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Departamentul Limbă Engleză şi Limbă Franceză specializate

TEST 1 la Limba Engleza 2021
Facultatea Drept
Student(a) ___Ursu Daniela______ Anul I Grupa _2017_

Task 1. Look at the article below. Read it and decide if the statements under it
are TRUE or FALSE.

Sanjay Pritam is a partner with a law firm in Southampton in the south of England.
Sanjay is a specialist in maritime law. He chose this area of law because of his family
history. His father owns a ship. Sanjay’s father worked on this ship for his whole life.
Sanjay worked with him for two years and then he started his legal studies. Sanjay thinks
this practical experience on a ship was very useful.
English law influences most of the law that governs international maritime cases.
For this reason, lawyers from all over the world contact Sanjay’s office to ask him for his
opinion, which he gives by phone or email.
When maritime lawyers are speaking informally they divide cases into two categories.
They call them ‘dry’ cases and ‘wet’ cases. Dry cases involve problems with shipping
contracts and wet cases involve problems at sea, such as ships that have accidents. Most of
the cases that Sanjay deals with cannot be negotiated and end in litigation.

1. Sanjay Pritam works in a family law practice. False

2. Sanjay’s father is also a lawyer. False
3. 1 thinks it is good that he worked on a ship before he was a lawyer. True
4. Sanjay usually travels to other countries to help lawyers who have questions about
maritime law. False
5. A maritime case involving a breach of contract is informally called a ‘dry case’. True
6. Most of Sanjay’s cases go to court because the parties cannot agree upon a

Task 2. Write 5 questions to the text.

1. Why Sanjay chosed the maritime law?
2. What is called a “dry case” in the informal speaking?
3. What in volve dry cases?
4. What happens to most of the cases that Sanjay can’t deal with?
5. Where did Sanjay’s father worked for his whole life?

Task 3. Identify the terms for the definitions given below.

1. The law that punishes acts against a person or against property that people consider to
be harmful to the whole community. The state prosecutes criminals. ______criminal
2. The law concerning the rights and duties of private individuals and companies rather
than criminal matters. ___civil law____________
3. This person is a lawyer who gives legal advice and opinions to solicitors. He or she
passed the exams of the Bar Council of England & Wales at the end of his or her
studies. _____barrister_________

Universitatea de Stat din Moldova. Facultatea Limbi şi Literaturi Străine

Test la Limba Engleza. Anul I. Semestru II. Anul de studiu 2020-2021.
Profesor: Volosciuc Ina
4. This person is a lawyer who gives legal advice to individuals and companies. He or she
passed his or her exams in the USA at the end of his or her studies and is usually a
member of the American Bar Association. _______attorney_______
5. Solicitors finish their university studies they do a one year legal practice course and
then a two-year ___training contract_______ with a law firm.

Task 5. Fill in the blanks with a verb from the box in the SIMPLE PAST:
Break not/ swim have make sit
write spend not/buy drink lose
1. She did not buy a cake an hour ago.
2. She lost a hat last week?
3. The boy wrote a letter yesterday?
4. They didn’t swim in the sea for an hour.
5. They dranka lot of Coke last night?
6. She broke her arm last week.
7. He spent all his money last week?
8. She had a bath two minutes ago.
9. He lost his wallet last night?
10. She sat on the old chair a minute ago.
11. She didn’t the clothes yesterday?
Task 6. Read the following story:
Bob is a young sailor. He lives in England, but he is often away with his ship. One summer
he comes back from a long voyage and finds new neighbors near his mother’s house. They
have a pretty daughter, and Bob soon loves her and he wants to marry her when he comes
back. Bob2 promises the girl to send a present from every port. Bob’s first port is Capetown
in Africa, and he sends the girl a parrot from there. The parrot speaks three languages.
When Bob’s ship reaches Australia, a letter comes from the girl. The letter says, “Thank
you for the parrot, Bob. It tasted much better than a chicken.”

a) Write the story again.

Use THE SIMPLE PAST: Bob was a young sailor. He lived in England, but he
was often away with his ship.
One summer he came back from a long voyage and found new neighbours near his
mother’s house.They had a prettu daughter, and Bob loved her soon and he wanted to
marry her when he’d come back. Bob promised the girl to send her a present from every
port.Bob’s first port was Capetown in Africa, and he sent the girl a parrot from there.
The parrot spoke three languages. When Bob’s ships reached Australia , a letter came
from the girl. The letter said that the girl thanked Bob for the parrot and it tasted much
better than chicken.

Task 7
Comment on the following quote:
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men
are afraid of the light.” by Plato (200 words)

Useful languge: To begin/to start with, one way/another way, another

solution would be, measures should be taken in order to solve, the situation
could be improved, therefore, consequently, due to, as a result, so that…,in order
to, obviously, clearly, all in all, to sum up, all things considered.
Assessment criteria:
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova. Facultatea Limbi şi Literaturi Străine
Test la Limba Engleza. Anul I. Semestru II. Anul de studiu 2020-2021.
Profesor: Volosciuc Ina
1. Content and understanding – 7p
2. Organisation and presentation of ideas – 8p
3. Vocabulary – 2p
4. Grammar – 2p
5. Spelling – 2p
6. Punctuation – 1p

The statement starts with a situation that represents two acts, one of a child
who represents innocence( unaware of consequences of his act )and the other of
man who represents mature ( well-developed human minds full knowledge of
The child doesn’t know the consequence of his acts. All his acts could be
forgiven. On other hand, men are well educated and capable of making well
informed decisions for their act, however they are lacking a valor and courage to
face the light of the truth. They are afraid of consequences of representing the
truth in it’s absolute form.
As a conclusion, I want to add that only when a man understands his nature of
existence, he can spend a joyful life as a full-potential human. The true nature of
existence means to accept who we are.

Universitatea de Stat din Moldova. Facultatea Limbi şi Literaturi Străine

Test la Limba Engleza. Anul I. Semestru II. Anul de studiu 2020-2021.
Profesor: Volosciuc Ina

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