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Feedback of TiE Buddies on TiE Workshop

TiE Buddy’s Name : Shah Reshal.

School: Vanita Vishram.
Attended TiE workshop in the year: 2013.
Presently studying in : SY BBA Sem 4.
College: Bhaniben Chimkabhai Patel BBA College (DRB)

1. Why have you attended the (Theatre in Education)TiE workshop? ટાઈ કાર્યશાળામાાં ભાગ લે વાનાં કારણ શાં
" Theater in Education " the name itself made me curious to attend it , anything called theater ( acting
,drama,emotion ,etc ) included in our Education is really a unique ,strange, unknown concept and made me join
TIE , and I'm happy that I had made one of my best decision of joining TIE

2. According to you, what is TiE? તમારા મત મજબ ટાઈ એટલે શાં?

TIE is a knowledge about acting , drama , stage , emotions , real life reel knowledge given by mentors. It
teaches us a lot about the surrounding .
It enhances once creativity .
Not only theoretical but practical study with aaaaaa lottttt of fun
A self, group , society study
TIE must be in every syllabus 😍

3. Which elements of TiE workshop did you like the most? Exercise, games, activity or improvisation. Why?
ટાઈ વકયશોપની કઈ બાબત તમને ખૂબ ગમી ? Exercise, games, activity or improvisation. કેમ?
Actually everything. TIE would be incomplete without any of this , but specifically if said then I liked the
improvisation being in me during those TIE workshops. I learnedd aaa lottt , I changed a lottt , I guess what I am
today and what I was before attending TIE is two different segments of me , now I perform on stage fearlessly ,
I know a lot about speech , and specifically after TIE I was clear what is my inner passion , my talent , and same
with my friends 😁

4. Did you feel any change in your personality after joining TiE workshop? What? How? ટાઈ વકયશોપમાાં
જોડાર્ા પછી તમારા વ્ર્ક્તતત્વમાાં કોઈ બદલાવ અનભવ્ર્ો હતો? કર્ો? કેવી રીતે?
Yessss , During TIE my stage fear has gone , I know how to represent myself in front of anyone, I know how to
deliver any speech or dialogue , I know how a script is made, how any performance is done , how to act being in
that situation. Alonggggg with that I learned about society facts , the real girl power , and being INdependent .
Before TIE I was a total different person than now , and specially u get to know that change in yourself after
being said , and exactly that happened , my friends had told me that during primary school they never knew I
am also like this 😅, I liked it 😉

5. Is your experience of TiE Workshop helpful in study? How? તમારો ટાઈ કાર્યશાળાનો અનભવ ભણવામાાં
મદદરૂપ થર્ો છે ?કેવી રીતે?
Yes , and still it is helpful to me .Helpful during presentations , performances on stage , nd that's it bcoz mostly
my study includes theory and TIE is all practical
6. Is your experience of TiE Workshop helpful in life? How? તમારો ટાઈ કાર્યશાળાનો અનભવ જીવનમાાં મદદરૂપ
થર્ો છે ? કેવી રીતે? Yes , helpful during my performances , now I know what is my passion , it has enhanced my
skills , now I'm more confident 😌.

7. Do you apply whatever you have learned from TiE workshop, at any place/situation/ event? Explain in brief.
તમે ટાઈ કાર્યશાળામાાંથી જે કાંઈ પણ શીખ્ા
ર્ છો તેને કોઇપણ જગ્ર્ા/ પરરક્થથક્ત/ બનાવ વેળા ઉપર્ોગમાાં લીધાં
છે ? ટૂાંકમાાં જણાવો.
Yes , During my drama , monoacting , scit plays , competitions ....and more

8. Did you find any good qualities in your TiE teachers during TiE workshop? Express it.
ટાઈ કાર્યશાળા વે ળા તમારા ટાઈ ટીચર્યમાાં કોઈ ર્ારી બાબતો તમને જાણવા મળી? તેના ક્વષે લખો.
So many ......
They were cooperative , encouraged a lot , their acting and dialogue delivery is awesome , they r creative , there
were our teacher , friends, consultants , supporter ....
TIE workshops achievements all goes to them 🤩

9. Have you visited TiE Head center? તમે ટાઈ હે ડ ર્ેન્ટરની મલાકાટ લીધી છે ? Yes/ No. ________
If you get the chance to visit & participate in TiE workshop over there, will you? જો તમને ત્ર્ાાં જવાની કે ટાઈ
કાર્યશાળામાાં ભાગ લે વાની તક મળે તો તમે શાં કરશો?
I guess I did 🤔. Of course yesss 😍

10. If you make a slogan for TiE, what would it be? જો ટાઈ માટે તમે કોઈ થલોગન/ર્ૂત્ર બનાવો તો તે કર્ાં હોર્
શકે ?
"Lights camera and TIE".

Place : Surat
Date : TUE , DEC 25, 2018
Signature of the Student :

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