Case Study: She'S Smart Enough Broad

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James recently completed the organization’s management trainee program. He got a manager’s position
at one of the organization’s service stations. Dorothy rogers has been working here for over 12 years and
she’s 59 years of age. After few meetings with her, James realized that she is resisting his taking over the
control of the station and was working behind his back to damage his authority. Also, the former
manager, Hank told James that Dorothy pretty much runs the entire station. At one point, James
threatened to fire her when she got into a conflict with her colleague(Bonnie). After this conversation,
she became inactive and started working on her own without indulging with others. One day she
surprised James by bringing a compact TV to her table after the store is closed and intended to watch it.
This behavior was in direct violation of the organization’s policy and James was so unsure about what to
in this situation.


● James Washington – Center Manager, Northview service station

● Dorothy Rogers – Assistant Manager, Northview Service Station
● Bonnie Johnson- Assistant Manager, Northview service station
● Hank Waters – Former Center Manager, Northview Service Station


● There were some problems with James establishing a working relationship with Dorothy which
started affecting James’s image and Dorothy’s performance at work.
● Dorothy violating the organization’s policy by watching Tv at the workplace.
● There was an intense problem in establishing control and leadership over the service station.


● James could have conducted a meeting with the staff. This allowed him to share his expectations,
working style, and also what employees want and need.
● James should have talked with Dorothy privately. He should have explained here about the
violation done by her and why is wrong. Also, he should have talked about how he has been
feeling about her resistance. This might have helped in creating an effective relationship.
● James should have adopted a strategy to identify the skills of his employees and motivate them
in the right direction to improve their performance.

● This case implicates that having a workable relationship with your subordinates and colleagues is
as important as technical skills in order to produce good results.
● A participative style of management can prove to be fruitful in planning and decision making,
improving the quality of work.

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