with the bright blue stripe down
the center.

I shivered as my paws crunched over freshly fallen leaves. Walking bare-pawed was one of my
favorite things to do, but others weren't too happy with the way it made my paws smell. I didn't mind
though. Smells are one of my favorite things, so a bit of foot odor never hurt! I smiled as I reminisced
about the adventures my friend and I had with the video games. Good times, for sure!

Lost in thoughts, shuffling along the dark wooded path, I froze as I heard a sharp snap from a
twig to my left. Gripping my hoodie tighter, I turned, peering into the near-black darkness to see what
had made the sound. Nothing seemed to be there. Shaking it off as just my imagination, I began walking
at a brisker pace, humming peacefully to myself, when I heard it again. This time it sounded like
something was moving fast in the underbrush, following me.

I felt my throat seize up, a lump forming as I realized I wasn't alone. If I had charged my cell
phone, I might've been able to call for help or something. But like an idiot I hadn't charged it, too
focused on video games. Now I was gonna pay the price it seemed. As my mind snapped back to the
present, a sharp odor hit my nose and stopped me in my tracks.

Now, when running from a perceived assailant, stopping is not the best course of action, as I'd
soon find out. But the smell that hit my nostrils made everything change perspective. The acrid, sour
smell of a heavy, manly set of balls, and believe me I knew the smell well. It was that sour odor that they
got when you didn't wash them for a few weeks, sort of like vinegar. It was a smell I savored, and
smelling it out here made me re-think running. I mean, I'm not a slut, but I hadn't gotten my nose under
a dirty pair of nuts in a good few months, maybe I ought to see who was following me.
Turning, I shakily spoke, paw still grasping my hoodie as another smell entered the fray -- the
smell of distinct unwashed swamp ass. Not the smell of feces, but the bittersweet, thick scent of ass
sweat. I shuddered as I struggled to speak "H-hello? W-who's there...?" I called out, my voice betraying
my mixed feelings. The trees and brush shook and rattled directly in front of me, and a figure stepped
from the forest.

The first thing I noticed was his incredibly large balls. They rivaled even mine, literally hanging
to the gent's knees. This must've been the source of that sour vinegar smell I'd detected. Next, I noticed
in the pale moonlight that his fur was matted down all over his body, as if he hadn't bathed in a long
time. As my eyes moved from his practically steaming paws up to those gargantuan babymakers, to his
muscled up chest and finally to his face, I swallowed the lump in my throat. The moonlight glinted off his
face, which seemed to be covered in some sort of sticky substance. He had a pronounced canine muzzle,
but with the ears of a feline. His tail was also feline in nature, a long swishy affair that was constantly
swaying to and fro as he surveyed me. I had no idea who, or what, he was, all I knew was he smelled

His hips were pronounced, wide away from his crotch, in a beautiful curve, almost as if he was
made for sex. I didn't know what to say now, so I stood there, my mouth slightly agape as he stepped
forward, into the moonlight. His fur was pale silver all over, with splotchy yellow and brownish markings
here and there. I wasn't sure if they were a fur pattern or something else. Frankly, I didn't care. As his
face came into view, I got a better glimpse at what was smeared all over it. Hanging off of his muzzle and
chin, in thick slimy strands was what appeared to be semen. Was it his? Or someone else's?

Time seemed to freeze and the cool breeze became easier to withstand as a heat began to form
inside of me, radiating from my loins outwards towards the rest of my body. The hybrid's eyes flashed a
brilliant shade of yellow, casting a light over me before speaking. "Greetings, young one. You have
entered into a territory which does not belong to you...and a shame, on the night of the crescent
moon!" As if I was meant to know what this meant, he chuckled and cast a knowing glance at me.

"W-what...are you?!" I managed to choke out, fear tensing up the muscles in my throat. "Oh?
You do not know? My apologies. The legends were once passed around more commonly. My name is
Kita-Ray, and I am the last surviving member of an ancient race of near-immortal hybrids. We are part
canine, part feline, the perfect balance of harmony, imbued with power from the gods!" As he spoke, he
flashed that brilliant yellow glow from his eyes again, cementing his point. I was way over my head with
this. One minute I'm playing shooter games and fondling my friend's ass, and here I was being
confronted by...some sort of ancient god-furry? What the hell?!

I stiffened as the breeze wafted another delicious scent of his odor my way, making a painful
protrusion form in my pants. "Now, on to business then. There is a price for trespassing into my
woods....and you must pay it friend..." As he advanced towards me, I struggled to find my voice, finally
stuttering out "W-wait! I don't have any money!" I managed to choke out. Fear was setting in, making
those other pesky feelings take backseat. What was this thing going to do to me?!

As he stepped close enough to brush his body against mine, he breathed directly into my face,
the heated scent of his breath washing over me, and calming me. The fear began to fade and my arms
dropped limp to my sides, and he smiled. "Have no fear, traveler...the price you will pay is a physical, not
material one." His reassuring tone washed over my senses, making me relax, my whole body loosening
up. His breath was some sort of...chemical?! In my mind I was screaming at myself to run, to hit him, to
do something, anything! But my body wouldn't cooperate. Collapsing to my knees, I looked up at him,
wondering what was going to happen.

Now on my knees before him, his immense nutsack was just inches away from my face. The
sheer power of the foul odor nearly knocked me on my ass. He was looking down at me with those
serene yellow eyes, a smile on his face as he spoke "I think you know what comes next, young
not be afraid...." I felt my body moving forward, knees shuffling on the cold, hard ground as I found my
face pressed deep into the crease of his ballsack. A thick slimy substance that smelled sour and rank
smeared into my facial fur, wetting it down and clogging up my nose. It felt almost like snot but a bit
thicker and definitely more rancid.

As the heat of the heavy orbs surrounded my face, I didn't want to escape anymore, I just
wanted to please this god...He started rubbing his balls up and down on my face, the pendulous orbs
jostling and grinding that funk into my fur, like he was marking me or something. He even held my head
as he rubbed himself on me. I heard a thick squelching sound followed by a lot of lesser squishing noises
as his crotch grew heavier. Grunting, I was able to look up.

My vision was mostly obscured by his huge slimy nuts, but from what I could see, a thick
pulsating yellow member was unsheathing onto my head. It felt even slimier than his rancid nuts if that
were possible. It smelt like a mixture of cookie dough and fish, giving off that signature dick stink that I
loved so much. It dripped onto the back of my neck as the tip hung off of my head, thick cocksnot oozing
down my neck. I was worried about my clothes getting soiled, when I reached down to unzip my was already gone! In fact, I was completely naked now, my heavy balls resting on the ground
in a puddle of slime. I also hadn't noticed that I was rock hard and oozing on his feet-paws!

Blushing, he finally relented with his nut-assault to my face, pulling back and reaching down,
placing a finger under my chin and tilting my head back. A wide smile spread his face and he spoke
sweetly to me "Such a good be an even better boy and suck my cock...." The hybrid creature
smirked as he stood up again, presenting the thick meat to me. It was about as thick around as my wrist,
pulsating and ribbed with veins up and down the shaft. It was lidded with a droopy collection of
foreskin, hanging off the tip and dribbling a thick strand of malodorous cock cheese. The stuff was
splattering onto the ground before me every few seconds.

I groaned as I leaned forward, trying to take a whiff but finding that slimy ball-funk still stuck in
my nose from a few moments ago. So I opened my mouth as best as I could, leaning forward and only
managing to get an inch or so of the tip into my mouth, feeling my jaw strain as that filthy cock entered
my mouth. The thick organ was emanating a pulsing yellow light. It was faint, but enough to cast a glow
on my face. I felt the thick, sloppy foreskin peel back inside of my mouth, with a rather revolting gob of
cocksnot and dick cheese belching onto my tongue. It was quickly swallowed though as the hybrid
thrusted forward, forcing my jaw to crack painfully as the cock surged into my mouth.

A low rumbling purr came from him as he slid into my throat, literally bulging it out as the rancid
dick went deep. I felt thick globs of ungodly things rushing down my throat, like I was drinking from a
sloppy tap. The salty flavor coated the insides of my throat making sure I wouldn't forget this beast for a
very long time. Just when I thought I was going to throw up from the sensation of pressure in my gullet,
the cock was removed, leaving me spluttering a mess of smegma and precum onto the ground in front
of me.

Now on all fours, before I could even move, he was behind me, and my cheeks flushed scarlet
as I knew what was to come next. The cool breeze didn't even help the heated, sweaty scene, and my
breathing was quick, ragged and sharp. I registered a heat near my anus, more so than the heat it was
already giving off. Then a snort of disapproval from the godlike being. "My my...someone ought to teach
you how to keep clean back here..." He said, a playful teasing tone entering his voice. I was acutely
aware of the fact that I hadn't wiped after my last dump, and I knew the kind of mess he was looking at.
Greasy, sweaty, streaked with leftovers, and definitely musky.

Next thing I knew, his lips were fastened to my pucker, tongue lashing out at the wrinkled hole,
furiously scrubbing the folds of anal flesh clean of grime. From his sounds of approval, I knew he must
be enjoying the flavor. His thick, dexterous tongue wriggled left and right, slamming against the walls of
my anus and stretching me like a cock. His lips, pressed vacuum tight to my anus, began to suck, and I
felt my anus pucker into the 'kiss'. I let out a soft moan as his tongue-tip dug deep enough to find my
pleasure center, that delightful bump of flesh deep in my ass that made me shiver as it was assaulted ;
my prostate.

In my new prone position, my balls were dragging the ground in an almost painful manner, but I
didn't care. My short walk home had turned into the most exciting escapade of my life. When he
seemed satisfied with the cleanliness of my ass, his tongue withdrew slowly, a strange ribbed texture
stretching my hole like a dildo might. I was gasping now, my eyes clamped shut as I felt my knot begin to
swell. I knew what was coming. I just hoped I could last for him.

He took his position behind me and lined his shaft up. Problem was, that thing was as big
around as my wrist, literally. I expected massive pain and possibly tearing if he thrust in, but whatever
his sloppy dick was doing, it felt good. My anus stretched slowly for him as that droopy foreskin made its
way in followed by several inches of thick cock. We both let out a primal groan of lust as he sank to his
balls, the massive things swinging forward to slap into mine. Thus began the furious breeding.

I'd never known fucking could go so rough and fast! Each thrust back into me rocked my body
back and forth, thick wet schlorping sounds echoing around the quiet woods as he destroyed my anus. I
could feel my ass trying to hold tight to him and keep him inside. Each time he'd draw out, my hole
would tense and prolapse outward gently before caving in to another massive thrust. As he began to
jackhammer my ass, quite literally, I lost control. Arching my back, I finally felt my purpose. I was here to
serve Kita-Ray, to be his plaything. I'm fairly sure the hybrid sensed my thoughts as he leaned over my
back and hissed into my ear, "Goooood boy. Submit and know your purpose."

I lowered my head and whimpered as my cock spasmed viciously, slapping my stomach as it let
off a stream of seed onto the ground below. It wasn't soon after that I heard him yowling behind me like
a dying animal, baying to the crescent moon as he began to glow brighter yellow than before, those
patches on his fur lighting up as well. I felt something quite strange that I hadn't noticed before...he had
two plump knots that were far larger around than my wrist, bumped up next to each other, and they
both inflated in me before his torrential spout of seed flooded my bowels.

My stomach began to glow faintly as the light inside was so bright it made my flesh and fur
slightly translucent. I grunted and began to feel lightheaded as the yellow glowing fluids rushed into my
body. Pump after pump of the strangely hot semen poured into me, until my belly literally began to
bloat. Soon enough I felt my throat clench up as the overflow of semen started backing up my pipes, and
as I opened my mouth to cry out, a torrent of the glowing hot semen sprayed out of my mouth, leaving
me spluttering and gasping.

When the beast was done, he pulled his knots out with a rough, wet "pop", and strangely my ass
didn't leak a drop. I wanted to collapse and just fall asleep, but he had other plans in mind. All that sex
had gotten him sweatier and messier, and he smiled as he appeared before me, getting down on all
fours and hiking his tail. Between his cheeks sat a yellow, slightly glowing pucker, but it was quite
obviously dripping with sweat and a strange, stinky slime. He spoke again his voice like an aphrodisiac to
me at this point. "Clean out of it..." He said with a chuckle.

I crawled forward, my belly sloshing audibly with his fluids as my tongue made contact with his
crevice. It was as filthy as one would expect, and it made me blanch. The taste of an unclean ass was one
I was well acquainted with but this was almost overkill. My tongue darted up and down the slimy
pucker, until I had a good tongue-load of the gunk to swallow. Back at it again, I mimicked his rimjob
earlier and pressed my lips to the hole, spreading it gently with my tongue. The inside was very earthy,
an almost clay-like texture as my tongue explored him. It tasted as though he'd never cleaned himself
out, but that was all changing now.

My thick tongue curled and licked at the walls, his filth filling my palate and mixing with the
flavor of his bitter cum. Soon enough, he seemed to tire of the deep rimming, as he pulled forward and
stood, smiling down at me. "You were quite the good companion, my friend. Your price has been paid,
and you are free to go...." As he turned to walk away, he left an almost visible cloud of stench behind,
making my head spin. Left alone again with my reeling thoughts, I groaned, struggling to stand.
However, I just collapsed onto my bloated stomach, my ass painfully gaping as I began to drift off to
sleep, a strange feeling stirring in my belly as I passed out....who knows what was going to be there
when I woke up....

And that is how I found myself in my current a male?! That god beast did
something to me, and my body is forever changed for it....but I can't say I'm complaining. Each feeble
kick and stir of the new life in my belly makes me proud, happy to have fulfilled my purpose....

To be continued?

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