Instruction:: Review Quiz / RMIK (Kelas B - Reguler)

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Review Quiz / RMIK (Kelas B – Reguler)

 Read the questions carefully and give your best answers
 Email your answer to (not later than Sunday, November 22nd, 2020)

1. Part of Speech
Check the words below and decide what word it is.
a. dr. Lee (noun)
b. Fast (adverb)
c. Move (verb)
d. two days ago (adverb)
e. Awesome! (interjection)
f. Ward (verb)

2. Simple Present Tense

Write a paragraph which tells about your daily activities on Friday. The paragraph must be in at least 5
(five) sentences.
(every Friday my activities are quite solid that is every dawn if there is no obstacle I wake up to carry out the dawn
prayers, after that I help the mother clean the house from sweeping and washing the dishes after that I take a
shower and

get ready to do the tasks I have not done I check the assignment list and class schedule, during the day I carry out
lectures with the Zoom and Edmodo applications until noon I carry out lectures until the afternoon,

when in the afternoon I like to go around to repress my brain and seek inspiration from various groups, ranging from
beaches and cities because Belitung is full of calm beaches,

at night I try to go to the mosque to carry out evening prayers and evening prayers in congregation after if there is
no task I like to play games and read the wattpad on my cellphone while listening to songs, until late at night I
decided to go to sleep

before going to sleep I appreciate myself and be grateful that God has guided me to this day, and after reading my
prayer I sleep)

3. Present Continues Tense

See the subjects and verbs provided then make complete sentences. Do not change the subjects.
A. Some patients – take (some patients take queue cards in the waiting room
B. Her sister – make (Her sister made me laugh with that story)
C. I – call (I want to call my friend to inform tomorrow's exam)
D. Adrian – visit (Adrian's visit to the zoo on the weekend)
4. Simple Past Tense (V2) & Present Perfect Tense (V3)
Change the following verbs in to V2 or V3 and make complete sentences. See the clues to help you.
a. drink  V2  (+) Sentence (jinny have drank iced chocholate)
b. buy  V3  (-) Sentence (I haven't bought the book yet
c. call  V2  (?) sentence (have you called andi?)
d. use  V3  (+) sentence (I have used t-shirts)

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