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Class: NT21B2TA Name: Huỳnh Thị Đan Tâm

Homework 7A: Prehistoric Timeline

o Before you read
A. Discussion: Read the timeline, paying attention to the words in blue. Then
answer the questions below.
1. What kind of animals were dinosaurs?
 Dinosaurs were reptiles.
2. When did dinosaurs die out completely?
 Dinosaurs died out completely about 65 million years ago.
3. What is a paleontologist?
 A paleontologist is a person who study of fossils as a way of getting
information about the history of life on Earth and the structure of rocks.
4. What does a predator eat?
 A predator eats meat from others animals.
B. Predict: Read the four questions in the paragraph headings on the next page
and answer Yes or No. Then read the passage to check your answers.
- Were dinosaurs just big reptiles? __ NO
- Was Tyrannosaurus rex a powerful predator? __ NO
- Did an asteroid kill the dinosaurs? __ NO
- Are all dinosaurs now extinct? __ YES
o Reading comprehension
A. Multiple choice: Choose the best answer for each question.
1. Another title for this reading could be__________
=> b. The Truth about Dinosaurs. (line 1-3)
2. Which statement about the Troodon is probably true?
=> d. It was quite intelligent. (line 11-13)
3. Some paleontologists think T. rex was a scavenger (line21). What does this
=> d. It ate animals that were already dead. (line 21-22)
4. What is Chicxulub?
=> a. a huge hole caused by an asteroid. (line 25-26)
5. At the end of the Cretaceous period_________
=> c. the Earth’s temperature was changing. (line 28-30)
B. True or False: Read the sentences below and circle T (true), F (false), or NG
(not given in the passage).
1. Some dinosaurs were small. T (line 7-8)
2. All dinosaurs had small brains. F (line 11-13)
3. Paleontologists agree that dinosaurs were cold-blooded. F (line 8-9)
4. T. rex was a fast runner. F (line 16-17)
5. A young T. rex probably had feathers like a bird. NG
6. Some scientists believe that modern-day birds are related to dinosaurs. T (line
o Vocabulary practice
A. Matching: Read the information and match each word in red with its definition.
1. actually, in fact: in reality.
2. huge, very large: giant.
3. totally: completely.
4. related to the body: physically.
5. a building where historical items are kept for people to see: museum.
B. Completion: Complete the information using words from the box. One word is
1. relative
2. speedy
3. hunter
4. climate

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