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What’s Your

End Game?
Ambition is a powerful and valuable thing.
But you have to know how to use it.

WHY DO WE KEEP GOING? time I realized ambition’s end-

It sounds like a dumb ques- lessness. It was 2008, and I
tion. Entrepreneurs are pro- was living with a girlfriend in
grammed for movement—to Boston. We’d already moved a
grow more, to achieve more, to few times for jobs of mine as
be more. But it’s worth stepping I pursued my goal of working
back to ask: Why? in national magazines. Then I
I got to thinking about this got the offer: A big magazine in
recently, after a conversation New York wanted me. But the
with Katie Sturino. She’s a girlfriend was done moving.
body-positivity activist who “When does it end?” she asked
launched a personal care brand me. I repeated that question to
called Megababe in 2017, and my parents as I wrestled with
the past few years have been whether to pick the job or the
transformative. “If you would relationship, and my parents
have told me 10 years ago what gave me excellent advice: “It
I’m making now, I would have never ends,” they said. If I
been like, Whaaaaat!” she said. stopped now, I’d just feel stuck.
“But every year the stakes get They were right; I took the job.
raised. I’ve been trying to figure So that’s what I said to Katie.
out, not a financial point, but If you’re the kind of person ful-
what life looks like to feel filled by growth, then take joy in
comfortable—because I don’t the endlessness of it. sure it’s done right? itself. We want to be actively
think there’s ever a number.” But after we wrapped up and Here’s what I’ve come to doing the thing we love, and
We were talking during a left the studio, Katie’s question think: We each need a goal actively fulfilling our vision of
taping of Hush Money, a pod- kept nagging me. She hadn’t that’s not about outcome. ourselves. We are in a state of
cast I cohost, and her question just asked about whether it We can’t say, “I’m doing this being. That doesn’t stop.
resonated with me. I have also ends; she asked about getting to get rich,” because you can So what drives me? Having a
achieved a lot of my initial goals, lost in the endlessness. That’s always get richer. We can’t say, strong voice, and a message to
and have also discovered that a reasonable thing to worry “I’m doing this to be famous,” share. I go into that more in my
there’s no bell to ring or finish line about. Our pursuit of bigger because you can always be more profile of Dwayne Johnson and
to cross. There’s no moment of things can take us away from famous. That’s a recipe for dis- Dany Garcia in this issue. And,
pure comfort where I kick back those we love. Other times, it appointment. So when we con- hopefully, I also accomplished it
and think I’ve made it. Instead, can be an unhealthy distraction. stantly pursue bigger things, we in this column here. But it’s done
as I grow my career, I just start Tim Ferriss wrote about that cannot actually be on a quest now. Time to write another.
comparing myself to even-more- recently, admitting that his for bigger things.
accomplished people—ones who initial quest to become famous We must instead know, deep
have a larger platform, a higher was driven by deeper personal down, what drives us. Is it to
income, and a greater impact problems. “I desperately hoped make an impact in a commu-
on the world. The more we that love from without (i.e., nity? To solve problems? To
achieve, the more we want. from masses of other people) innovate? We can do those
“How do you shield yourself would somehow make up for things endlessly—and if we do Jason Feifer
from that?” Katie asked me. hate from within,” he wrote. them well, our opportunities
I didn’t have an answer, So if we’re going down an will only grow bigger. The pro- @heyfeifer
but I thought back to the first endless road, how do we make cess, therefore, is the prize by S U B S C R I B E :

12 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / April-May 2020 Photograph / N I G E L P A R R Y

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