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Name: Juwita Amalia Saputri

Local : b-1
NPM : 1930701033
reduction in maternal mortality
target of improving maternal health, the indicator of which is to reduce the
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) to 102 per 100,000 live births. For this reason,
both the government and other elements of society continue to strive to achieve
these targets. One of them is through collaboration and synergy between the
government and community organizations to accelerate the reduction in MMR.
Maternal mortality has an impact on the economic stability of the family.
Within the family, mothers are not only caregivers, but also make a major
contribution to the management of family income. This condition results in
decreased quality and chances of survival for newborns and abandoned children.
“Babies who are abandoned by their mothers are at high risk for health problems,
the facts show that about 50% of babies who are abandoned by these mothers will
die before their first birthday. Children who are partially abandoned will
experience growth and development disorders due to not getting care, care and
early education from the mother, ”explained Minister Yohana
Minister Yohana also emphasized that there are basically 2 (two) causes of
maternal death, namely from the community side (demand side) and from the
service side (supply side). In terms of service facilities, the indicators are getting
better; seen from the increase in delivery assistance by health workers: 66% in
2002 increased to 83% in 2012; 4 (four) times of pregnancy examinations also
increased: 92% in 2002 to 96% in 2012 (2012 IDHS). But why is MMR
increasing? This means that there are other problems related to society (demand
The commitment of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child
Protection (KPP-PA) to accelerating the reduction of MMR is very high. In this
case, KPP-PA, in accordance with its duties and functions, has carried out various
advocacy, facilitation and outreach efforts. And one of the policies to accelerate
MMR reduction, KPP-PA together with community organizations have compiled
Guidelines for the Acceleration of MMR Reduction for Community
Organizations. With this guideline as a reference, it is hoped that the acceleration
of MMR reduction will have a strategic and real leverage. "Partnerships and
participation from community institutions such as community organizations,
women's organizations, academics, professional organizations, the business world
and the private sector are very important in an effort to accelerate the decline in
The Ministry of women empowerment
Sustainable Development Health Issue

Task 1
1. What is the maternal mortality rate?
2. What is the formula for maternal mortality rate?
3. Who causes maternal mortality?
4. Why is maternal mortality increasing?
5. Why do we measure maternal mortality?
6. What is the impact of the increased maternal mortality rate?
7. Where is the highest maternal mortality rate?
8. Who is moving to help reduce maternal mortality?
9. How can we prevent maternal mortality? How do you give your opinion!
10. When will it be ascertained that there will be a reduction in maternal
Task 2
Write T (true) if the statement reflects the information in the text, F (false) if
it contradicts to the information in the text, and NG (Not Given) if it is not
found in the text. If it is false, write the correct statement.
1. (T) there are two things that cause the rise in maternal mortality
2. (F) Indonesian is the nation’s highest maternal mortality rate
3. (T) the number of prenatal visits was made four times
4. (T) Maternal death has had a profound impact on economic stability
5. (NG) Postpartum Hemorrage, eclampsia, obstructed labor and sepsis sre the
cause of maternal mortality.
6. (T) Maternal Mortality has become an important measure of human and
social development.
7. (NG) The country with the highest infant mortality rate is the central African
Republic where close to 9% of all infant die.
8. (T) the number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live birth.
9. (NG) south sudan is the country that has the worst maternal mortality
10. (F) the government must be responsible for the decline in maternal
Task 3
Find the synonym of the italic words in the sentence.
1. The covid virus is still increasing in our country
a. Grow
b. Expand
2. Some people still ignore the health protocol by not wearing mask and
keeping their distance
a. Disregard
b. Inattention
3. The prevalence of stunting has increased from 35.6% in 2010 to 37.2% in
a. Currency
b. Generality
4. Not yet popular, now stunting has become a trivial matter for current
health issues by mothers
a. Liked
b. Lay
5. Indonesian is the nation’s highest maternal mortality rate
a. Soaring
b. Big
6. the number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live birth
a. kill
b. end
7. Efforts to Reduce Maternal and Infant Mortality through Community
Empowerment with the Loving Mother Movement
a. bring down
b. narrow
Task 4
1. health problems that cause disruption to the physical growth and brain of
children are…
a. HIV/AIDS c. Stunting
b. Malaria d. Cancer
2. To … the signs of preeclampsia, you should see your doctor for regular
prenatal visits.
a. Catcher c. a catch
b. Catch d. an catch
3. the number of maternal …. per 100,000 live birth is a definition MMR
a. Deaths c. death
b. Stunting d. kill
4. …. must always be active and care for mothers, especially pregnant
women, because the next generation begins with pregnancy
a. A community c. the doctor
b. Doctor d. the Community
5. The movement to love mothers is a movement to accelerate the reduction
of maternal and infant mortality rates which are carried out jointly
between the … and the ….
a. Government/Community c. businessmen/government
b. Nurse/midwifery d. midwifery/doctor
6. Maternal deaths fall into two groups, … and …
a. Direct and indirect c. up and down
b. Fall and up d. on and in
Task 5
Health policy Agree Disagree Reasons
National health Disagree It is undeniable that the
insurance majority of those who
disagree are the middle to
lower class people, because
60% of BPJS are participants
in the community from the
economy down
maintain health Agree I agree with this policy,
protocols when according to the COVID-19
worshiping Handling Unit, and the local
outside government needs to increase
its appeal to the community,
especially the congregation,
to adhere to health protocols
and comply with all appeals
given to prevent new clusters
of the spread of COVID-19.
Giving vaccines Agree I agree with the provision of
to prevent this vaccine, personally I am
COVID-19 happy that this vaccine can
improve the health of the
Indonesian people from the
corona virus outbreak.
Indeed, there were concerns
about the effectiveness of the
vaccine, but I believe the
government will not harm its
e-cigarettes are Agree I agree that the amount of
more dangerous nicotine in e-cigarettes is less
than regular than in regular tobacco
cigarettes cigarettes. Several studies
have shown that e-cigarette
use has a lower risk of
cardiovascular disease than
tobacco smoking because of
its lower nicotine content. but
both are equally dangerous

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