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Epps & Vieira, EDTE 520, 2019

Name: Michaela Miller

Date April 23/21 Allotted Time 1hr15mins

Purpose/Rationale: How does this lesson connect to the learning sequence?

This is a stand-alone lesson. Students will use two different mediums to create their art piece. Students will
have an understanding of the artist we are recreating this week.

BC Curriculum Connections: Which Big Ideas (Understand), Core and Curricular Competencies (Do), Content
Standards (Know) does this lesson develop?
U Big Ideas People create art to express who they are as individuals and community.
What will
a understand?
Core Competency Students get creative ideas that are novel and have value. An idea may be new to the student
or their peers, and it may be novel for their age group or the larger community. It may be
new to a particular context or absolutely new. The idea or product may have value in a
variety of ways and contexts – it may be fun, provide a sense of accomplishment, solve a
problem, be a form of self-expression, provoke reflection, or provide a new perspective that
influences the way people think or act. It can have a positive impact on the individual,
What will
D classmates, the community, or the world.
students do?

Curricular Explore elements, processes, materials, movements, technologies, tools, and techniques of
Competencies the arts.
Observe and share how artists use processes, materials, movements, technologies, tools, and
Describe and respond to works of art.
Content Standards Visual arts: elements of design: line, shape, texture, colour; principles of design
What will A variety of local works of art and artistic traditions from diverse cultures and communities
students Personal and collective responsibility associated with creating, experiencing, or sharing in a
w know? safe learning environment

First Peoples Principles of Learning or Snuneymuxw Teachings: Which teachings are reinforced in this

Epps & Vieira, EDTE 520, 2019
Who are the students in the class?
Specific Learning Intentions: (student-friendly language)
INTENSIVE: What supports do specific students require? (Students who require 1-1 or lengthy support)
W will require 1-on-1 support during the lesson. He will need help drawing the lines with the
oil pastels. Weston will be capable to do a portion of the painting on his own if not all of it.
F will require check ins to ensure she is on track. At the beginning she will be encouraged not
to draw an animal on her picture. In the end she will want to add one on once she is done. F
is very independent and capable in art.
A will require support. Ensuring he draws the lines fully extending on his page as well as the
hills. He will also need to be reminded to fill the page not just small parts. Aiden is capable
but will need reminders.
B will need reminders to stay on track and follow the class. May fall behind.
TARGETED: What supports do specific groups of students require? (Students who require learning,
self-management or enrichment support)

Students will need to be walked through each step slowly. Some may need instruction
repeated multiple times to ensure they are on the right track.

UNIVERSAL: What do I intend for all students to learn in this lesson?

All students should learn how to draw from a worm’s eye view of looking up.

Evidence of Learning: As a class we will have a discussion about the form of art we are doing. During the lesson I
will pose questions for students to answer that reflect what we are doing in art to check for
How will students demonstrate their
learning and understanding.
learning? What view are we drawing are trees from again?
products Where was our artist born?
What did she enjoy drawing?
conversations observations

How will I record this learning?

Learning Intention(s): I can learn about a famous artist and use their techniques to create art.
What will students learn?

Lesson Development
Epps & Vieira, EDTE 520, 2019

Connect: Pacing
How will you introduce this lesson in a manner that engages students and activates their thinking?
Activate or build background knowledge, capture interest, share learning intention.
The lesson will begin during snack. I will start to talk about the artist we are focusing on in today’s
Has anyone heard of Emily Carr before?
Emily Carr was born in Victoria. She became very famous for her artwork she did during the post-
impressionism and modernism time. Emily loved doing paintings of landscapes and Western
Indigenous Canadians. She was very well known by the Indigenous people on the Pacific Northwest
Coast (Haida Gwaii). Emily also loved travelling to Indigenous villages and painting landscapes of
their villages. She would incorporate totem poles and different things in the villages that
represented them. 15 mins
At this time I will show the students a portion of a video slideshow of Emily Carrs work.
After we look at a few pictures I will show the one we are doing in art today. I will let the students
know when they come back from recess there will be lots of materials on their desks but not to
touch anything until we all sit down and instruction is given.

Process: What steps and activities are you going to use to help students interact with new ideas, Pacing
build understanding, acquire and practice knowledge, skills and/or attitudes? In what ways have
you built in guided practice?
When the students come in from recess the materials will be on their desks.
Materials: Large paper, oil pastels, desk cover paper, paint trays will be set up at the back table for
when we finish the first steps of our art

To begin we will look at the sample I created. I will ask, does anyone notice anytime about the
trees? What do you think is the background?
I will explain that the trees are larger at the bottom and get a lot smaller as they go up the page.
We are going to be drawing our trees as if we are worms on the ground looking up at them, or
even if we went and lied down on the ground and looked up at the trees.
At this time, we will begin drawing the trunks. I will let the students know to watch mine first and
then they can do theirs. Reminding them that the trunks should look a lot bigger at the bottom
then the top. After we draw the trunks, I will walk the students through adding the tops and
branches to their trees. Reminding students not everyone’s will look the same. Maybe you want to
draw a small tree at the bottom to make it look like it is in the distance. I love when they all add
their own touch or uniqueness. Once we finish our trees, we will add the rolling hills. Students will
first draw in pencil and then trace in oil pastel. After everyone has finished, I will demonstrate
what we will be painting and the colours we will be using before the students get their paint
supplies. We can mix some colours together to create different shades for our hills and grass so
they don’t all look the same.
Once we have all drawn and then traced our lines, we can distribute the paint. We will be using
tempera paint. Students will have one paint tray between the two of them. They will each have
their own colours to use.

Epps & Vieira, EDTE 520, 2019

Transform: How will students apply or practice their learning? Can they show or represent their Pacing
learning in personalized ways?
When painting I will be wondering around the classroom checking in and observing the students
are. I will remind them we are going to be using browns and oranges and yellows for the hills.
Brown for the trunks, green for the tops, and blue for our sky. Some students may want to add
their own touch. I may allow to an extent. Reminding them that we are recreating a famous artist’s
painting and we wouldn’t want to add anything she wouldn’t have on it.

Closure: How will you solidify the learning that has taken place and deepen the learning process? Refer back
to the learning intention, connect to next learning.

To close up as students finish up, I will show some to the class with student permission. These will be hung up
inside with the rest of our famous artist paintings.
For those who finish early we have some catch up to do or a quiet center.

Reflection (typed; about 1.5 pages) What was successful in this lesson? What feedback did your peers
provide? If taught again, what would you change to make this lesson even more engaging and effective?

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