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Human Geography Investigation

Add this definition to your notes: Human geography deals with humans and their communities, cultures and
interactions with the environment.

Who is in your group?

What culture are you investigating?

What do you notice?

Part 1 (group work): On this article Cultures, Environments, and Geography, find your culture of investigation and read
that section carefully. Make notes in the table below:
What do you notice about the environment and What do you notice about the culture? What were the
surroundings? What is it like? What is good or bad about people like? What were their communities like? Make 3 (or
it? Make 3 (or more) observations. more) observations.

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Part 2 (group work): Read the article on Climate and Latitude. Use the coordinates to look up the latitude and climate of
your culture of investigation. Use the table below to make observations about the type of climate that your culture might
live in:
At what latitude does your culture of investigation live What assumptions can you make about the climate in that
(e.g.: between 60-90 degrees South)? region (be sure to consider how easy or difficult it would
be to grow food)?
What climate classification does your culture of
investigation live in?

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Part 3 (group work): Look at the pictures on the slideshow Culture and Environment (you may also go back ot the
pictures on the article you read). Make notes in the table below:
What to you see about the environment and What do you notice about the culture? What were the
surroundings? What is there? What is missing? Make 3 (or people like? What were their communities like?
more) observations.

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Part 4 (individual work): The Big Takeaway - Think about the connections you made between people’s environment and
how it shaped their cultures. Write a 2 paragraphs explaining the connection between your culture of investigation and
their environment.

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