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1.9 Clothes Words in context nex tne slowing passages and do the exercises People ht sunny consis fen indi Seg ortrne now pene whet aie te an ve ad or oh oe on Tse pose mane ie int aha tower te co eu moran to ee our Bed Fess Fete: So cere ba aay Nand coer thc hander 202 thet Fee sch and sang bors Mae Geen you uve ohne a hey fe Of ermal went + ck ool rere me Rear ound ie neck many coun tind | avo hp ep oo te Pa 20 Sar | cide Wit you rest tet Teranda. | snd your che rr Ont toe Torin 0 Tehie Ons etame ro | Peone who ie Se a | nent mas ee a en | amas wee ick Tee Ce ates | nerves. Lone FF cen dimen ier aed | erp ine cir and le and rox WOE roc loak very enema ocethengontme | meet ws Se om ey is some crc ie» Cano earn who |e 0 Seibel foun Not so long ago, nearly ail Sthoolehldren went (0 School wearing 2 schoo! Siiform. Boys wore 2 shite shire and 2 tie, & Sark jacket, 72) trousers and Mack shoes (Guls used to wear a white blouse and a dark, knee Tength shire Today, in many countries students (sow answer qosons 3, 2andsinBrsie 1) | (Now are ‘questions 4, 5 and 6.) Exercise 1 Decide whether the following statement are tue (7 or ftse(F} acceding to the information inthe passages. 1 Inthe past, many female students wore whits blouses to schoo! 2 Today, teachers never allow students to wear jeans to class, Today, many teachers wear the same kind of clothes to school as thelr students 4 Inmany cold courtries people wear long socks over heir hands ané gloves over thelr fest. 5. incold westheris a good idea to wear shorts, 6 Incola weatner it's a good idea to woar a scart 6 Exercise 2 "Name the arteles of iothing inthe pturas. Exercise 3 Inchart, decide whether tho clothes are usually worn above the waist below the was ‘arbothabove ancbelow the waist Inchart2, dacige whether the catnes are usually ‘worn by women orby both man and women Use crosses (9 ofl the charts chart 4 chart 2 = apn [tem men 1 underpants 1 Thiet 2 su 2 underwear | 3 dross 3. jeans 4 te 4 blouse 5 shorts 5S dress 6 ecert © boots 7 skit 7 jacket 8 underwear 8 cloves 9 shin ® oka Just for fun ich tem of clothing is ciferen frm the other three each group? Moro “anowor may be possible. Discuss your answers with someone cise" "° 1 a) shows. ) socks @) gloves) shirt 2 a) socks ) Jeans ¢) trousers) shorts 2 a) underpants) blouse c) eweater —¢) dress, 4a) seat by hat) avercoat tie 5 ate 2) dress) ©) Tshiet Think about 1 How does a typica! businessman/woman dress in your country? 2. Wat do schooichldren vaualy wear to school in your county? {3 What clothes do you wear when i 1s a) verycold very wet) very hot? 4 Describe te traditional clothes or nations costume of your county 1.10 Fashions Exercise 2 ‘Put these words and phrases Into two columns depending on whether they can be used to describe a modern or an old syle Words in context ead the folowing passage and do the exercises ———_—____—_—_—_——_ infashion oldashioned conservative out fashion sylisn Wendy outdated In Spring, summer, autumn, winter: The length of women’s skirts cucry) season there ere new goe: up and down from year to ‘othes and new fashions in the year. In the 1960s, mini skirts ‘modern ola Shoos, Colours and styles keep became very feshionable and & Changing, One season black ie the woman could wear askirt twenty fn’ colour, but the next season oF thirty centimetres above the creryone is wearing orange or knee. A few years later, mi fist or arey. One seasan tight- skirts became trendy and then —_—— fitting clothes are fashionable, you had to wear skirts twenty or andthe nest season baggy thirty centimetres below the clothes are ‘in knee. Each season there is always Exercise 3 correct’ length ang ifyour skirt sjusta little too longer too short some people will think that you are very unfashionable, Wor have similar problems + A) person flows newtand. Ee paral 2 Ain) —________—_. person likes to follow traditions. feonabe 10 ae ear eradilonal, can suddenly seem ° As) oon ou eon became outdated and Urge YCLent up withthe fons pore Mae eee er ae te een becomes sh: canbeveryexpersive.SOOne™3Y yy work ionable to wear shirts with no collarsat all. shirt that youonce thought was very trendy can look Strangely old-fashioned 3 few years later. And your father’s Shirts which you always thought Wwere very Conservative and {fo save money is never to throw your old clothes out. if you wait Tong enough. the clothes that are ‘out of fashion ‘cay willbe bace in fashion tomorrow. Yester- Gay'sclothesaretomorrow’sew fashions. Complete the folowing sontences as in the example. cuannien frizrnally.reroniesone tens Matt te styles withthe pictures, Do as many a3 you can and then check your answers na dictionary. ') shortsleeved d) cheekea ——g) striped) potoneck 5) igh-heele ©) belted, ) neck 1) igheting #8) butor-down 1 baggy 4) pleated 1) fora Exercise 1 Choose the best answer according tthe information in the passage. “4 Youn tll ita man’s shirts trendy by looking at 3) thecollarb) theputions c) the colour 1 New fashions come out every a) year) season) twoyeare 2 Tighefitng clothes are a) always infashion always conservative by sometimes untashionable 45 ‘The fashionable length fora woman's skit depends on ) theyear_b) thewoman's height 2) the colour ofthe srt 65 tsa good idea to heep your parents old clothes: 2) they ae conservative 5) the style might be in agaln in afew years time 6) iisaways trendy to waar olé-fashioned clothes Think about 1 Do you lke shopping for clothes? Why? Why not? 2 What lthes| {8 Wha style and colours are tashionable a yu and your fiends wearing atthe moment? moment for men and fer women? “4 What wae in fashion lst year buts out of fashion this year?

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