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Ouriginal is a similarity detection solution that combines text matching with

writing-style analysis to promote academic integrity and help prevent plagiarism.

Why should you use Ouriginal?

Safeguard and promote academic integrity

Having an accurate and established plagiarism prevention system at
your university, school or company illustrates you take academic
integrity seriously, while promoting original thinking and
development among students. Furthermore, it safeguards your
reputation and assures others of the quality of your degrees and
institutional effectiveness.

Easy to use
Ouriginal is adaptable and easily integrated with popular learning
management systems such as Moodle, Blackboard, D2L/Brightspace,
Canvas, Microsoft and Google Classroom along with scores of
regional solutions and eLearning tools.

Efficient and accurate

Our aim is to save our users time while providing insights into textual
matches in a reliable and easy-to-understand format. Instead of
spending hours manually searching for suspicious content, Ouriginal
provides an efficient similarity check in just a few clicks. We provide
matches that are relevant and accurate by using premium quality
content for comparisons.

Dedicated customer support and training

We have a dedicated team of technical specialists that are experts in
the field and available to answer your queries and provide the required
training. We pride ourselves in knowing each one of our customers
and strive to provide a personal service.

Data protection
We take your privacy and data security very seriously and your
documents and data are treated with absolute confidentiality. You will
always remain in full control of your data and you decide when and if
you want to share or delete your data. We also comply with the
principles of GDPR and CCPA.

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Ouriginal is constantly evolving and re-inventing itself to offer an optimal
solution to our customers.

Key features of Ouriginal

Seamless integrations
Our tools can seamlessly integrate into your current workflow
without having to change how you work. Ouriginal can be integrated
with an ever-increasing list of learning management systems and
eLearning tools with whom we partner.

This feature takes stylometry to the next level. By using pre-defined
quantitative parameters, the software can analyze different writing
styles and identify writer patterns which can then be used to verify the
authorship of a document to deter ghost writing/ contract cheating.

Cross language text matching

This feature helps identify matching text even when it has been
translated from another language. Ouriginal software can detect
similarities in a text irrespective of language.

Licensed content from quality sources

We are committed to expanding our comprehensive database to
ensure it remains relevant and current for our clients. In addition to
open access content available on the internet, our editorial strategy
includes the aggregation of important scholarly content from
academic publishers such as Springer, Taylor & Francis, Wiley, IEEE
and Gale/Cengage

Reducing false positives

False positives can greatly undermine the overall analysis and can
make it increasingly frustrating for a user to evaluate the originality of
a text. Ouriginal’s machine learning algorithms identify false positives
and remove them from the analysis, thereby enhancing the accuracy
of the findings.

Detailed reporting
Our analysis report is detailed and presents the findings in an easily
readable format. The report highlights the matches in text in the submitted
document and lists the most relevant sources to the matched content.

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Ouriginal Metrics
Verify the authorship of a document
and prevent contract cheating

Ouriginal’s Metrics takes stylometry to the next level. By using pre-defined quantitative
parameters, the software analyzes different writing styles and patterns which can then be
used to verify the authorship of a document and prevent contract cheating or ghost writing.

Why is this important?

In addition to safeguarding academic integrity, Ouriginal Metrics encourages and helps develop
critical thinkers and creative writers. By providing users with the ability to check that the content
submitted has actually been authored by the submitter, they can be deterred from taking any short
cuts especially in the form of contract cheating, and instead develop their own views and thoughts.

How does Metrics work?

Linguists and researchers believe that writing styles of people in particular, students, in the same class,
course or age-group, tend to be organized around a common base or denominator i.e., writing styles
within groups have similarities. This assumption is referred to as the ‘peer-group similarity hypothesis.’
Using this hypothesis, Ouriginal Metrics analyzes each individual assignment for a specific group
based on a set of parameters. The findings are then compared with that of the whole group. If a
student’s text stands out from that of the peer group across several parameters, it could be that the
student is not the author of that content.

Style parameters explained

We evaluated more than 50 stylometry metrics out of over 350 and found that the nine described below
were best suited for our analysis.

Sentence length - the average number of words per sentence in a text.

Reading level - the number of years of formal education needed to understand a text on the first reading.
Formality - how formal a text is.
Proportion of rare words - the percentage of words that appear only once in a text. This value is also
known as 'Hapax Legomena'.
Speech diversity – speech diversity calculated by the 'Simpson's Index of Diversity'.
Punctuation Frequency - the average count of commas per 1,000 words in a document.
Character distribution - this feature evaluates how distant texts are from each other based on characters.
Lexical originality - the percentage of unique words in a document out of the total number of words in
a set of texts.
Word length vectors - compares the count of word lengths between documents.

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Example analysis

• Your document is represented by the blue square and the group

mean by the orange dot.
• You may think your document is an outlier in this instance.
• But a result like this is no cause for concern.
• This is because almost all submitted documents – represented
by the orange area - keep the same structure. The orange figure
is almost formed as a square.

• Your document is represented by the blue sqare and the group

mean by the orange dot.
• A result like this is a warning for two reasons:
• The green symbol if far away from the red.
• The orange figure does not form a square.
• Thus, implying that this document is very different from that of
the rest of the group.

Languages supported

Ouriginal Metrics currently works for submissions in English, Swedish, German,

Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Italian and Norwegian.
We are working to increase our language suite and will soon be adding more.

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Text Matching
Detect matching content even if it has
been translated from another language

Ouriginal’s Cross-Language Text Matching (CLTM) helps identify matching content that
has been translated from one language to another using proprietary algorithms. Other
solutions that match text across languages, first translate the text to English and then
search English sources for matches. Ouriginal’s CLTM feature is unique in that it
detects similarities from the original language (i.e., actual cross-matching), without
first translating it to English.

Why is CLTM important?

Most students these days are bilingual if not multilingual and may carry out their research in one
language while writing their assignments in another. If a student translates a piece of text verbatim
and uses it in his or her assignment, conventional plagiarism detection tools will not be able to
identify the matching text. However, with Ouriginal’s CLTM, it is now easy for instructors to identify
text matches across different languages.

How does CLTM work?

Our highly specialized algorithm identifies segments of texts in different languages that appear to be
similar. The algorithm identifies sentences that contain these segments to check if the sentences
themselves are translations of each other. See example below:By comparing the words highlighted
in red, our system was able to identify that the text in blue is a translation from Swedish.

Supported languages

Currently, CLTM is available for text submitted in English, Swedish, German, Spanish, French, Dutch,
Japanese and Danish.We are working to increase our language suite and will soon be adding more.

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Benefits of
choosing Ouriginal
We help prevent plagiarism while also
safeguarding the reputation of our clients.

Safeguard and promote academic integrity

Having an accurate and established plagiarism prevention system at

your university, school or company illustrates you take academic
integrity seriously, while promoting original thinking and
development among students. Furthermore, it safeguards your
reputation and assures others of the quality of your degrees and
institutional effectiveness.

Easy to use

Ouriginal is adaptable and easily integrated with popular learning

management systems such as Moodle, Blackboard, D2L/Brightspace,
Canvas, Microsoft and Google Classroom along with scores of
regional solutions and eLearning tools.

Efficient and accurate

Our aim is to save our users time while providing insights into textual
matches in a reliable and easy-to-understand format. Instead of
spending hours manually searching for suspicious content, Ouriginal
provides an efficient similarity check in just a few clicks. We provide
matches that are relevant and accurate by using premium quality
content for comparisons.

Dedicated customer support and training

We have a dedicated team of technical specialists that are experts in

the field and available to answer your queries and provide the required
training. We pride ourselves in knowing each one of our customers
and strive to provide a personal service.

Data protection

We take your privacy and data security very seriously and your
documents and data are treated with absolute confidentiality. You will
always remain in full control of your data and you decide when and if
you want to share or delete your data. We also comply with the
principles of GDPR and CCPA.

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