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Module 8 Tes Student A

Vocabulary Grammar
1 Complete the words. 3 Complete the short dialogues with the correct
o t a n y verb forms.
0 the study of plants b
1 an animal with one A 0 Would you live (live) on Mars if it
1 (be) possible?
long horn r
2 the study of living things b B Yes, definitely. I 2 (try) to build
3 a large extinct elephant m a new world where there was no crime and no
4 the study of stars and sickness.
planets a
5 a person who studies C How 3 you
(feel) if you 4 (win) the lottery?
animals z
6 the study of light, movement, D I think I 5 (feel) amazing. I
6 (give) my family and friends
heat etc. p
7 a person who studies some of the money and then I
7 (travel) around the world
rocks g
8 a person who studies with my two best friends.
plants b
9 the study of the physical E What 8 you
(do) if you 9 (be) the president
world s
10 the study of illnesses of your country?
and diseases m F I 10 (make) a lot of changes.
I would build better schools and hospitals.
/ 10
/ 10
2 Choose the correct words.
Many people are trying to save the
0 plants / planets on Earth. They are worried

because many animals are facing

1 existence / extinction as their habitats
2 disappear / discover and they are killed by

hunters. But it won’t be the first time that

animals have disappeared from our planet.
Millions of years ago 3 dinosaurs / fossils lived
on Earth and then suddenly disappeared.
4 Archaeologists / Chemists have found
5 discovery / evidence of enormous birds, many

of which were bigger than mammals. We also

know that not so long ago people hunted the
6 sabre / giant -toothed tiger. Scientists keep

finding out new 7 discovery / information

about these creatures all the time. In 2005 the
Chinese made the 8 discovery / importance of
the fossil of an unknown dinosaur the size of
a cat!


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4 Choose the correct words. Communication

0 There aren’t many / much tigers left in the 6 Match the sentence halves.
Sally Hi, Joel.
1 There are a lot of / lots animals on the danger
Joe Hi, Sally. 0 How’s / What’s the matter? Is
there a problem?
2 They didn’t find a few / many fossils in that
Sally Not really, but 1 can / shall you 2 do / make
me a favour, please?
3 Few / Much people understand this difficult 3 Thanks / Sure, Sally. What is it?
Sally Well, I can’t go school tomorrow.
4 She doesn’t speak a lot / much English. 4 I like / I’d like you to take notes for me.
5 He’s got very few / little money in his pocket.
Joel Okay, 5 I’d / I’ll do that. 6 Would / Do you
6 The Earth’s temperature will probably get
like me to collect any handouts?
a lot / many hotter.
Sally Yes, that would be great. Thanks.
7 There are a few / a little biscuits left. Do you 7 Won’t / Shall I bring them round to your
want one?
house after school?
Sally No, I won’t be back till later.
5 Each line has one mistake. Find the mistake I 8 will collect / collect them from you
and write the correct word or words on the around eight. Is that okay?
line. Joel 9 That’ll / That’s fine.

0 Where I live there is a beach with a lot Sally Thanks.

dinosaur fossils. When a lot of Joel 10 No way / Not at all.

1 I was a child, very a few people knew about

/ 10
the place. I have collected
2 much fossils over the years and I have
TOTAL / 50
learned a lot about them. I’m
3 only a poor student, but if I have a lot of
money, I would spend all my
4 time studying them. Nowadays, too little
people know about the
5 beach and there is always people hunting
for fossils there.


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Module 8 Tes Student B
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Complete the words. 3 Complete the short dialogues with the correct
o t a n y verb forms.
0 the study of plants b
1 the study of living things b A What 0 would you do (do) if you
1 (be) the president of your
2 the study of stars and
planets a country?
3 a person who studies B I2 (make) a lot of changes.
animals z I would build better schools and hospitals.
4 the study of illnesses
C 3 you (live) on
and diseases m
Mars if it 4 (be) possible?
5 a large extinct elephant m
D Yes, definitely. I 5 (try) to build
6 a person who studies
plants b a new world where there was no crime and no
7 animal with one sickness.
long horn r
8 the study of light, movement, E How 6 you
(feel) if you 7 (win) the lottery?
heat etc. p
9 a person who studies F I think I 8 (feel) amazing. I
9 (give) my family and friends
rocks g
10 the study of the physical some of the money and then I
10 (travel) around the world
world s
with my two best friends.
/ 10
/ 10
2 Choose the correct words.
Many people are trying to save the
0 plants / planets on Earth. They are

worried because many animals are

1 discovering / disappearing because their

habitat is being destroyed or they are being

killed by hunters. Many of these species face
2 extinction / existence. But it won’t be the first

time that animals have disappeared from our

planet. 3 Archaeologists / Chemists have found
4 evidence / discovery of enormous birds, many

of which were bigger than mammals. Millions

of years ago 5 fossils / dinosaurs lived on Earth
and then suddenly disappeared. Scientists keep
finding out new 6 information / discovery about
these creatures all the time. In 2005 Chinese
7 scientists / mammals made the 8 discovery

/ importance of the fossil of an unknown

dinosaur the size of a cat!


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4 Choose the correct words. Communication

0 There aren’t many / much tigers left in the 6 Match the sentence halves.
Sally Hi, Joel.
1 They didn’t find a few / many fossils in that
Joel Hi, Sally. 0 How’s / What’s the matter? Is
there a problem?
2 There are a few / a little biscuits left. Do you
Sally Not really, but can 1 he / you do me a
want one? 2 favourite / favour, please?
3 She doesn’t speak a lot / much English.
Joel Sure, Sally. What 3 are / is it?
4 There are a lot of / lots animals on the danger
Sally Well, I can’t go school tomorrow.
list. 4 I’d like / I like you to take notes for me.
5 Few / Much people understand this difficult
Joel Okay, I’ll 5 doing / do that. Would you
subject. 6 like / want me to collect any handouts?
6 He’s got very few / little money in his pocket.
Sally Yes, that would be great. Thanks.
7 The Earth’s temperature will probably get 7 Shall / Would I bring them round to your
a lot / many hotter.
house after school?
Sally No, I 8 won’t / not be back till later. I’ll
5 Each line has one mistake. Find the mistake collect them from you around eight. Is that
and write the correct word or words on the okay?
line. Joel 9 That’ll / That’s fine.

0 Where I live there is a beach with a lot Sally Thanks.

dinosaur fossils. When a lot of Joel 10 No way / Not at all.

1 I was a child, very little people knew / 10

about the place. I have collected
2 many fossils over the years and I have TOTAL / 50
learned a few about them. I’m
3 only a poor student, but if I had a lot
of money, I will spend all my
4 time studying them. Nowadays, too
much people know about the
5 beach and there are always lot of
people hunting for fossils there.


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