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Marketing Management
End Semester


Submitted By: - Submitted To: -

1.Adarsh Jaiswal (JLU05317) Dr. Priyanka Rawal
2.Akshat Singh (JLU05418)
3.Bhishm Ahuja (JLU05381)
4.Naman Sogani (JLU05419)

Company Overview

 Dabur India Ltd. is one of India's driving FMCG Organizations. Expanding on a

tradition of value and experience of more than 135 years, Dabur is today India's
most confided in name and the world's biggest Ayurvedic and Natural Health Care

 Dabur India is additionally a world chief in Ayurveda with an arrangement of more

than 250 Natural/Ayurvedic items. Dabur's FMCG portfolio today incorporates five
lead brands with particular brand characters - Dabur as the expert brand for regular
medical care items, Vatika for premium individual consideration, Hajmola for
digestives, Réal for natural product juices and drinks and Fem for decency blanches
and skin health management items.

 Dabur today works in key shopper item classifications like Hair Care, Oral
Consideration, Medical services, Skin health management, Home Consideration and
Nourishments. The ayurvedic organization has a wide circulation organization,
covering 6.7 million retail outlets with a high infiltration in both metropolitan and
country markets.

 Dabur's items additionally have enormous presence in the abroad business sectors
and are today accessible in more than 100 nations across the globe. Its brands are
profoundly famous in the Center East, SAARC nations, Africa, US, Europe and Russia.
Dabur's abroad income today represents more than 27% of the complete turnover.

 The 135-year-old ayurvedic organization, advanced by the Burman family, begun

working in 1884 as an Ayurvedic medications organization. From its modest
beginnings in the by lanes of Calcutta, Dabur India Ltd has progressed significantly
today to get one of the greatest Indian-possessed buyer merchandise organizations
with the biggest home grown and common item portfolio on the planet. By and
large, Dabur has effectively changed itself from being a family-run business to turn
into an expertly overseen venture. What separates Dabur from the group is its
capacity to change in front of others and to consistently set new guidelines in
corporate administration and development.



1.Geographic Segmentation

Dabur has segmented its market with respect to Geography in the following way:

Asia Pacific




Segmentation Australia

Urban Segment

National Business

Rural Segment

In its abroad business, Dabur focuses on Continents which offer better vendor and other
homogeneous organizations in order to accomplish better economies of scale just as better

2.Demographic Segmentation

 On the basis of age:

o For Youngsters (Age under 13 years): Lal Tail – Infant Back rub Oil, Hajmola
candy, Infant Olive Oil, Glucose D, Genuine Activ.

o For Youth (14 years to 40 years): Common Neem Cleanser, Gulabari Face
Pack, Gulabari Dabur Red Toothpaste, Dabur Vatika Hair Oil.
o For Old (Age over 40 years): Nature Care Isabgol, Rheumatil gel, Sitopladi
Churan, Coconut Milk.

 On the basis of gender:

o For Men: Nature Care Punarnava, Nature Care CleanNClear / GreNeem,

o For Women: Rose Syrup, Dabur Jasmine Hair Oil, Dabur Vatika Body &
Bounce Shamboo, Natural Sandalwood Soap.

 On the basis of purchasing capacity:

o For Upper Class: Nature Way Ayurvedic Products like Shampoos, Soap etc.,
because they can spend more on the beauty range.
o For Middle and Lower Class: Health Care products are meant for Middle- and
Lower-class people who spend their money on Health products like Hajmola,
Churan, Pudin Hara etc.

3. Psychographic Segmentation:

Dabur has segmented their product according to Life Style of the People living in the
Particular Geographic segment. Dabur has concentrated on the people cautious for their
Health and launch different Health Care Products for the same segment.

4.Behavioural Segmentation:

Dabur has found a different segment Ayurvedic Products. Dabur’s research and
Development team found that Consumer’s likes (Consumer Preference and Taste) are for
Ayurvedic products as these products have no side effects. Buyers prefer Dabur’s Ayurvedic
products because they found that these produces long term results (Usage) and are also
cheap in rates (Economy) compared to other medicines.

It helps make the product more affordable to every income strata of the society. Dabur
products are targeted to every household but majority of its customers are middle
class people. It has gained useful insights through segmentation and adapted its offer to suit
the Indian target market. Identification of various segments and their specific needs enabled
the company develop new and improved products that better met the wishes of its different
customer groups.


After Market segmentation done by Dabur on the basis of five different force such as
Demographic, Geographic, Socio-Cultural, Psychographic and Behavioral Segments it has
made 20 different segments of consumer and target their different variety of product on the
basis of their taste, preferences, need, demands and choice and society.

Dabur has a circulation network that covers 175 towns and 75 thousand retail outlets
making its item accessible to the shoppers the nation over calm. The Objective Market for
Dabur is individuals of all pay levels. The objective market of Dabur is – Individuals in the
Upper, Center and Lower class. Additionally, Dabur has focused on the abroad market and
has become a famous brand with its items accessible in more than 120 nations.

 DABUR has focused on its Ladies fragment with its Magnificence items like Nature
way and Hair oils, Shampoos, Toothpastes and so on

 DABUR has also cantered around Older People and culture of Indian Market with its
assorted Ayurvedic oils, pills, Juices, Remedies (Pudin Hara) and some more.

 DABUR with its Skin health management items focused on the Abroad Market in
view of insufficiency of Hemoglobin containers in the blood of English individuals and
Western individuals. Thus, to fix and be protected from that they incline toward
Dabur's Ayurvedic Items.

 DABUR Nectar re-dispatched itself in 2014 with another logo. The item was
additionally made accessible in Rs10 pack, which has been immensely fruitful and
has added new purchasers to the brand. The market had a particular need of little
packs of nectar to taking care of kids and for strict uses. This has helped Dabur

address the need and it has been tremendously fruitful and has added new shoppers
to the brand.


1. Customer benefits approach.

Dabur has positioned its following range of Shampoos by showcasing the benefits of the
different range of Shampoos by Dabur:

Dabur Vatika Anti-dandruff Shampoo for natural dandruff control

Dabur Vatika Body & Bounce Shampoo for Oily Hair
Dabur Vatika Henna Conditioning for balanced and appropriate
Shampoo conditioning

Dabur Vatika Nourishing Hair Conditioner for oily hair

Dabur Vatika Gentle Cleansing Shampoo for dry hair

Dabur Vatika Nourishing Cream for normal hair


Dabur highlights the benefit of the different Shampoos for different hair types instead of
concentrating on a single variety and cuts an edge over its competitors.

2. The price-quality approach:

Dabur has used Price-Quality positioning approach by segregating its Nature Way product
range by fixing high prices to show that these products are high in quality that’s why fixed
with high prices. This concept of positioning is famous to be introducing in upper-level
community segment because they generally prefer to buy costly products by though in mind
that they must have better and quick results over other products.

3. The use or application approach:

In this strategy the product is positioned with a use or application approach.

Dabur’s Hajmola can be used to solve the problem of digestion and it can be used by any
age of people without any precaution. So, Dabur Hajmola has made its position in the
market because of its use and application.

4. The product user approach:

In this approach, the brand identifies and determines the target segment for which the
product will be positioned. Many brands use a model or a celebrity to position their product.
The expectations are that a model or a celebrity is likely to influence the product’s image by
reflecting their own image to it.

For example: Dabur Chywanprash is positioned for all age groups.

5. The cultural symbol approach:

The positioning strategy is based on deeply entrenched cultural symbol. The use of cultural
symbol can help to differentiate the brand from competitor brands.

Dabur uses herbs as their image symbol which shows that products are all Ayurvedic and
hence can be reliably used as it is based from our tradition. We can therefore say that Dabur
has used cultural image for their product.

6.The competitor approach:

Many brands use competitors as a dominant plank in their campaign. These brands are
positioned following its competitor. This is an offensive strategy. Fortunately, Dabur is one
such company that does not use this offensive strategy of positioning. But there exists some
Ayurvedic products manufacturing companies that uses this approach over Dabur’s

Product Mix for Dabur Showing the concept of
Product Line

Product Mix
Product mix denotes the set of all products that an organization offers to its customers.

Product Mix

Healthcare Division Personal Care Division Food Division Home Care Division

Ayurvedic Medicines & Soaps,Skincare,HAir Fruit Beverages &
OTC Products Care Kitchen Products

Product width is about the quantity of various product offerings the organization conveys.
The length alludes to the complete number of things an organization conveys inside the
product offerings.

Personal Care Division

Hair Oils Shampoo Skin Care Soaps

 Dabur  Dabur Vatika  Uveda  Fem

L Amla Fairness fairness
E Hair Oil Shampoo Cream soap
N  Uveda
G  Vatika Moisturizing  Fem dual
T Hair Oil Cream/ care
H Facewash
 Dabur  Gulabari  Fem
Anmol face cream liquid
and lotions soap

Health Care Division


Health Supplements Oral Care Digestives OTC

 Dabur  Dabur  Dabur  Dabur

Chyawanpras Red Hajmola Honitus
h Cough
L  Dabur  Dabur Syrup
E  Dabur Meswak Pudinhara
N Glucose-D  Dabur
G  Dabur Badam
T  Dabur Babool Oil
H Honey
 Dabur

Home Care Division


Insect Repellants Air Fresheners Cleaners

 Dabur  Dabur  Dazle Floor

Odomos Odonil Solid Fresh Cleaner
L  
 Dabur Odomos Dabur Sani Fresh Toilet
E Odonil Air Cleaner
Freshener Spray
 Dabur
T  Odopic Dish
Coil Washer

Food Division Products


Fruit Juice Kitchen Products

 Real Juice  Homemade Ginger


L  Real Activ  Homemade Coconut Milk

G  Burst  Homemade Tomato Puree
 Capsico Sauce

Product Life Cycle of Dabur

Product Life Cycle is the stages through which an item or its different classifications
sidestep. Like human existence item likewise has a daily existence which go through a
similar stage to which human pass for example Presentation, Growth, Maturity and Decline.
Item life cycle encourages the organization to recognize where its item stands, in the event
that the item is in development stage, at that point organization utilize different strategies
to get the item into development stage. So, they can appreciate higher incomes, and yet
organization needs to keep a watch that item ought not enter its decay stage. In any case
item will get wiped out from the market, to keep the item from going into decrease stage
organization make development in the item or get new variations so that to keep the item in
development stage as it were.

Introduction Phase: -
The primary phase of a product life cycle is the presentation or spearheading stage. During
this stage rivalry isn't a lot, costs are moderately high and markets are restricted and the
item advancement isn't a lot. For its Real image, Dabur zero in on expanding the utilization
by focusing on moms and youngsters. It prompted the beginning of the genuine organic
product juice in 2004. Simultaneously the organization needed to situate the Real natural
product Juice as its exceptional image and henceforth there was a superior valuing since its
beginning and in a bigger number of ways than one it has worked in the kindness of the
brand. During these occasions their primary objective was the kids and to interest them, the
moms were focused on.

Growth Phase: -
It was in the year 2008 - 2009 that the organization went into its development stage. The
section into this stage was very early and the development of the piece of the pie of the

genuine organic product juice was ostensibly, staggering. Dabur dispatched a 360-degree
market mission to fortify its genuine natural product juice picture. It was likewise dispatched
numerous new flavours in which it was promptly accessible on the lookout in order to take
into account an entirely different arrangement of clients. The beverage which was
beforehand accessible in two flavours was currently accessible in four new flavours which
took its reach to six. There could have been no other natural product juice which was
accessible in such countless variations in the Indian market around then. The Juice was
better focused and better stuffed in order to not be messed with and it had an emanation of
newness in it. The thought behind this was just about as much as to make it an encounter to
have Real Fruit Juice as to fulfil the wholesome necessities of the majority.

Maturity Phase: -
It can well be said that Real Fruit Juice is in its initial development stage or in its late
development stage. It has an entirely different scope of blend and incurring significant
damage of accessible variations to 14 viz. grapes, plum, litchi, pomegranate, mango,
tomato, cranberry, orange, guava, peach, blended organic products, apple, apricot,
pineapple. In all honesty it has other wanted organic product juice accessible as a variation.
It has an exceptionally consistent ascent in its piece of the overall industry. It is accessible at
most stores and the organization's extraordinary conveyance channel just adds further to its
expanding piece of the overall industry. The income share shows that Real Fruit Juice is truly
doing incredible in the natural product juice area in India and it has gigantic degree for
extension considering its image and appropriation channel.

Decline Phase: -
Real Fruit Juice till has not entered this stage and it's exceptionally improbable that it occurs
sooner rather than later.

Marketing Mix of Dabur

Product Mix- Dabur is submitted in contribution its client’s items that are of phenomenal
quality and are home grown. Their main goal is in giving products that demonstrate
beneficial to its clients, as wellbeing is riches. Nature gives motivation to every one of its
items. Dabur bargains in numerous classifications of stocks like oral consideration, hair care,
skin health management, food items, and medical care and home-care items. In1940 Dabur
dispatched Dabur Amla Hair Oil and even today, it is one of the main results of the
organization. In 1949, it gave the world Dabur Chyawanprash. From kids to the mature age
bunch, it is the top choice of each age. In 1970, Dabur added Oral items like Dabur Lal Dant
Manjan to its portfolio. Hajmola tablets and Hajmola candy were presented in the market in
the year 1978 and 1989 individually. In1994 Dabur turned into the world's subsequent
organization to enter the market for hostile to malignant growth meds. Its examination and
establishment group helped in building up a medication that is separated from the Asian
Yew tree leaves. This eco-accommodating cycle is interesting and one of its sorts. Its
wellbeing items incorporate Dabur's Honitus Cough Syrup, Dabur Active Blood Purifier for
ladies, Dabur Shankha Pushpi to upgrade the memory, Dabur Balm Solid for migraine and
Shilajit Gold for revival.

In 1996, it stepped in the food market unexpectedly with the dispatch of Real Fruit Juice and
later presented cooking glue, custom made pappad, coconut milk and tomato puree. Its skin
items, under the name 'Gulabari', incorporate Rose water, Saturating cream, Face purifier,
Moisturizing salve and under the name, 'Fem', incorporate Pink blanch, Gold fade, Blue dye,
Herbal fade, Liquid hand wash and Hair eliminating cream.

Price Mix: - Dabur has employed a unique group of prepared experts who examines the
evolving impression of the market. They make a precise and ordinary assessment of their
own items just as their rivals' items. Subsequent to dissecting every viewpoint cautiously,
they decide their evaluating system. As Dabur is a nature, based organization and they
manage Herbal items, so bargain isn't permitted with the item. The costs are remembered
with a base benefit. It is the point of the organization that more and more individuals
purchase these characteristic items, as they are valuable for the strength of each person.
Estimating system likewise includes the client's response. At whatever point an item gets an
antagonistic value response the organization draws out any of its markdown or exceptional
plans to counter assault it. A few times the value climb is negligible, yet the size of the pack
is diminished so both the shopper and the maker balance it. At different occasions, a value
climb gets mandatory and it is then the faithfulness of the client is tried. As the quality kept
up by the organization is at a lot more significant level than others are, it is ready to hold its
client base. An individual can purchase Dabur items effectively from the numerous zones on

the lookout. Dabur has kept up the nature of its items and its costs are truly sensible
contrasted with different brands.

Place Mix- Dabur has almost 2.8 million display areas and retail outlets. It has covered its
base effectively in both the business sectors, rustic and metropolitan. It has caught the
creative mind of overall business sectors, everywhere on the globe, in excess of 60 nations.
Talks are going on with different nations additionally, to remember Dabur items for their
market. Dabur specialists utilizes its business power just as conveyance channel to showcase
its items. It has a firm grasp on its market middle people like wholesalers and afterward
retailers and ultimately vendors. It is through every one of these channels that a Dabur item
passes and finally arrives at the shopper. Their solid organization for conveyance and supply
is broad and exceptional. The items are sent starting with one spot then onto the next
easily. It has numerous labs where exhaustive innovative work is in progress. This
progressing work has caused them in using the cutting-edge offices without settling on their
essential standards of ethic and qualities. Dabur has numerous producing plants in India.
The plant 1 at Sahibabad manages Hajmola, Dabur Amla Hair oil, Oncology prescriptions,
Hingoli and Ashokarisht. The Unit 1 in Baddi bargains with Ayurvedic meds, The Unit 2 in
Baddi manages Chyawanprash, The Unit in Narendrapur manages Honey. Dabur has opened
its first assembling unit abroad in Birgunj Nepal. This unit is prepared to fabricate Oral
consideration items, Ayurvedic meds, Hair Care items furthermore, Fruit Juices. An
assembling unit is set up in Egypt and this unit manages Food items, Skin care items and
Hair care items.

Promotion Mix: - Trust and Dabur go connected at the hip. Their creative vision has
prompted extraordinary progress and overcoming many achievements. The certainty that
individuals show in Dabur items encourages them to purchase those items. It has held hands
with worldwide organizations to help up its deals. In India, Dabur has dispatched an
undeniable publicizing effort. This will help in making the clients mindful of all the Dabur
items, their costs, their primary highlights and where the purchasers can get them without
any problem. Every last detail of a Dabur item is accessible on the web. Internet shopping is
being energized, as the more youthful age is techno-astute. Indeed, even the youngsters
and more established age have become keen on purchasing items online to save time. In
Televisions, renowned entertainers and sportsperson are promoting the items. Amitabh
Bachchan is seen regularly in Dabur promotions like Dabur Chyawanprash and Dabur
Hajmola. Sonakshi Sinha and Samantha are seen in Dabur Vatika Hair Oil. Salman Khan has
been a customary advertiser of Ranbaxy's Revital 30+. The advancements by VIPs help in the
ceaseless and high deals of the items.

Pricing Strategies of Dabur

Dabur has ventured up the speed of most recent item dispatches and is contributing advertisement
spend and showcasing. The whole item portfolio is moreover changed to join premium
contributions like more variations under pretty much every classification, as Dabur Vatika styling is
out there in 3 distinct renditions.

Dabur is today seen as significantly more proactive inside the market. Dabur is presently an outside
arranged organization. Across the whole association the corporate have one meaning of winning,
which implies developing, however developing totally. In the course of the most recent two years,
Dabur has kept up its working edges through sensible value climbs across items and decrease in
pack sizes.

The three main factors affecting the pricing strategies have been discussed below -:


Perhaps the main variables to be careful while estimating is the expense costs set the floor
for evaluating choices. There are two sorts of cost, variable expense and fixed expense. It is
significant that the cost ought to recuperate all expenses including a reasonable return for
undertaking the showcasing exertion and danger.


Rivalry is another significant thought while evaluating. At the point when a firm doesn't
confront any opposition, it can appreciate total opportunity in fixing its cost. However, when
there are contenders selling the equivalent or comparative items, the estimating
opportunity is extensively decreased. Its cost should conform to the contenders. Similarly,
Dabur India Limited also has many competitors. But Dabur’s top selected competitors are: -

1. Hindustan Unilever Limited

2. Proctor and Gamble
3. Pepsi co.
4. Colgate Palmolive
5. Godrej Industries
6. Marico Ltd.   etc.


Dabur discovered that most of Indian populace will in general go towards the Indianized
common and natural items subsequently they made it their USP. Dabur is proficiently
driving the market with this item range, giving the clients exceptional items without any

Integrated Marketing Communication

Roaming from the ordinary technique for displaying, Dabur Foods Ltd, a 100% assistant of
Dabur India, is moving its focus to overall advancing methods. Suddenly, Dabur Foods
means to accept a planned publicizing correspondence program to propel its items in a state
of harmony with videshi designs. As necessities be, the Company's multi-pronged
philosophy will by and by consolidate ground progressions, looking at works out, wide
correspondences publicizing, institutional headways, public association practices and
advancing tie-ups, instructs Dabur Foods head (exhibiting) Sanjay Sharma. As of now, the
Company's critical rival is Pepsis Tropicana in the certified juice grouping. For one thing, the
association expects to fabricate the detectable quality of its chief picture Real in popular
hotels and diners in huge metropolitan territories. Our move is highlighted extending care
among the institutional segment, for instance, bistros and food suppliers. We mean to have
our thing perceptible in menus at hotels. Also, we mean to highlight our packaging
development in our trades, he adds. The association has held an ad spending plan of Rs 10
crore for its expansive interchanges publicizing and progressions. As a component of its
restricted time works out, the association means to uncover a huge gathering of bartending
events named Real Juice Jockey challenge in Delhi, Mumbai and southern metropolitan
networks. The association similarly plans to recommend plans of blended beverages and
mocktails where hoteliers will use Dabur Real crush. As a component of its displaying
strategy, the association has tied-up with Discovery Channel to propel its new variety, Real
School pack. Adds Mr. Sharma: We in like manner intend to visit 400 schools the country
over to propel the Real brand. We moreover plan to teach young adults on the tolerability
of normal natural item drinks. Our point is to expand the class on the prosperity stage. As of
now, Dabur Foods advancing records are dealt with by Dhar and Hoon (Real) and Contract
Advertising (Real Active). Concerning its expansive correspondences publicizing plans, the
association is presently turning out three TV promotions to propel its common item squeeze
brands. As a component of its examining exercise program, the association plans to visit
corporate houses and informative establishments the country over. As of now, Dabur Foods
has an allotment network that covers 55 metropolitan networks and 1.25 lakh retail outlets.

We have no plans to broaden our dispersal association. Our push is on incredible elevating
plans to advocate our brands, adds Mr. Sharma.

Distribution Channel for

Dabur Chyawanprash

The above outline it shows channel of conveyance of dabur food sources, here first the items are
produced and from Manufacturing plants the pressed merchandise are provided to Clearing And
Forwarding Agents(C&FA) and from here the products are then additionally provided to number of
Stockiest or Distributors, from here merchandise scopes to huge number of Retailers and it is the
obligation of Stockiest to take orders from retailers and afterward supply the merchandise to them,
this work is for the most part done by stockiest sales rep through prepared stock or by taking
requests first and afterward submitting the request. From here the merchandise at last reaches to
Customers. Client buys the item from retailers. This was the fundamental Channel of Distribution
utilized by Dabur Chyawanprash.


As consumers in India’s top cities spend more time shopping for groceries online, fast-
moving consumer goods (FMCG) makers are accelerating the launch of digital-first brands
and rolling out more online specific stock keeping units.
From organic honey and male grooming kits, to beverages and snacks, companies such as
Marico Ltd, Dabur India Ltd and Hector Beverages are eyeing new launches.

“The pandemic has led to a shift in the shopping behaviour of consumers with the
propensity for online shopping increasing. Targeting this emerging trend, we have already
started launching a series of products exclusively for online markets. In the past few
months, we have launched several products, especially for e-commerce, such as Dabur
Apple Cider Vinegar, a ‘Dabur Baby Range’ with eight products apart from 100% cow ghee,
organic honey, Himalayan forest honey. Many more such online-exclusive innovations are in
the pipeline," said Mohit Malhotra, chief executive, Dabur India.
Many FMCG firms have been launching new products online to test their viability and also
attract more digitally-savvy shoppers. Most companies reported a significant surge in share
of online sales in the last two quarters as covid-linked lockdowns led more shoppers to buy
goods online.

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