Evaluation 3

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Below are statements that concern with the preparedness of Barangay San Carlos for
natural calamities related to soil and mass wasting. Rate each indicating according to
your agreement or disagreement. Use the scale below

4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree

3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I. Family preparedness to soil and mass wasting

4 3 2 1
1. I know about the local emergency response of the barangay.
2. I have knowledge about evacuation plans in case of emergencies
and calamities.
3. I have created and practice evacuation plan inside the family.
4. I talk to everyone in our house on what to do if landslide or mass
wasting occurs.
5. I have assembled our emergency preparedness kit in our house.
6. I am familiar with the land where I live and the possible risks it will
7. I have contacts of emergency hotline numbers which I can call if
calamity hits our place.
8. I know the history of landslide and debris flow in my area.
9. I have established a family communication plan.
10. I have conducted a ground assessment before my house is built
in this place.
11. I listen to news about calamity so I can prepare if it will hit our
12. I am alert of the sudden increase or decrease of water flow which
can contribute to mass wasting. (if you leave near bodies of water)
13. I am able to identify changes to my surroundings that may signal
the likelihood of landslide or any mass wasting activity, such as
leaning fences or walls.
14. When me and family are told to evacuate, we easily follow.
15. I am aware of what to do during and after a mass wasting
happens and how to keep myself safe after it.

II. Minimizing hazards and warning sign familiarization about soil and mass wasting
4 3 2 1
1. I plant trees to help prevent mass wasting and landslides.
2. I repair and build retaining walls and channels around my home.
3. If I feel the soil moving away from foundations, I know it is a sign
of mass wasting activity and so I will prepare.
4. If I notice new cracks or unusual bulges in the ground, street
pavements or sidewalks, I know it is a sign of mass wasting activity
and so I will prepare.
5. If I hear an unusual sound, such as trees cracking or boulders
knocking together, I know it is a sign of mass wasting activity and so
I will prepare.
6. If I hear doors and windows stick or jam for the first time, I know it
is a sign of mass wasting activity and so I will prepare.
7. If I notice that the ground slopes downward and may begin to shift,
I know it is a sign of mass wasting activity and so I will prepare.

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