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Compilation of Learning Enrichment exercises

Name:________________ Date:__________

Module 1 - The Philippine National Hero

Learning Enrichment exercise for Module 1 lesson 1

Further Reading on Rizal Law. In separate sheet of paper, write the content of every
section found in Rizal Law. Please refer on book of Wani-Obias The Life and Works of Jose
Rizal 2018. C&E Publishing, Inc. Quezon City. Pp 9-11. Compile and pass it during Midterm
Examination. This serves as your output.

It is stated on the Republic of the Philippines 3 rd session of its third congress, the
Rizal Law or R.A 1425 is an act to include in the curricula of all public and private
schools, colleges and university courses on the life, works and writings of Jose
Rizal, Particularly his novels, Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, authorizing and
the printing and distribution thereof, and for other purposes. And below is
Where the main points of the Republic are divided into six sections:
The Law comprises of 6 sections. These sections are

1) The first is that the courses on life, works and writings of Jose Rizal, especially Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo, shall be in the curricula of all schools and universities. Be it in public or private.

2) Secondly, It shall and will be obligatory that all schools, colleges and universities that they have an
adequate number of copies of the original Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as well as Rizal’s other
works and biography in their libraries.

3) Third is that the board of National Education shall cause the translation of the Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo, as well as other writings of Jose Rizal into English, Tagalog, and the principal Philippine
dialects; cause them to be distributed, free of charge to persons desiring to read them.

4) On the fourth section, nothing in this act shall be construed as amending or repealing section 927 of
the administrative code, prohibiting the discussion of religious doctrines by public school teachers and
other persons engaged in any public school.

5) Fifth, The sum of 300,000 pesos in authorized to be appropriated out of any fund not otherwise
appropriated in the National Treasury to carry out the purposes of this act.

6) Sixth, This act shall take effect upon its approval.

Module 2 : The Advent and Life of Our National Hero

Learning Enrichment Exercise for Module 2, lesson 1: The Birth of Jose Rizal
Research on the following works of Rizal during this period. Do this
activity in a bond paper. (Make sure to make it presentable). Compile and
pass it during Midterm Examination. This serves as your output.

Not sure what period is meant here in this question, but I’m going to take a
gamble that what meant here is the early childhood of Rizal. If so, then this is one
of the few recorded works of his which is called, Sa aking mga kabata which is
written in 1860 when he was only 8 yrs old.

At which it is seen that Rizal really do love our country, and that he
believes If a country really loves her God given tongue, she will surely yearn
for freedom like the birds in the firmament. This is said to be his first
dramatic work which was a Tagalog comedy.

There was also this this poem where he made it when he was around 14 yrs
old, called Mi Primera Inspiracion or My First Inspiration. Which is
Which is likely that, Mi Primera Inspiracion was the first poem Jose Rizal wrote
during his schooling stint in Ateneo. This poem was written in honor of his mother’s
birthday as evidenced by the terms “perfume of the flowers”, “the songs of the
birds”, “feast your day of bloom” and “festive day”.

Jose Rizal’s poetic verses show his eternal love and appreciation for his mother.
This is somehow his way of paying tribute to all the efforts of her dear mother.


Learning Enrichment module 2
Research on the following works of Rizal during this period. Do this
activity in a bond paper and put this a brown envelop. (Make sure to make it
presentable). Compile and pass it during Midterm Examination. This serves
as your output.

During this time period, Some of Rizal’s works during his early
childhood was like the works above. The Un Recuerdo A Mi Pueblo, Sa
aking mga kabata, and Mi Primera Inspiracion.
Besides these three, there are no other recorded works of his during
this time period.
Module 3: Scholastic Achievement of Dr. Jose P. Rizal

Lesson 1: Rizal at Ateneo de Manila (3 hrs.)


In a whole bond paper, research and paste the works of Dr. Jose P.
Rizal in this period. Compile and pass it during Midterm Examination. This
serves as your output.

Here are some of Rizal’s recorded works during his stay at Ateneo:

Mi Primera Inspiración (My First Inspiration) Felicitación (Felicitation)

fleet (El Embarque: Himno a la Flota de Magallanes, CIRCUMNAVIGATE THE WORLD (Y Es Espanol: Elcano, el
1875) Primero en dar la Vuelta al Mundo, December 1875)
Alianza Intima Entre la Religion y la Buena Education Por la Educación Recibe Lustre la Patria
(Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good Education) (Through Education the Country Receives
The Battle: Urbiztondo, Terror of Jolo (El Combate: Urbiztondo, El Heroismo de Colón ( The Heroism of
Terror de Jolo, December Columbus)
La Entrada Triufal de los Reyes Catolices en Granada
( The Triumphal Entry of the Catholic Monarchs into
El Cauteverio y el Triunfo: Batalla de Lucena y Prision Cólon y Juan II (Columbus and John II)
de Boadbil ( The Captivity and the Triump: Battle of
the Lucena and the Imprisonment of Boadbil)

To the Virgin Mary

Lesson 2: Rizal in University of Santo Tomas (3 hrs.)

Research on the following works of Rizal during his stay in Santo
Tomas. Compile and pass it during Midterm Examination. This serves as your

1. Synopsis of El Consejo de Dios

The synopsis of El Consejo de Dios or The Council of Gods is a story that took
place in Roman myth, where the Gods and Goddesses held a competition deciding
who is the best writer/author there is. With the representatives/candidates being
Homer, Virgil, and Cervantes, all of them being skilled at poems, writings and arts,
At which the prize of the competition are divine items. But this competition was no
normal competition, at which the Gods almost caused Ragnarok (or Twilight of the
Gods). But all is well that ends well, when Justice weighs the three books produced
by each of the writer, and finds those three books being of equal worth, and that
the result is a tie, ending with all three having each a prize of their own.

2. Content of the poem “To the Filipino Youth”

The content of the poem ‘To the Filipino

Youth’ is like a reminder as to what Rizal advised
his little sister Trinidad should aim of becoming
for, like those of German women, where she
should have strive to read and learn, and that she
must not allow herself to be conquered by
indolence because it costs so little to cast it off"...
but, this advise is not only applicable to his sister,
but also for us youths of modern days as well.

That, we the Filipino youth should and

always strive for more of what we are now. For
while we are still young, our youth will be gone
shortly before we know it. So before that time
comes, we must do what we can to ensure the
foundation of for the future generations of our
country to come.
Module 4: Rizal's First Travel Abroad

Lesson 1: Rizal in Spain (2 hrs.)

Research on the following. Compile and pass it during Midterm
Examination. This serves as your output.

a. Content of Rizal’s letter to his parents before he leave Philippines

going to Spain.
When searched in the internet, only few results show up
regarding the copy of Rizal’s letter.

According to Lisa Guerrero Nakpil, Rizal’s letter to

his parents reveal the context of time, place, and
circumstance of events that would follow after

The letter was written at a difficult time during

Rizal’s life in which he was experiencing a period
of adjustment. In 1882, he left the love of his life
in the Philippines and abruptly sailed to Europe
without saying goodbye to his lover and his family.
It was also the year when he started medical
school in Spain.

“The letter gives added dimension to the country’s

foremost hero. Like any Filipino expatriate, Rizal
would succumb to the enchantments of his foreign
surroundings but also to its political liberalism,”
said Nakpil.
b. Content of Paciano's letter sent to Dr. Jose P. Rizal in Spain

It’s hard to find a copy of Paciano’s letter to Rizal. But nonetheless, here’s some of the
contents about Paciano’s letter to Rizal while he is in Spain.

c. Content of Rizal's speech for honoring Luna and Hidalgo in Spain

According To The references I’ve searched, the contents of Rizal’s speech
honoring Luna and Hidalgo are as follows:

According to Rizal, Luna and Hidalgo’s Achievement illuminated the two ends of
the world—the Oreind and the West.

They are “Creative Geniuses”

And that the patriarchal era of the Philippines is passing.

“… to you are owed the beauty of the diamonds that the Philipines wears in her
crown; she produced the precious stones, Europe polished them.”

“illustrious achievements of Philippines children are no longer consumated within

the home”.

Praised the youth that fires much enthusiasm, Filipino youth-“sacred hope of my

“spain, as mother, teaches also her language to the Philippines in spite of the
opposition of those myopic me and pygmies…”
And that Luna and Hidalgo are the generous hopes, precious examples. The mutual
embrace of the two races.

where behind that speech is a Political appeal disguised as a toast. An appeal for
EQUALITY and BROTHERHOOD between Spaniards and Indios (Filipino).
References used for the content of Rizal
Lesson 2: Rizal in Berlin (2 hrs.)

Learning Enrichment

Compile the work/s of Dr. Jose P. Rizal during his stay in Europe. Pass
it during Midterm Examination. This serves as your output.
Here are a few notable things that Rizal made during his adventures in
1) Noli Me Tangere - The first half of Noli me Tangere was written in
Madrid, Spain from 1884-1885 while Dr. José P. Rizal was studying for
medicine. While in Germany, Rizal wrote the second half of Noli me Tangere
from time-to-time starting February 21, 1887.

2) El Filibusterismo - Rizal took 3 years to write his second novel. Rizal began writing El
Filibusterismo in October 1887 while he was in Calamba. In London (1888), he revised the plot and some
3) They Ask Me for Verses! - They Ask Me for Verses (Me Piden Versos) reflects
how sad it was for Rizal to be able to stir emotions through his poems but have
them stifled by the Spaniards.

4) Alin Mang Lahi - Among Jose Rizal’s musical compositions, one of the most
notable is the song Alin Mang Lahi (In Any Race). The lyrics of the song, also
penned by Rizal, talk about the quest for freedom from oppression by foreign
invaders, and the willingness to fight battles to restore freedom for one’s
Here are some of his works as well:

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