Sat Math Course Guide

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SAT Math

R. L. Daniels, T. Lam
Room 302

Welcome to a new school year that will be full of brand-new experiences. In order for you to
have a successful and productive school year in your Math class, you should be familiar with the
following classroom policies:

Virtual Expectations:

1. We will begin promptly at the beginning of class time.

2. We will keep our microphones on mute except when we are addressing the class.
3. We will keep our cameras on at all possible times.
4. Learning is not for spectators. We will/must participate and be actively engaged
through our mics, the chat, and comment pages.
5. We will support, encourage, communicate, and collaborate with each other at all
times. This sometimes means holding each other accountable. This always means
respecting each other.
6. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to me. You can email
Mr.Daniels at or Mr.Lam We want to provide as
much support to you as possible so you can succeed in class.

1. Respect is the key! To get respect, you must give respect.
2. All of the school rules apply in this classroom (Parkway High Five).
3. No personal grooming is allowed in the classroom.
4. Remain in your seat at all times except when needed for an activity.
5. You must come to class prepared everyday with your notebook and other
required materials.
1. Homework will be assigned every Monday through Thursday.
2. All homework should be completed in pencil. Pen will not be accepted!
3. Make-up homework due to absences is due the day following your return to
school. Homework will not be accepted a week after it was due.
4. All homework will be collected on a loose-leaf sheet of paper unless a sheet is
1. You are required to keep your Math Note Book up to date with at least one
entry from each lesson.
1. Projects will be assigned at least once a month.
2. Late projects will be penalized one grade for each day after the due date.
3. Projects will be described when they are assigned.
1. There will be at least one test or quiz each week.
2. Test dates will be announced at least one week in advance.
3. Some quizzes may not be announced.
4. Make up tests / quizzes will be given the day of return to school after the
5. It is your responsibility to make up the test or the quiz.
6. Failure to make up the test or the quiz will result in a zero for the test or quiz.
Pencils & Color Pencils
One subject notebook or one section of your loose-leaf notebook.
Scientific / Graphing Calculator (Optional)
Notebook Paper
A Pocket Folder
Your report card grade will be based on the following
Assessments 40%
Projects 30%
Classwork 20%
Homework 10%
Be prepared to learn, discuss and explore the following topics:

· Numeration
· Operations with Real Numbers
· Algebraic Operations and Reasoning
· Factoring and Quadratic Equations
· Functions and the Coordinate Plane
· Foundations of Geometry
· Mathematical Reasoning
· Measurement and Coordinate Geometry
· Transformation, Locus and Construction
· Statistics
· Probability

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