Final Presentation Vaccine Vision PDF

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Vaccine Vision

-Nobody is safe until everyone is safe

Privacy guarantee of the
The Team 3 application 18
Background 4-5 Our solution: Awareness 19
Problems 6-7 Our solution: Encouragement 20
Our Hypothesis 8
Market research 21-22
Audiences to adress 9
Method used 23
Solution overview 10
Our solution: Application Discussion & next steps 24
11-16 Result & feedback 25
Solution: Textit flow 17
Bibliography/ References 26
The team


Prototype Prototype Research, Research, Designing,

creation, creation, writing writing, data prototype
writing, editing market analyzing creation,
research writing

Team mentor
Ms Katherine.
Vaccine Hesitancy

Many rumours and false information about the Mexico

vaccine makes a lot of people hesitant of taking
the vaccine. This means that less people are Vaccine Hesitant

willing to take the vaccine and this makes it take

longer to achieve herd immunity in the world.
Herd immunization is the key to stop the
aggressive spread of this virus. Many people are
hesitant to the vaccine because of lack of
education and do not know much about the
vaccine, this causes them to either spread or Vaccine Acceptance
believe in rumors about the vaccine that are not

According to Lazarus et. al. (2020), Mexico has a vaccine acceptance rate of 76.3%.
Boosting this would mean greater chances of success.
Background Identified problems caus i ng vacci ne hesi t a n cy i n Mex ico :

-Six approved vaccines and four in clinical trials, where some vaccines
have full data released on their effectiveness while some are less
-Uneven vaccine rollout.
-Vaccination sites of varying quality.
-Wealthier and more influential Mexicans "jump" the que.
-Counterfeit versions of the vaccine have been found.
The dire situation in
-Mexicans travel to the US to get vaccinated because of the long cues.
Mexico contributing to -On social media and WhatsApp guidance and advice on how to vaccinate
vaccine hesitancy in the US and not get caught circulate freely.
-The high death tolls and cases.

6 Approved Vaccines:
Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2)
CanSino (Ad5-nCoV)
Gamaleya(Sputnik V)
Oxford/AstraZeneca (AZD1222)
Bharat Biotech (Covaxin)
Sinovac (CoronaVac).
The problem The massive challenges that this pandemic has brought include unique
challenges in terms of vaccine production rates, roll-out plans and
logistical issues. Albeit, these are essential concerns, fixing them
alone, will not guarantee the achievement of the necessary vaccine
rates required to reduce the transmission of the virus and end the
pandemic. Lessons learned from previous mass vaccination efforts
(smallpox, polio and measles) has time after time shown that the
essential core strategy lies in vaccine acceptance, social community
Vaccine hesitancy
support for vaccination and combating vaccine hesitancy. Immunization
champions emphasize that community mobilization and behavior change
are game-changing strategies to fight vaccine hesitancy. The global
community must rapidly relearn these exercises and plan methodologies
to address the growing concern: vaccine hesitancy.

Combating vaccine hesitancy boosts vaccination

Factors related to vaccine acceptance and uptake:
The problem
Past experiences with mass vaccinations and religion, cultural, gender,
or socio-economic norms; general access to vaccination services,
quality of care, delivery systems (logistics, resources),
contraindications, unreliability leading to failure in the vaccination
process; lack of knowledge of the fundamentals (for what illnesses it is
Contextual, structural and developed to prevent, where the vaccine is available and how it works);
attitudes/knowledge/norms the belief that the cons of vaccination outweighs the pros; rumors and
misinformation; misconceptions about the vaccines efficacy rates and
the belief of higher susceptibility to the vaccine-preventable illness.

Therefore, the problem we define is a need for an educational

application with information retrieved from trusted sources and all the
tools that the users request in order to feel confident to receive the
Hypothesis We hypothesize that:
Open communication strategies and approaches through an
application would combat vaccine hesitancy. This includes
promoting vaccination, as well as educating the public of the pros
and cons of the vaccines, and providing them with real life
situations of people who have taken the vaccine, and those who
have not.
Having a color coded temperature ring would help make COVID-19
Collecting side-effects, detection easier and creates an avenue for individuals to be safer,
and know what to look out for. Such incentives increase uptake and
awareness, encouraging
acceptance in communities.
In order to collect and communicate the vaccines´side effects, we
need to reach out to a big group of people. Through TextIt Flow, we
hypothesize, that the process is easier, more efficient, and more


Audiences to address
Easy-to-convince Hesitant
Lacks awareness on where it is available and if Serious concerns regarding safety and low belief
they are eligible. in the vaccines effectiveness, along with the low
confidence for the institutions promoting vaccines.

Poorly reached Active resistors

Physical distance, cost or low health proficiency, Opposition to vaccination due to strong personal,
which complicates access to vaccination facilities, cultural, or religious convictions and theories.
together with the high perceptions of
inconvenience, in terms of time and cost, to travel
to vaccination sites.

Unconcerned Healthcare providers

Unconcerned about the risk and severity of Covid- We must not forget to target the audience
19 and therefore very low perceived danger. consisting of healthcare providers and social care
workers, to ensure effective acceptance and
(FHI 360, 2020)
We created a prototype of an educational application. We
created a prototype of app that can educate people about
the vaccine and help them register for vaccinations and
educational events. We also decided to create a suggested
SMS system with TextIt, which will help collect data about
any symptoms after vaccination. If people are
uncomfortable with providing their phone numbers, then
they are free to use the "add your symptom" feature on
the app. -Communication through Vaccine Vision Application in order to
battle vaccine hesitancy. We do this through engaging the public,
Awareness spreading awareness, and having messages of encouragement.
We created three printable posters that can In order to assure the public, we have drafted privacy guarantee
be used to spread awareness about our app. to ensure them that their private information is safely stored and
processed in local servers, and requiring a legal consent from a
guardian for children under 13 years old.
-A ring that detects temperature in a color-code basis and also
acts as an incentive to receive the vaccine.
We suggest that items like customized
facemasks, pins, stickers, and bracelets be -TextIt Flow to collect and communicate the side effects in a
given to people after they get vaccinated. systematic manner.
Makeit Provide detailed and easy understandable data about the vaccine (how it operates in the body,

known plan, safety, benefits). Advise on where inoculation administrations can be found. Brand and
make signage for Covid-19 vaccination sites.

Makeit Increase self-adequacy to beat perceived barriers – real or not. Improve overall health proficiency

easy to comprehend provided vaccine information. Guidance on how to overcome existing or

perceived barriers to accessing immunization facilities and provide practical suggestions for
people to access vaccination points (transportation, outreach services, vochers and so forth).

Makeit Increment view of individual danger of COVID-19. Increase the conviction that COVID-19

relevant immunization has become the "standard" among peers. Provide data about outcomes of non-
vaccination. Present stories of comparable individuals who have encountered results of non-

Makeit Boost the beliefs that the vaccine is safe and effective to prevent disease. Help increase trust in

trusted the people and institutions promoting vaccination. Present credible sources which communicate
the benefits of vaccination. Provide an easy way to identify and compare benefits and drawbacks
of vaccination. Incentivize to uptake vaccination services by offering something people want.

Reducebad Reduce the resisters´ influence on other audiences in order to gain trust. Monitor detrimental

influence beliefs and their spread. Adapt messaging to counter damaging opinions circulating past this

Makeit Increase the certainty of the significance of completing the full vaccination course and reduce any

barriers to completing it. Provide cues or prompts (SMS reminders). Support individuals in the
completion of vaccination (set and commit to a plan) and motivate them by offering different
incentives. Deliver comparisons featuring high levels of vaccination uptake among nearby
communities and neighborhoods. (FHI 360, 2020)
The solution The idea
In the application we want to be honest about which groups to first receive the
Sign in

vaccine. The country will not be able to serve every single individual at once.
Therefore, it is of significant importance to prioritize those in most need of a
vaccine, in order to prevent severe illness, and for those who risk to be exposed
for the virus. Describe the reasons why some audiences will be prioritized in
each stage and to explain in what phases they too are eligible to receive the
vaccine. Approach misinformation by delivering easy-to-understand
information retrieved from trusted sources and channels. Instead of “myth
versus facts” provide the correct information and put the misinformation in a
context and explain why the related information is wrong and damaging.
Emphasizing why to keep practicing safety measures and protective
The application behaviours, before and after vaccination.

Sign in
To get a fair result of the monitoring of the vaccine we need the users to put in information
about themselves. We’ll need that information, for example age so we can see how the result
varies depending on what age group it is. We’ll be clear in the app that we won’t use the users
information for anything else than monitoring, so they feel safe and won’t hesitate to sign up.
It’s important to make the users feel safe so we get their trust and they are more likely to use
the app and the app will reach out to more users.

We made the homepage fairly easy to navigate through, so the users will not stop using the
application because it is too complicated. We made it easier to navigate through by writing
straight up what the buttons will take you to, so that the users will not need to click a lot of
buttons to get to the desired destination in the app.
The solution Register, verify and chat!
Register for vaccination Register for vaccination Interactive chat
Many hospitals have a system where you need to call the hospital to register your
vaccination. This could be a problem since more people are calling on the same
hospital phone line, this can cause that urgent calls don’t get through as fast. By
registering the vaccination on the app instead it could reduce the long phone lines
and the hospitals can receive urgent calls quicker.

Verifying vaccination
To verify that the user has taken the vaccination they will need to send in a PDF or
picture from the vaccination that shows that the user has taken the vaccine. Once

The application
the user has sended in the picture/PDF the app will check if the picture is legit and if
it is the user will get verified. First when the user gets verified they will need to
answer a quick form where they answer if they felt some symptoms after taking the
vaccine. This is a quick way to monitor the symptoms of the different vaccines. When
they get verified they will also get a verified symbol right next to their profile picture,
so it shows other people that they have taken the vaccine. The users will also need to Verification
verify their vaccine if they want to have access to the green pass and the green pass
that is connected to the Gatekeeper ring.

Interactive chat
The interactive chat is a chat forum between the users of the app. Here the users can
ask questions directly to people who have taken the vaccine and ask them questions.
The users can see if the users have vaccinated by looking if they have the verified
symbol next to their profile picture. It’s important that people that are hesitant get
confirmation from regular people that have taken the vaccine because they feel
more relatable with them than experts.

The solution Information & self quiz

There will be many ways in the application where the users can get
information about vaccines and COVID-19. Lack of education is one of the
biggest factors of vaccine hesitancy and it’s usually how rumours spread.
False rumours can make people hesitant about the vaccine. With the right
information people will get more knowledge about the vaccine and realize
that the rumours are false and will be more comfortable with taking the

The application vaccine. The application will also have a feature where it lets users ask
their own questions.

Self quiz
Letting the users take quizzes about their knowledge about the vaccine
and the virus can make them more engaged in learning. This will be a more
fun way to learn about the vaccine, instead of reading a long text. The quiz
is also a great way to repeat what the users has learnt from the
The solution Gatekeeper ring
he idea with the application and the ring is to appeal to feelings
since information alone is not strong enough. Emotional messaging
will contribute to better motivate uptake than just pure data.
Connecting immunization to bigger individual or societal values
(caring for not just yourself but for neigbours, family and the ones
you love) and describe what activities are safe to do after being
fully vaccinated and what places you are allowed to visit.

The application In the application there will be features that make you able to
connect the gatekeeper ring to the app. Because to NFC in the ring
the users can just scan the ring with the phone and it will
automatically connect to the app. By connecting the ring to the app
the users will be able to see their body temperature and connect
their green pass to the ring.

By being able to check your body temperature just by using the app
it will reduce the long queue of checking your body temperature by
the guards when entering a public place. This will make the body
temperature checking process much faster.

When users connect their ring to the app they will be able to have
their green pass on them all the time and they will be able to scan
the ring to show that they have taken the vaccine.
The solution TextIt flow
We want to recognize and react
to worries about the vaccines
´side effects. Through TextIt
Flow the process of collecting
data is easier, more efficient,
and more systematic. We also
Textit flow
find that transparency about
potential side effects, and to
contextualize them to make
sure people understand that
they most often will be
uncommon and of restricted
length, will be significantly
important to gain people´s trust.
We will retain their personal data for as long as it is necessary for vaccination campaigns and drives. We will
retain and use their personal data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations and for internal
analysis purposes.

Guarantee Your information, including Personal Data, is processed at the operating offices and in any other places
where the parties involved in the processing are located. It means that this information may be transferred to
— and maintained on — computers located outside of Your state, city, province, or other governmental
jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ than those from Your jurisdiction.

Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by Your submission of such information represents Your
agreement to that transfer.
Vaccine Vision will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that Your data is treated securely and in
This is how we assure our accordance with Mexico's Privacy Policies and no transfer of Your Personal Data will take place to an
organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of Your data and
users that their data is
other personal information.
stored safely with us!
Children's Privacy
Our Service does not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable
information from anyone under the age of 13. If You are a parent or guardian and You are aware that Your child
has provided Us with Personal Data, please contact Us. If We become aware that We have collected Personal
Data from anyone under the age of 13 without verification of parental consent, We take steps to remove that
information from Our servers.
If We need to rely on consent as a legal basis for processing Your information and Your country requires
consent from a parent, We may require Your parent's consent before We collect and use that information.

Take a look here:

The solution The links to our posters are attached below


-YFWCmhxPH-vqeJlJkV8Oo/view? l6PCgokqP9QZ9KZ3O1mG/view?usp=sharing f7uoIDwCn26GaptOlNggR0W/view?
usp=sharing usp=sharing
We suggest that items like customized facemasks, pins, stickers and bracelets be used to

The solution encourage people to get vaccinated. The links below lead to the proposed images for each of the
items above. The difference is that the items will be used to advertise our app, and will have the
statements, "I've been vaccinated! Register for vaccination through the app, Vaccine Vision."
pin stickers


facemasks bracelets
These items will be given to people who have received the
vaccine, upon leaving the vaccination site.
Market Existing technology
research Smart rings

There are a lot of existing rings on the market that use some kind of technology, the rings are usually called
“smart rings”. One of the biggest companies that creates smart rings is Oura. This ring has a lot of different
features like checking body temperature, which is also a feature that we want to add in our gatekeeper ring.
The Oura ring checks the temperature by measuring it every minute and it measures it directly from the skin.
Many other smart wearables do not measure the temperature from the skin because their sensors are outward
facing making it guess your temperature by your heart rate and the temperature in the environment around you.
This makes the other wearables not measure the exact temperature like the Oura ring can. The Oura ring also
Existing technology uses communication technology which is also a feature that we want to have in our ring so the ring can
communicate with the application. An Oura ring costs about $390 which is a bit expensive, but we plan to cut
that price down. An oura ring is made out of titanium which costs around $30/lb but we plan to make it out of
stainless steel since it’s also a metal that isn’t electrically conductive. Stainless steel costs around $0.45/lb,
which is much cheaper. We also planned to not have as many features as the Oura ring which cuts down the
price too. The only things we plan to keep are the features that check the body temperature and the feature
that makes the ring communicate with the application that we have created. An estimated price on the ring
could vary but we know that the stainless steel for the ring would cost about $0.0014 since a ring usually weighs
around 0.015lb. We will also include an NPC chip in our ring to make it scannable for the green pass, a NPC ship
on average costs about $0.25 cents. The estimated value for just a temperature ring that is stainless steel if you
compare what’s on the market today costs about $20 dollars. So our estimated value of the gatekeeper ring is
$0.0014+ $0.25+ $20+ additional costs = around $30 dollars. This is way cheaper than the Oura ring, it is less
than a tenth of the price of the Oura ring.

Estimated price: $30 (Oura)

research Existing technology
Existing applications

There are not many different apps that educate about the COVID-19 virus and the vaccine, however, there are a
lot of different information websites. An application that exists on the market that educates about vaccines
and why we should take the vaccines is Readyvax but this does not educate people about the COVID-19 it is
about vaccines for other diseases like measles. The application gives you evident information about the
ingredients in the vaccine, how the vaccines work and why we should take them. Readyvax is created by Emory
university. Even though there are a lot of different informational websites there are not a lot that lets the users
Existing Technology communicate with each other to share their experience of getting the vaccine. In many countries and hospitals
you need to call to book a vaccine appointment, this can cause the phone lines to the hospitals can get full and
it could get hard to reach if something urgent happens. This makes booking your vaccine appointment in an
app more safe.


Textit is a bot platform that makes it possible for organizations to reach out to a big group of people on SMS at
the same time to ask questions. Textit could be used for monitoring, messaging and for research. It is an
efficient way to collect data that many different companies use. One big company that uses textit is UNICEF.
Textit works in every country and it has over 60 million users. The cost to use Textit depends on how many
people you want to reach out to but an estimated value per message.

Objective: Gather opinions from a wide audience to understand different
Methods used needs in order to create a feasible solution.

We used Google forms to create a survey to gain people's thoughts and suggestions,
as well as information. The questions on our form asked participants if they think our
solution is good, or could use improvement.
Surveys, experts, research
online, articles. EXPERTS
We had a very helpful mentor that oversaw our progress and determined whether we
were doing something right, or something that needed more information. Our Mentor
helped us improve and refine the solution. We also launched surveys for other
mentors in order to gain a variety os aspects.


Reading relevant articles, research paper and information on websites.

We created an app prototype of the main features that we want our application to
have. It is educating, convincing and practical.
The solution is not limited to the Covid-19 vaccines and can be implemented for
Discussion & future mass vaccination plans. We surveyed mentors on what they think of our

next steps solution and among the suggested tips were: adding an overbooking option to
register for vaccination, as well as increasing the reliability of our application.
The problem concerning affordability in order to make the solution more inclusive.
We suggest a collaboration between pharmacies, clinics, health centers and
vaccination sites to provide our smart ring connected to our application. In order to
gain trust the app need governmental support.

At this stage of our project, we see that data security is also a concern for users. We
consider explicitly explaining how their data is stored passed to local government
servers during the sign up process using blockchain technology. We also see that it
would be more organized if registration happens in the local government.

Impact on individuals and society:

-The smart ring would facilitate the way to screen out feverish individuals who may
carry the virus. Early detection is key to prevent the next future pandemic.

Issues to address:
-Users trust
-Economical factors
-Lack of technical devices
We asked mentors, family members, and other mentees to rate our solution. The
Result & responses were:


Their tips and suggestions include focusing on a logistics model, improving public
A summary of all the
acceptance, and improving our marketing campaign so that we could target non-
feedbacks we got from believing individuals. The public has to be assured of the reliability of our solution
mentors and other through outreach programs and many webinars for the public's questions.
For TextIt Flow, adding an overbooking option so that people can be inoculated with
the most accessible surplus vaccines present in their community. In order to for
surplus and deficits to be shared, creating a network on vaccine centers is a must.

It is also established, both in our solution, and in the feedback we received that
effective communication using social media and being engaged in the community is
the most basic essential step of our solution.
FHI 360 (2020) - "Demand Creation and Advocacy for COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Uptake: An Interim Quick Start Guide"
Retrieved from:

Kyla P. Capisinio, May 16, 2021 - "Privacy Policy for Vaccine Vision". Find the attached link below:

Oura -

TextIt - The Leading Bot Platform

Malik Sallam (2021) - "COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Worldwide: A Concise Systematic Review of Vaccine Acceptance Rates"
Retrieved from:

KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor – April 2021 | KFF


Special thanks to:

-Our mentor Katherine Wert for your time, effort and invaluable expertise!
-Our survey respondents for your time and feedback!
-The New York Academy of Sciences, the Junior Academy and the sponsor for this challenge: IVA-
for this unique opportunity!

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