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Activities for Teaching Respect

Teaching respect for others is a topic that should be included in all Panamanian
classrooms. all people are different and we must respect each one in the same way that we
have our own abilities, beliefs and ways of thinking about different topics. English is a
language that connects cultures and in the same way each culture has its differences. By
teaching students respect, they will grow as people who can communicate effectively and
accepting the differences. In Panama, a country known with a great diversity of cultures
and ethnic groups, it is important to develop activities with our students that motivate them
to be people with the ability to treat everyone with kindness and tolerance. Some of the
activities we carry out at school to respect the differences of ethnic groups are the Month of
the Black Ethnic Group, The Indigenous Panamanian Queen, and The Week of the

The black community in Panama has made many contributions to the growth of our
country such as the labor force in the construction of the canal. An ethnic group that
deserves the respect and admiration of all Panamanians and that should be introduced in the
teaching of children with curricular activities that show the importance of black culture.
Since the year 2000, Panamanians school started to celebrate the month of black ethnicity
where the community celebrate the contributions made by this ethnic group. During this
month students enjoy the richness of black culture performing and learning from dances,
music, costumes and gastronomy. Additionally, each time where students perform African-
Panamanians dances, dresses, or tales from their movement to our country; students love
the experience and keep it for the rest of their lives. Thus, students are prepared to have
positive relationships in our society. Having the time of preparing activities, we teach
future generations the importance of valuing the differences of each ethnic group.

Another activity that students enjoy is the Indigenous Queen (La reina indígena). It
is a fact that for different reasons, each year a high number of people is leaving the
indigenous territories in Panama. Having that in mind, observing this migration
phenomenon is where lies the importance of developing activities based on respecting
indigenous culture and their traditions. Definitely, my school began to carry out an activity
where the indigenous community that lives around the school could teach the students
about their culture. For many of the students, this was the first time having the opportunity
to interact with the indigenous culture. They enjoyed seeing the different dances, their
crafts, and costumes. Another activity that helps students to develop their acceptance of
diversity but at the end all people are the same with feelings, ideas, and opinions.

The last activity that I decided to list is the week of The Countryman (Semana del
campesino). During this activity, students learn about the hard job that people do in the
countryside. Most of the people that work in the country are called “mestizos”. Sometimes,
these people who work in the fields are looked down due to their daily work or for the way
they dress. Absolutely, students value the work they do in the field and raising the level of
respect to each other.

All activities are positives if they seek shaping students’ good manners towards
respecting all ethnic groups that we have in our country. Respect is not something that
teaches in a short period of time, teachers must persevere planning activities where students
get motivate to integrate people and valuing their differences and virtues. In this way, we
can all live in a society with tolerance and love for all our culture that contribute having a
better country with its customs and shape for respectful people.

Name: Carlos Alcedo

Date: April 24th, 2021

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