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Based on my researches, the Three Gorges Dam is the largest dam in the world carrying 39
trillion kg of water and is 175 meters above sea level. With this, the rotation of the Earth moves
slowly. To better understand the effect of the dam to the Earth’s rotation, different daily life
situations can be applied. For example, figure skaters go into a spin with their arms out and then
they will bring their arms closer towards their body and with that, they can spin faster. But how
does really the dam slow down the Earth's rotation?
With the great mass carried by the dam, it displaces the center of mass of the earth to a
particular extent where the earth resists the rotation. It slows down by 0.06 microseconds which
is 0.00000006 seconds longer.
With that, I came up with the realization that when the mass of an object is closer to the center
of the object it is easy to rotate when the center of the mass is away from the center of the
mass, it is harder to rotate. The object is trying to resist the force that is applied on it. The dam
moved the Earth’s mass further from its axis and therefore slowed earth’s rotation. It is harder to
rotate when mass is further from the axis.
This small amount of time does not impact that much and won't even kill every one of us. But
still, these small changes matter somehow. Maybe not today but someday in the near future.
The dam slowing down the earth's rotation won't affect that much to us, people, but it will surely
have a great impact on the environment. It will make great changes to the environment that will
affect us all and that is the one we need to care more about.

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