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A modem-
Translates along Signals from a computer into digital Signals that can travel along conventional
telephone lines
Translates digital Signals from a computer into analog Signals that can travel along conventional
telephone lines
3 Demodulates digital Signals from a computer.
4 None of these
Ans: 4

Personal Computers can be connected together to form a -
1 Server
2 Supercomputer
3 Network
4 Enterprise
Ans: 3

Which type of file is created by Word Processing Programs?
1 Database File
2 Storage File
3 Worksheet File
4 Document File
Ans: 1

Ctrl,shift and alt are called...... keys.
1 Adjustment
2 Function
3 Modifier
4 None of these
Ans: 4

What are .bas, .doc, and .html examples of ?
1 Extensions
2 Domains
3 Database
4 Protocols
Ans: 1

What characteristics of Read Only memory ROM, makes it useful?
1 ROM information can be easily updated.
2 ROM provides very large amounts of inexpensive Data storage.
3 Data in ROM is Nonvolatile, that is , it remains there even without electrical power
4 ROM chips are easily Swapped between different brands of computers
Ans: 3

By default, your documents print in.... mode.
1 Landscape
2 Portrait
3 Page Setup
4 Print view
Ans: 2

To access a mainframe or supercomputer ,users often use a-
1 Terminal
2 Node
3 Desktop
4 Handheld
Ans: 1

The.... of software contains list lists of commands and options.
1 Menu bar
2 Title bar
3 Formula bar
4 Tool bar
Ans: 1

Numbers in table columns are usually-
1 Right-aligned
2 Left-aligned
3 justified
4 Centered
Ans: 2

A ..... contains buttons and menus that provide quick access to commonly used commands.
1 Menu Bar
2 Toolbar
3 Window
4 Action Bar
Ans: 2

The.... tells the computer how to use its components.
1 Utility
2 Network
3 Operating System
4 Application Program
Ans: 3

What disk is used to cold boot a PC?
1 Steup disk
2 System disk
3 Diagostic disk
4 Program disk
Ans: 2

The..... manual tells you how to use a software program.
1 Documentation
2 Programming
3 Technical
4 User
Ans: 1

A word in a web page that, when clicked, opens another document-
1 Anchor
3 Hyperlink
4 Reference
Ans: 3

The first page of a Web site is called the.......
1 Homepage
2 Index
3 java Script
4 Book Mark
Ans: 1

A CD-RW disk-
1 Has a faster access than an internal disk
2 Is a form of optical disk, so it can only be written once
3 Holds less data than a floppy disk
4 Can be erased and rewritten
Ans: 4

Compiling creates a(n)-
1 Program Specification
2 Algorithm
3 Executable Program
4 Subroutine
Ans: 3

Q Which of the following is a popular Programming Language for developing multimedia Web
. pages, Websites and web-Based applications?
4 Nine of these
Ans: 2

In Excel,..... contains one or more worksheets.
1 Template
2 Workbook
3 Active cell
4 Label
Ans: 2

Q The Method of file organisation in which data records in a file are arranged in a specified
. order according to a key field is known as the-
1 Direct access method
2 Queuing method
3 Predetermined method
4 Sequential method
Ans: 4

A tuple is 1 -
1 Column of a Table
2 Two dimensional Table
3 Row of a Table
4 key of a Table
Ans: 3

The Software that allows users to surf the Internet is called a/an-
1 Search Engine
2 Internet Service Provider (ISP)
3 Multimedia Application
4 Browser
Ans: 1

Q If a new device is attached to a computer,such as a printer or scanner, its....... must be

. installed before the device can be used.
1 Buffer
2 Driver
3 Pager
4 Server
Ans: 2

OCR stands for-
1 Optical Character Recognition
2 Optical CPU Recognition
3 Optimal Character Rendering
4 Other Character Rsrtoration
Ans: 1

Q Emphysaema is a disease Caused by environmental pollution in which the affected organ of

. the body is-
1 Liver
2 Kidney
3 Lungs
4 Brain
Ans: 3

The branch of study dealing with old age and aging is called-
1 Oncology
2 Gerentology
3 Teratology
4 Ornithology
Ans: 2

The Yellow colour of human urine is due to a pigment called-
1 Cytochrome
2 Urochrome
3 Haemochrome
4 Phenolichrome
Ans: 2

Which of the Following is a Fish?
1 Sea Cucumber
2 Sea Cow
3 Sea Horse
4 Sea Lion
Ans: 3

Which of the following is the smallest bone in the human body?
1 Vomer
2 Stapes
3 Malleus
4 Incus
Ans: 2

Open Market Operations of RBI refer to-
1 Buying and selling of shares
2 Auctioning of foreign exchange
3 Trading in securities
4 Transactions of Gold
Ans: 1

Which one of the following duration is related to XI five year Plan In India?
1 2005-10
2 2006-11
3 2007-12
4 2008-13
Ans: 3

In India which agency is entrusted with the collection of data of capital formation?
1 RBI and Central Statistical Organization
2 RBI and SBI
3 RBI and all other commercials Banks
4 Central Statistical Organization and National sample Survey
Ans: 4

Q Which one of the following per capita daily calorie intake has been recommended for
. determining the poverty line in rural area in India?
1 2200
2 2400
3 2500
4 2600
Ans: 2

In which of the following countries High Yield Variety seed develop for the first time ?
1 Argentina
2 China
3 Mexico
4 India
Ans: 3
Q Which one of the following states as having the highest Human Development index in the
. year 2001?
1 Assam
2 Kerala
3 Uttar Pradesh
4 Madhya Pradesh
Ans: 2

The First Industry to develop in India was the-
1 Cottage Industry
2 Cement Industry
3 Iron and Steel industry
4 Engineering Industry
Ans: 1

The aim of differentiated Interest scheme was to provide concessional loans to -
1 Weaker Section of society
2 Public Sector Industries
3 Public limited companies
4 Big Exporters
Ans: 1

'Smart Money' is a term used for -
1 Internet banking
2 Credit Card
3 Saving Account in the Bank
4 Current Account in the Bank
Ans: 2

Q Note issuing department of Reserve Bank of India should always posses the minimum gold
. stock worth-
1 85 crore
2 115 crore
3 200 crore
4 None of the above
Ans: 2

Narsinham committee related to-
1 Higher education reforms
2 Tax structure reforms
3 Banking structure reforms
4 Planning implementation reforms
Ans: 3
The Basis of determining dearness allowances to employees of India is-
1 National Income
2 Consumer Price index
3 Standard of living
4 Per Capita Income
Ans: 2

Which one of the following states does not have a bicameral Legislature?
1 Uttar pradesh
2 Madhya Pradesh
3 Bihar
4 Karnatka
Ans: 2

The number of High court of Judicature in India is-
1 Twenty
2 Twenty one
3 Twenty two
4 Twenty three
Ans: 2

Q The distribution of legislative power between the centre and the states in the Constituion is
. given in-
1 Sixth Schedule
2 Seventh Schedule
3 Eighth Schedule
4 Ninth Schedule
Ans: 2

Q The Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly under Dr. B.R. Ambedkar had how many
. other members?
1 7
2 6
3 5
4 4
Ans: 2

The Constitution is silent in the Directive Principle of state policy about-
1 Adult Education
2 Living Wages for workers
3 Free legal aid to the poor
4 Primary education to children till they complete the age of 6 years
Ans: 1
Education which was initially a state subject was transferred to the Concurrent list by the -
1 24th Amendment
2 25th Amendment
3 42th Amendment
4 44th Amendment
Ans: 3

The Fundamental duties of a citizen do not include duty-
1 To protect and improve the natural environment
2 to cherish and follow the noble ideas which inspired our national struggle for freedom
3 to strive towards abolition of untouchability
4 to develop scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform
Ans: 3

The deepest trenches of the ocean are found in-
1 Indian Ocean
2 Pacific Ocean
3 Arctic Ocean
4 Atlantic Ocean
Ans: 2

The deepest lake of the world is-
1 Pushkar lake in Rajasthan
2 Lake superior in America
3 Victoria lake in Africa
4 Baikal lake in Russia
Ans: 4

The planet which which is called twin sister of earth is-
1 Mercury
2 Venus
3 Mars
4 Pluto
Ans: 2

Japan is one of the leading industrial countries of the world because-
1 It has ample mineral resources
2 It has ample bio-energy resources
3 Industrial revolution was initiated here
4 It has high technological Capacity
Ans: 4
The distance of Moon from the Earth-
1 364 thousand kms
2 300 thousand kms
3 446 thousand kms
4 384 thousand kms
Ans: 4

Chilka lake is situated in-
1 West Bengal
2 Andhra Pradesh
3 Orissa
4 Tamil Nadu
Ans: 3

Which one of the following is the tertiary activity?
1 Forestry
2 Manufacturing
3 Farming
4 Marketing
Ans: 4

Uttar Pradesh holds the first place in India in the production of-
1 Ice and Wheat
2 Wheat and Sugarcane
3 Rice and Sugarcane
4 Wheat and Pulses
Ans: 2

Identify the only tributary of river Ganges which rises in the Plains-
1 Son
2 Sharda or Saryu
3 Gomti
4 Ram Ganga
Ans: 3

Which region of the world, would you associate with 'Bushmen'?
1 East Africa
2 Sahara Desert
3 New Zealand
4 Kalahari
Ans: 4
Which one of the following is a cold current of the South Atlantic Ocean ?
1 Canary Current
2 Benguela Current
3 Agulhas Current
4 Brazil Current
Ans: 2

Bagalihar Project lies on the -
1 Jhelum River
2 Ravi River
3 Chenab River
4 Indus River
Ans: 3

Ujjain is situated at the bank of -
1 Chambal river
2 Kschipra river
3 Godavari River
4 Narmada River
Ans: 2

The State having highest scheduled caste population in India is-
1 Rajasthan
2 Maharashtra
3 Madhya Pradesh
4 uttar Pradesh
Ans: 4

Q As per World Statistics 2008' what approximate percentage of world approximate percentage
. of world population lives in Asia?
1 61%
2 63%
3 65%
4 66%
Ans: 1

Q Which Sultan of Delhi had established a separate agriculture department and had planned the
. 'Rotation of Crops'?
1 Iltutmish
2 Balban
3 Alauddin Khalji
4 Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
Ans: 4
Who was the first sultan of Delhi to have levied 'Haqq-i-Sharab' or irrigation tax?
1 Alauddin khalji
2 Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
3 Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
4 Firoz Tughlaq
Ans: 4

Varindra Ghosh was associated with-
1 Anushilan Samiti
2 Sadhava Samaj
3 Abhinava Bharat
4 Swadesh Bandhav Samiti
Ans: 1

The Bengali leader who opposed socio-religious reforms and support orthodoxy was-
1 Radhakant Deb
2 Nemisadhan Bose
3 Hemchandra Biswas
4 Hemchandra De
Ans: 1

Which medieval Indian ruler prior to Akbar has been referred to as the 'Akbar of Kashmir'?
1 Ibrahim Shah Sharqi
2 Sultan Sikandar
3 Zainul Abedin
4 Mahmud Gawan
Ans: 3

In whose reign was the 'Treaty of Chittor' signed between Mughal and the Rana of Mewar?
1 Akbar
2 Jahangir
3 Shahjahan
4 Aurangzeb
Ans: 2

'Permanent Settlement' was introduced during the tenure of -
1 Warren Hastings
2 Lord Cornwallis
3 Sir John Shore
4 Lord Wellesley
Ans: 2
From the following names identify the one who was not the brother of Humayun?
1 Kamran
2 Usman
3 Askari
4 Hindal
Ans: 2

Dhaman, Karad and Anjan are the-
1 Varieties of Sheep in Rajasthan
2 Varieties of caster seed of Gujarat
3 Varieties of Grass in Rajasthan
4 Three heros of Gawari dance
Ans: 3

The first cooperative society in Rajasthan Was established in 1905 of-
1 Bhinai in Ajmer district
2 Jaola in Nagour district
3 Gulabpura in Bhilwada district
4 Bassi in Jaipur district
Ans: 1

Recently the Bank of Rajasthan has been merged with-
1 H.D.F.C
3 State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur
4 State Bank of India
Ans: 2

India's main agriculture product import item is-
1 Pulse
2 Coffee
3 Sugar
4 Edible oils
Ans: 4

Find the odd product out of the following is-
1 Sesame
2 Groundnut
3 Caster seed
4 Mustard
Ans: 3
Sariska and Ranthambore are the reserves for which of the following animals?
1 Lion
2 Deer
3 Tiger
4 Bear
Ans: 3

The Greatest Parsi Social reformer of the 19th century was-
1 Sir Jamshedji
2 Sir Rustom Behramji
3 Navalji Tata
4 Behramji M. Mallabari
Ans: 4

Q Where did the congress working committee meet to pass the 'Govt. Indian Resolution' of July
. 14, 1942?
1 Bombay
2 Wardha
3 Lucknow
4 Tripura
Ans: 1

Q the first three universities in India (Calcutta, Madras and Bombay) were established in which
. year?
1 1857
2 1881
3 1885
4 1905
Ans: 1

Q Who Was made the Raj Pramukh of united rajasthan which came into exixtence of march
. 25,1948?
1 Maharaja of Dholpur
2 Maharaja of Karauli
3 Maharao of Kota
4 Maharaja of Sirohi
Ans: 3

Q Who was the ruler of a state in Rajasthan who played a very significant role in the
. establishment of Banaras Hindu University?
1 Maharana Fateh Singh(Udaipur)
2 Maharaja Ummed Singh(jhodpur)
3 Maharaja Man Singh-II(Jaipur)
4 Maharaja Ganga Singh(bikaner)
Ans: 4
The famous historian of Rajasthan who was also a social reformer was-
1 Mankaran Sarda
2 Harbilas Sarda
3 C.K.F Waltie
4 Jamnalal Bajaj
Ans: 2

Who was the famous ruler of Mewar who repaired the fort of Achalgarh?
1 Rana Ratan singh
2 Maharana Kumbha
3 Rana Sanga
4 Maharana Raj Singh
Ans: 2

Q Who was the first historian who wrote about 'Feudalism' in Rajasthan during the 19th
. century?
1 Col. James Tod
2 Dr. L.P.Tssitori
3 George Grearson
4 John Thomas
Ans: 1

Q 'Ain-i-Dahsala' system of land revenue assessment during the reign of akbar was introduced
. by-
1 Shah Nawaz Khan
2 Abdul Rahim Kahn-i- Khana
3 Todar Mal
4 Mulla-Do-Pyaza
Ans: 3

Who was the famous author of Kitab-ul-Hind?
1 Hasan Nizami
2 Minhaj-us-Siraj
3 Al Baruni
4 Shams-i-Siraj Afif
Ans: 3

The 'Astha Diggaj' were associated with which of the following rules?
1 Shivaji
2 Krishnadeva Ray
3 Rajendra-I
4 Yashovarman
Ans: 2
Sanctuary famous for Rhinoceros-
1 Kaziranga
2 Gir
3 Ranthombore
4 Corbett
Ans: 1

Which one is a mammal?
1 Shark
2 Squid
3 Octopus
4 Whale
Ans: 4

Which of the following is called 'graveyard of Dinosaurs'?
1 China
2 Montana
3 Argentina
4 Brazil
Ans: 2

One of the following is called 'flame of the forest'-
1 Bouhinia variegata
2 Jacaranda mimosafolia
3 Butea monosperma
4 Tectona Grandis
Ans: 3

Information about local flora cab be obtained from-
1 Herbarium
2 Auditorium
3 Sanitarium
4 Planetarium
Ans: 1

Plants growing on rocks are called-
1 Epiphytes
2 Halophytes
3 Xerophytes
4 Lithophytes
Ans: 4
Kerala State is famous world over for cultivating-
1 Rubber
2 Sugarcane
3 Spices
4 Rice
Ans: 3

The Head Quarters of Cairn Energy is in-
1 Scot Land
2 South Korea
3 Brazil
Ans: 1

POSCO, a korean multinatoinal company, intends to invest Rs.52000 crore in-
1 Chhattisgarh
2 Jharkhand
3 West Bengal
4 Orissa
Ans: 4

The new Presient of CII(Confederation of Indian Industry) is-
1 Rahul Bajaj
2 M.Dalmia
3 Hari Bhartia
4 Sunil Mittal
Ans: 3

Which of the following country is not a member of SAARC?
1 Afghanistan
2 Bhutan
3 Maldives
4 Myanmar
Ans: 4

The Cabinet Secretary of India is-
1 G.K.Pillai
2 Chandrashekhar
3 T.Srinivasan
4 Madhukar Gupta
Ans: 2
Q Which state was most affected by the blockade of the highway by the Naga Students Union in
. 2010?
1 Nagaland
2 Manipur
3 Arunachal Pradesh
4 Mizoram
Ans: 2

What is the name of the President of Iran?
1 M.Khominenni
2 E.Moussavi
3 M.Ahmedinejad
4 S.Chisti
Ans: 3

The Chief Minister of Karnataka is-
1 B.S. Yeddiurappa
2 S.M. Krishna
3 Deve Gowda
4 Rosiah
Ans: 1

The Prime Minister of UK is-
1 Tony Blair
2 Gordon Brown
3 David Cameron
4 David Miliband
Ans: 3

Maradona is a Famous Football Player of Which Country?
1 Argentina
2 Brazil
3 Spain
4 Italy
Ans: 1

The Author of the book 'One Night @The Call Centre' is-
1 Anurag Mathur
2 Vikram Seth
3 Jhumpa Lahiri
4 Chetan Bhagat
Ans: 4
Scheduled Tribe status is-
1 Restricted to Hindus
2 Religiously Neutral
3 Religiously to Hindus and Christmas
4 Religiously to Hindus and Muslims
Ans: 3

One of the following is not a Union Territory-
1 Tripura
2 Daman and Diu
3 Lakshadweep
4 Puducherry
Ans: 1

G-8 Muskoka Initiative is concerned with-
1 Curbing international terrorism
2 Promoting maternal and child health
3 Settling International disputes
4 Reducing greenhouse gases
Ans: 2

Q India hae recently added one more Biosphere Reserve. Which of these is the latest one in the
. list?
1 Nokrek
2 Dehang Debang
3 Simplipal
4 Cold desert
Ans: 3

Q India has become the largest recipient of the world bank loans during fiscal ending June,
. 2010. The country Which follows India is-
1 South Africa
2 Brazil
3 Mexico
4 Iran
Ans: 3

Q National Institute of Ayurveda, an autonomous body of Ministry of Health and Family

. welfare , government of India is located at-
1 Udipur
2 Jhodpur
3 Banswara
4 Jaipur
Ans: 4
River Khari is part of the drainage system of-
1 Arabian Sea
2 Inland drainage
3 Indeterminate drainage
4 Bay of Bengal
Ans: 4

The lowest air Pressure in the month of June in Rajasthan is Probable in the district of-
1 Bundi
2 Baran
3 Jaisalmer
4 Rasamand
Ans: 3

'Chhappan ' basin is inthe district of-
1 Alwar
2 Banswara
3 Pali
4 Tonk
Ans: 2

An approximate area of Rajasthan covered Under Western desert is-
1 More than 60%
2 Less than 30%
3 40%
4 50%
Ans: 1

The district having North-South elongation in Rajasthan is-
1 Jhalawar
2 Bhilwara
3 Chittogarh
4 Jhunjhunu
Ans: 3

The district through which 70 degree E longtitude Passes is-
1 Jodhpur
2 Jaiselmer
3 Dholpur
4 Nagpur
Ans: 2
Kapili is a tributary river of-
1 Gandak
2 Kosi
3 Ganga
4 Brahmaputra
Ans: 4

Main Resources of western Himalayan resource region, are:
1 Forests
2 Metallic minerals
3 Carbonic Minerals
4 Atomic minerals
Ans: 1

Most of the Topography of Manipur is -
1 Plain
2 Plateau
3 Marshy
4 Mountainous
Ans: 4

Winter rainfall in Tamil Nadu is mostly on account of-
1 Western Disturbances
2 South-west monsoon
3 North-east monsoon
4 South-east monsoon
Ans: 3

The name of the coast of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh is-
1 Coromandel
2 Malabar
3 Northern Circar
4 Konkan
Ans: 1

Of the following , the maximum prosperity of minerals is in-
1 Karnataka
2 Kerala
3 Maharashtra
4 Tamil Nadu
Ans: 1
The Resource in which chhota Nagpur Plateau is properous, is-
1 Skilled labour
2 Mineral
3 Hydroelectricity
4 Fertile soil
Ans: 2

Of the following the current statement is-
1 India lies in the middle of western hemisphere
2 Caspian sea is an open sea
3 Rajasthan is a cool temperate desert
4 North and South pole are antipodal to each other
Ans: 4

The mineral Which has earned Fame to chile is-
1 Gold
2 Manganese
3 Nitrate
4 Mineral oil
Ans: 3

Baku is famous for the mining of -
1 gold
2 Iron ore
3 Mineral ore
4 Zinc
Ans: 3

The Island of which Kalimantan ia a part,is-
1 Honshu
2 Borneo
3 Cuba
4 Madagascar(Malgasy)
Ans: 2

Celebes Sea is in-
1 Central America
2 South-East Asia
3 Arctic Ocean
4 North Sea
Ans: 2
The area which is the 'Store House is the Minerals' in South America is-
1 Brazilian Plateau
2 Bolivian Plateau
3 Patagonia
4 Orinoco Basin
Ans: 1

'Mocha' coffee is grown in-
1 Iraq
2 Brazil
3 Argentina
4 Yemen
Ans: 4

The great Famine Known as 'Chhapania-kal' among Rajasthani People occurred during-
1 1899-1900 AD
2 1905-1906 AD
3 1956-1958 AD
4 1888-1889 AD
Ans: 1

Q Which train was introduced for tourists with the help of Railway Minister in Rajasthan on
. January 11,2009?
1 Princely Rajasthan on Wheels
2 Royal Rajputana on wheels
3 Great Rajputana on wheels
4 Royal Rajasthan On Wheels
Ans: 4

One amongst the following takes the decision about the monetary Policy of India-
1 Finance Minister of India
2 Reserve Bank of India
3 Prime Minister of India
4 International Monetary Fund
Ans: 2

14 N.E.L.P Blocks, 1 J.V. Blocks, 2 Nomination Blocks and 4 C.B.M. Blocks are related to:
1 Gypsum belt
2 Gold belt
3 Petroleum Exploration
4 Lignite belt
Ans: 3
Q Which automobile company has been allotted 600 Acres land of Khuskheda(Bhiwadi) for
. manufacturing cars?
1 Ford
2 Toyota
3 Honda Cial
4 Volkswagen
Ans: 3

Q Rajasthan State industrial Development and Investment Corporation(RIICO)has signed as

. MoU with a Japanese Company for Establishment of Japanese units in Neemrana industrial
area. that Japanese company is-
1 Jetro
2 Hetro
3 Honda cial
4 Mitsubisi
Ans: 4

Q Which one among the following statement is 'incorrect'? New Industrial and investment
. Policy of Rajasthan 2010 is introduced and it states that-
1 During next five years 51 lakh persons will get employment
2 13 Sectors are more important to be focused
3 Land will be available to industrialists on easy terms
4 Incentive will not be accorded to Private Public Partnership
Ans: 4

Which one of the following is incorrectly matched?
1 Mahi Bajaj Sagar Project- Gujarat and Rajasthan
2 Chambal Project-Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh
3 Beas Project-Rajasthan,Punjab and Haryana
4 Indira Gandhi canal Project-Rajasthan nad Punjab
Ans: 4

Q Gang Canal, is among the among the oldest canals was constructed by Maharaja Ganga
. Singhjee in-
1 1930
2 1927
3 1944
4 1932
Ans: 2

Mewa-nagar in Rajasthan is famous for-
1 Jain Temple temple of parshwanath
2 Exports of dry fruits
3 Production of cumin seeds
4 Exports if kathputli Items
Ans: 1

Mixed Farming consists of-
1 Growing of several crops in a planned way
2 Growing rabi as well as kharif Crops
3 Growing several crops and also rearing animals
4 Growing of fruits as well as vegetables
Ans: 3

Which one amongst the following is incorrect?
1 In the western Part of Rajasthan generally salty lakes are available
2 Sambhar lake is the biggest salty lake in India
3 Nakki lake is the deepest lake in Rajasthan
4 Rajsamand lake is 64 kilometer from Udaipur and it is in Udaipur district
Ans: 4

The highest number of state level animals fairs Rajasthan are held in the district?
1 Jhalawar
2 Nagour
3 Barmer
4 Hanumangarh
Ans: 2

Q "GOD Knows man's virtues and enquires not his caste, in the next world there is no caste!"
. This was the theory of which Bhakti Saint?
1 Ramanand
2 Dadu
3 Nanak
4 Ramanuja
Ans: 3

The first Human statues worshiped in India were those of-
1 Brahma
2 Vishnu
3 Buddha
4 Shiva
Ans: 3

Q According to the Sangam texts the terms Kon, Ko and Mannan were attributed to which of the
. following?
1 Prime minister
2 Revenue Minister
3 Commander of the Army
4 King
Ans: 4

Q Centers located in Gujarat , Bengal, Deccan and Tamil Country during the Gupta period were
. associated with which of the following:
1 Textile Manufacture
2 Gems and precious stones
3 Handicrafts
4 Opium cultivation
Ans: 1

Q Land Revenue , which was the chief source of income during the Mauryan period, was
. collected by which officer?
1 Agronomai
2 Shulkadhyaksha
3 Sitadhayaksha
4 Akradhayaksha
Ans: 3

Q Which one among the following sites is located in the valley of Gaggar and its associated
. rivers?
1 Alamgirpur
2 Lothal
3 Mohenjodaro
4 Banwali
Ans: 4

The Fourth Buddhist Council which was held in Kashmir during the reign of which king?
1 Ashoka
2 Kala Ashok
3 Kanishka
4 Ajatshatru
Ans: 3

'Blue Baby' syndrome is because of drinking water with excess amounts of-
1 Phosphates
2 Sulphates
3 Carbonates
4 Nitrates
Ans: 4

H5N1 virus causing global pandemic influenza is -
1 Goat flu
2 Bird flu
3 Horse flu
4 Cow flu
Ans: 2

Curd Making is an ancient 'Bio-Technological' process involving-
1 Bacteria
2 Virus
3 Fungus
4 Protozoa
Ans: 1

In July 2010' ISRO used the vehicle for Launching 5 Satellites-
Ans: 2

'Raman effect' was used to develop-
1 Cooling Glasses
2 Space Craft
3 Atom Bomb
4 Detecting Scanners
Ans: 1

Ozone Layer Protects earth from-
1 Meteriorites
2 Cosmic and other radiations
3 Harmful Gases
4 Space Debris
Ans: 2

Lens System used in a microscope-
1 Convex
2 Concave
3 Concave,Convex
4 Plain lens
Ans: 1

Leaves look green, Because-
1 Reflect All colours
2 Absorb all Colours reflect Green
3 No effect of light on leaves
4 Absorb only green
Ans: 2

Petrol Contains-
1 Carbon, oxygen
2 Hydrogen,Oxygen
3 Nitrogen, Oxygen
4 Carbon,Hydrogen
Ans: 4

Ice Floats on Water Because-
1 Ice is Filled With Air
2 Ice less dense than Water
3 Waters depth more than ice
4 Ice more than water
Ans: 2

Which one is an organic Acid?
1 Citric
2 Sulphuric
3 Nitric
4 Phosphoric
Ans: 1

First organic chemical to be Synthesized in Laboratory-
1 Citric Acid
2 Oxalic Acid
3 Urea
4 Phosphoric Acid
Ans: 3

Carrier of parasite Plasmodium is-
1 Tick
2 Mosquito
3 Fly
4 Lice
Ans: 2

'Smart Money' is a term used for-
1 Internet Banking
2 FDRs in Banking
3 Credit Cards
4 Demand Drafts of Banks
Ans: 3

Q As per new guidelines issued by SEBI, Companies are required to list shares within how many
. days of the closure of the Initial Public Offers (IPOs)?
1 12 Days
2 15 Days
3 21 Days
4 30 Days
Ans: 1

Q Which of the following organization recently Celebrated the Silver Jubilee Year of its
. establishment?
3 G-20
4 G-8
Ans: 1

Youth festival 2011 will be Organized in January 2011 at-
1 Goa
2 Udaipur
3 Bhubaneshbar
4 Hyderabad
Ans: 2

Q Which of the following markets are independently regulated by Forward Market

. Commissions?
1 Mutual Funds
2 Commodity Exchanges
3 Stock Market
4 Foreign Exchange Markets
Ans: 2

Q Which of the private telecom operator became the first to introduce 3G Services in the
. Country?
1 Airtel
3 Airtel
4 vodafone
Ans: 2
In its review of Monetary Policy 2010-11 made on November 2, 2010, RBI did not altered-
1 Only CRR
2 Only Bank Rate
3 Both CRR and Bank Rate
4 Repo and Reverse Repo Rate
Ans: 3

Q Which Country Stands at the top in 2010 Human Development Index(HDI) rankings of 169
. Nations in Human Development Report 2010?
1 Norway
2 Australia
3 New Zealand
4 United States
Ans: 1

Q Human Development Report 2010 Classifies India in the 'Medium Human Development'
. category and places at..... rank out of 169 Countries.
1 116
2 117
3 118
4 119
Ans: 4

Government has Formed a high level infra Finance committee under the chairmanship of-
1 Y.B.Reddy
2 Rakesh Mohan
3 C. Rangrajan
4 Y.K.alagh
Ans: 2

With which Country India is Exploring Shale Gas Reserves ?
1 France
2 Germany
3 United Kingdom
Ans: 4

Q In which Nation , the Two day summit of Finance Ministers of G-20 nations was held in
. October 2010?
1 India
2 South Korea
3 China
4 Canada
Ans: 2
Which of the following nation is not a part of TAPI Gas Pipeline Project?
1 Afghanistan
2 India
3 Pakistan
4 Turkmenistan
Ans: 1

Newly Inaugurated helpline 'Udyami' is to assist-
1 Micro, Small and Medium enterprise
2 Large Capital industries
3 Only Female entrepreneur
4 Farmers introducing technology in farming
Ans: 1

The Goods and Service Tax (GST) Proposed to be Introduced in 2011 covers taxes like-
1 Trade/Sales Tax
2 Service Tax
3 Service, Excise etc.
4 Excise , service, VAT etc.
Ans: 4

Q Lal Bahadur Shastri Award 2010 for Excellence in Public Administration Academia and
. Management has been given to-
1 Zia Modi
2 Aruna Roy
3 Kapil Sibal
4 Arvind Kezeriwal
Ans: 2

Q Which of the Following State became the first state to Introduced Public Service Guarantee
. Act 2010?
1 Madhya Pradesh
2 Gujarat
3 Bihar
4 Haryana
Ans: 1

On Which day, the first World Statistics Day was Celebrated?
1 October 18, 2010
2 October 19, 2010
3 October 20, 2010
4 October 21, 2010
Ans: 3
Q In Economic times Corporate Excellence Awards 2010, who has been declared 'Business
. Leader of the year'?
1 R.C. Bhargava (Maruti Suzuki)
2 Aditya Puri (HDFC)
3 Mukesh Ambani(RIL)
4 Ratan Tata (Tata Group)
Ans: 2

Q National Green Tribunal(NGT) has been constituted in October 2010. Who has been appointed
. its first chief ?
1 Lokeshewar Singh
2 S.K.Puri
3 Y.S.Dadwal
4 Anil K. pandey
Ans: 1

Q Which of the following animal has been declared as 'National Heritage Animal' in October
. 2010 by the Union Government?
1 Tiger
2 Elephant
3 Lion
4 Camel
Ans: 2

Q Which of the following State registered the highest growth rate in Gross State Domestic
. Product (GSDP)during 2009-10?
1 Goa
2 Maharashtra
3 Chhattisgarh
4 Punjab
Ans: 3

Global Hunger index released by IFPRI in October 2010 Places India at-
1 58th Rank
2 67th Rank
3 69th Rank
4 74th Rank
Ans: 2

How many economists shared Nobel Prize in Economics for the Year 2010?
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 Only one person got it
Ans: 2
The Newly Introduced Indian Rupee symbol is based on -
1 Roman Script
2 Devnagri Script
3 Both (a)and (B)
4 None of the above
Ans: 3

Which of the following is not a Financial Regulator?
Ans: 3

Q Which of the following direct tax registered negative growth during the first half of 2010-
. 2011?
1 Corporate Tax
2 Income Tax
3 Wealth Tax
4 Securities Transaction Tax
Ans: 4

At Present What is the RBI'S share in NABARD equity?
1 99 Percent
2 51 Percent
3 49 Percent
4 1 Percent
Ans: 4

During the first half of 2010-2011, which of the indirect tax registered the maximum growth?
1 Excise Duty
2 Custom Duty
3 Service tax
4 All show almost same growth
Ans: 2

As on November 2,2010 which of the following key rate of RBI is the highest among all?
1 Repo Rate
2 Reserve Repo Rate
3 Bank Rate
4 Cash Reserve Ratio
Ans: 1
Japanese Grand Prix Champion is
1 Fernando Alonso
2 Sebastian Vettel
3 Felipe Massa
4 Mark Webber
Ans: 2

Shangai Master (Singles title) winner is-
1 Roger Federer
2 Rafael Nadal
3 Andy Murray
4 Robin Soderling
Ans: 3

India this year retained Border Gavasker Trophy after defeating-
1 Australia
2 Kenya
3 New Zealand
4 Pakistan
Ans: 1

In Global Gender Gap Report India has been ranked-
1 50th
2 112th
3 20th
4 90th
Ans: 2

In Global Hunger Index India has been ranked-
1 50th
2 67th
3 25th
4 30th
Ans: 2

Which Indian woman has not figured in the Forbes' 100 Most Powerful Women List?
1 Indra Nooyi
2 Shikha Sharma
3 Chanda kochhar
4 Savitri Jindal
Ans: 4
'Conversations with Myself' is the book written by-
1 Nelson Mandela
2 Mario Vargas Llosa
3 Prince Charles
4 None of the above
Ans: 1

World AIDS observed on-
1 December 1
2 December 5
3 December 3
4 December 4
Ans: 1

Minorities Rights Day in India is observed on-
1 December 15
2 December 18
3 December 25
4 December 30
Ans: 2

Howard Jacobson is the winner of-
1 Nobel Prize for Literature 2010
2 Pulitzer Prize
3 Man Booker Prize for 2010 for fiction
4 None of the above
Ans: 3

Miss World 2010 is-
1 Adriana Vasini
2 Alexandria Mills
3 Emma Wareus
4 Mansavi Mamgai
Ans: 2

The Noble Prize winner for 2010 in medicine is-
1 Liu Xiaobo
2 Mario Vargas Liosa
3 Robert Edwards
4 Akira Suzuki
Ans: 3
Who among the following won The Nobel Prize 2010 for Physics ?
1 Konstantin Novoselov
2 Andrei Geim
3 Both of the above
4 None of the above
Ans: 3

Who Among the following did not bag the Nobel Prize 2010 for Economics?
1 Christopher Pissarides
2 Peter Diamond
3 Dale Mortensen
4 Akira Suzuki
Ans: 4

Who is not the winner among the following Nobel Prize 2010 winners for Chemistry?
1 Akira Suzuki
2 Ei-ichi Negishi
3 Liu Xiaobo
4 Richard F.Heck
Ans: 3

National Voters' Day Will be observed on-
1 January 20
2 January 25
3 January 10
4 January 5
Ans: 2

Who has been Awarded LG ICC Test PLayer of the year Award For 2010?
1 Gautam Gambhir
2 Virender Sehwag
3 Villiers
4 None of the above
Ans: 2

Under LG ICC Awards for 2010 Sachin Tendulkar was given-
1 Sir Garfield Sobers Cricketer of the year Award
2 LG People's Choice Awarded
3 Both of the above
4 None of the above
Ans: 3
K.Vijay Kumar has been appointed as Director General of-
Ans: 1

FIC which was a news in recent month stands for-
1 Food India Corporation
2 Fast Intermediary Craft
3 First Interceptor Craft
4 None of the above
Ans: 3

BJP recently swept local bodies elections in-
1 Rajasthan
2 Gujarat
3 Himachal Pradesh
4 None of the above
Ans: 2

The theme of 17th ASEAN Summit was-
1 Towards the ASEAN Community from vision to action
2 Action Oriented Approach of ASEAN Community
3 ASEAN with New Actionable Approach
4 None of the above
Ans: 1

Where was 17th ASEAN Summit held?
1 Hanoi
2 Islamabad
3 Delhi
4 Colombo
Ans: 1

CSC which recently was in news stands for -
1 Convention on Supplementary Compensation
2 Conference on supply of Commandos
3 Committee on Supplementary Competition
4 None of the above
Ans: 1
US announced one of the largest weapons sales in its history worth nearly $60 billion to-
1 Kuwait
2 Saudi Arabia
3 Pakistan
4 Afganistan
Ans: 2

Which country recently completed its 20 years of unity?
1 France
2 Germany
3 Belgium
4 Japan
Ans: 2

General Elections were held in October 2010 in-
1 Uzbekistan
2 Kyrgyzstan
3 Kazakhstan
4 South Africa
Ans: 2

BASIC Group does not include?
1 Brazil
2 South Africa
3 India
4 Cambodia
Ans: 4

Which country won highest number of gold medals in XIX Commonwealth Games?
1 Australia
2 India
3 England
4 Kenya
Ans: 1

India recently signed $1 billion line of Credit Agreement With-
1 Bangladesh
2 Nepal
3 Vietnam
4 Sri Lanka
Ans: 1
Q Indian Prime Minister in October 2010 visited three East Asian Countries . Which of the
. following was not included in his itinerary?
1 Japan
2 Malaysia
3 Vietnam
4 Laos
Ans: 4

India recently signed cultural accord with-
1 Germany
2 Australia
3 Malaysia
4 Indonesia
Ans: 1

Enemy Property Law recently amended by the union government related to-
1 Properties of those who migrated to Pakistan after Partition-
2 Properties Captured by India during war with Pakistan and china
3 Properties owned by those Indians indulging in terrorist and disruptive activities
4 None of the above
Ans: 1

India has recently signed Social Security Agreement with-
1 Japan
2 South Korea
3 Germany
4 Italy
Ans: 2

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