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NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SERIES EDITORS JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall Joan Kang Shin AUTHOR Kate Cory-Wright fo)» CENGAGE “= Learning: Fea Ringo unt Sates Unit 2 Allin Our Family Unit 2. Fresh Food Unit 3. Long Ago and Today Units 1-3 Review re Hello! \ agree! Unit 4 Get Well Soon! Unit 5 My Favorites Unit 6 Wonders of the Sea Units 4-6 Review ey What's wrong? I don't understand. Unit 7 Good Ideal Unit 8 That's Really Interesting! Unit 9. The Science of Fun Units 7-9 Review. Wow, that's cool! What does that mean? Let's Irregular Verbs Cutouts Stickers 20 36 52 54 55 56 72 88 104 106 107 108 124 140 156 158 159 160 161 Inthis unit, + describe physical appearance. cribe emotions. + talk about plans. + write a journal entry, Look and answer. s the girl ho s she wearing sther people in PD Listen and read. rr:az Listen and repeat. rr: a3 Hi, I'm Andrea. Here we are at the Martinez family picnic. All my relatives are here. We're a big family. Some of us look the same. Some of us are very different. Our pets are different, too. My cousin thinks my dog Roxy is uglier than his dog Max. But Roxy is cuter. Roxy is also smarter and friendlier. ( i" 0 shorter | What did you learn? How are the people different? Discuss with a partner. Roxy is friendlier. ©) Listen, read, and sing. tr:as ‘re All Different vol I'm taller than you. He's taller than me. We're all different. Yes, we're different. And I like being me! My dad is shorter than your dad. Your dad is younger than mine. Our car is faster than their car. Your car is faster than mine. Itgoes fast. CHORUS My dog is smarter than his dog. That dog is bigger than mine. My dog is funnier than your dog. It's happy alll the time. cHoRUS 6 Work with a partner. Talk about you. Take turns, you / 1 my dad / your dad our car / your car my dog / your dog Your dad is tall but _My dad is taller fs R tras My best friend is bigger than | am. I'm shorter than he is. My dog is friendlier than my sister's cat. My dog is cuter than her cat, 6 Read. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the word in parentheses, 1. My brother Mun-Hee is __bigger_ (big) than 1 am. 2. My older sister is _ (friendly) than my little brother. 3. My Aunt Mae-Ran is (smart) than my uncle. 4. My grandmother is (short) than my moth 5. My cousin Shin is ___ free) eritriat 6. My cat is (cute) than your dog, 8 Work in a group. Take turns. How are you and your relatives different? Lam taller than my 4 cousin, and stronger, too. ATT Ea than my cousins. Write. Now compare the people in your group. Use words from the box. old short small strong tall young & ‘cA TT ET 6 Listen and repeat. Look at the pictures. Match. ta: as blond hair glasses straight hair curly hair 1. She looks just like her mother. a. But he wears glasses, and | don't. 2. My cousin is really cute. b. They both have Straight hair. 3. My cousins are very different. ©. Hove his wavy hair, 4. My brother has blue eyes like me. d. But they both have curly hair. ® Listen and stick. Work with a partner. Talk about you, rr:ay 12 ® Read. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the word in parentheses. 1, What’s your Aunt Sonia preparing for the reunion on Saturday? She (make) her famous chocolate cake. 2, Are you doing something special at the reunion? 1 (run) in the three-legged race, and | (eat) lots of chocolate cake. 3, What are you doing for your grandmother's birthday next week? 1 (give) her a card and a box of candy. ‘After lunch you' playing socce 13 ® Listen and read. tr: Where Do Your Eyes Come From? The color of our eyes and our hair are famil we are, how big or small we are, and the shape 0 family traits. We say that we inherit these traits from 0 unattached ly traits. How tall ute f our face are all ur parents. Look around you. Many people have the same color eyes or color of hair, but they all look different. It’s the special combination of all of these common traits that makes us special, No one else has the same combination of traits that we do. eaneba Are your earlobes attached to the side of your face? Or do they hang free? } How do you fold your hands? Do you cross your right thumb y over your left thumb? Or do you cross your left thumb over your right thumb? right thumb ; * over left thumb It’s fun to look for these traits with your family and friends. Try it! EYE COLOR ae _Most common second most common rarest ee © Read. Check T for True and F for False. 1. Bye color is not a family trait. ®©® 2. All people with black hair look alike. (OG) 3, No one has the same combination of traits you have. (@) © 4, We have the same traits as our family. @® Work with a partner. Choose three traits. Who did you inherit these traits from? Discuss. ose shape Thave a long face. | inherited it from shape of face my mother, Her face is very long. eye color Blonds have more hairs on hair color their heads than people with brown hair do. type of hair Take a class survey. Survey your class. How do you ~ fold your hands? Who has attached earlobes? Record the information on the bar graph. INHERITED TRAITS crosses left attached unattached \umb over right earlobes. earlobes. 15 8 16 atta en in your life and how Ina journal, you write about things that happ they make you feel. it riter Read the journal entry. What emotions does the wi describe? Underline the emotion words. September 4 Today was my first day in fourth grade. I go to a big school, and some of my classmates are new every year. It's nice to meet new friends, but I'm always a little worried and scared at first. Today a girl with curly brown hair smiled at me. A boy with black hair and glasses asked my name. All the kids in my class were friendlier than I expected. They made me feel happy to be there. My old friend Sam was there, too, Now he's taller than me. But I don't care. I think I'm smarter! He thinks fourth grade is harder than third, But I think it’s more fun. I'm happy to be back in class. Write. Write a journal entry about a day in your life, Describe things that happened and how they made you feel. Work in groups of three, Share your writing. 7; Listen and fill in the chart, Bees UTC Den sizores ae iY, iss i Oo n 3 We “Everyone alive today Tee Te bu Ente OW PCT eo cmc TL LT i eRe ee Id on , Spencer Wells, Geneticist eee eee How can you learn more about the human family? Why is it important to understand how we are the same and how we are different? Discuss and write the best ideas in the box. Work with another group. Share your ideas. Are they the same or different? Which ideas does everyone like best? Now Ican... C© describe physical appearance describe emotions. talk about plans. OOO write a journal entry, Here | am. | get my brown eyes from my dad * talk about obligation. + describe frequency. + discuss and order food. + express my opini ) Listen and read. re:a10 Listen and repeat. ra: ai1 e Every week people go to the supermarket to buy ves i green beans and cucumbers that come from big nu - Toe supermarkets also sell fruit and vegetables from small oe ; ue But most people think food from the garden is fresher and tas' better than food from a supermarket. Some lucky people have space to grow food in their own gardens. For example, they grow carrots, onions, and cabbages. Many other people do not have space at home, but sometimes they work together to grow food in a community garden. Its easier than you think to grow vegetables. First you dig. Then you plant the seeds. But remember to water the plants! And you have to weed the garden sometimes. When the vegetables are ripe, they are ready to pick. Pumpkin, lettuce, peppers, and beans. Something's growing, and it’s green. Pumpkin, lettuce, peppers, and beans. Something's growing, and it’s green. Working in the garden, working in the sun, working in the garden is a lot of fun. | have to water the garden. Ihave to weed and dig, look after my garden, Those weeds grow very big! Pumpkin, lettuce, peppers, and beans, Something's growing, and it’s green, Pumpkin, lettuce, peppers, and beans. Something's growing, and it’s green, We can pick cabbage in the garden, We can pick some green beans, too. We can plant carrots in the garden. ike to garden, don't you? CHORUS Pumpkin, lettuce, peppers, and beans Something's growing, and it’s green, Pumpkin, lettuce, peppers, and beans, Something's growing, and it’s green Work with a partner. Ask and answer, 1. What are three things you can pick? : 2. What are two things that you h; lave ti in the garden? cs) 24 REALZ : | don’t have to buy any les every day. | have to water the vegetables y ores n't have to She has to plant the tomatoes she does! ina sunny place. weed today. Read. Complete the sentences. Ww _____ plant these seeds this week. 2. My brother is stronger than me, so he dig. | 3. Luisa ______ weed the garden today. 4. My mom _____________ water the plants at home. 5. Farmers often __ ‘i buy new seeds. 6. He ________________ pick tomatoes this week. 8 Work with a partner. Look and make sentences. eer ETT oe What about you? Write five things you usually have to do. In the morning | In the afternoon | In the evening 1 (On weekends | —_____ (On Sunday |) —- Work in a group. Take turns. Compare what you have to do. What do you have to \ do in the morning? what you dO. Ta:aa4 rr ®© Listen and say. Read and write about How often? ea garden every day it| eat fruit | eat fruit| eat fruit| eat fruit ed weed weed | a9 to garden garden garden Rarket eat fruit | eat fruit | eat froit| eat fruit) eat fruit| eat — three times —> ccd a weed | 9282 (a week) geen orden garden | morket eat fruit | eat fruit | eat fruit | eat fruit | eat fruit Weed weed weed garden garden garden eat truit| eat fruit | eat éuit| eat fruit | eat fruit 1. Every day | 2. On Fridays 1 3. Three times a week | 4, Twice a year | 5. Once a month 1 ® Work with a partner. Ask and ans) How often do you ride (rr f TGRAMMAR teas What would youlike for lunch? _—_‘I'd like a bowl of vegetable soup. ® Read. Complete the dialogue. ‘A; Welcome to Mario’s Café. What __ would you like to order today? B:]________some pumpkin soup and zucchini bread. G1 some chicken and rice, please. D: 1 usually order pie, but today 1 some ice cream. ® Play a game. Play with a partner. @= Tails: Make sentences. Take turns. pos pove ; : @: space. 2 spaces. tlt ETN LL 29 Listen and read. rr:ais Some fruits and vegetables travel a long way to get to your table. Thanks to transportation, you can enjoy watermelon or strawberries any time of the year. But many people prefer to eat local food from community gardens or local farms. These small local farms produce fruit, vegetables, and grains. Some of them also raise animals for milk and meat. People can have fresher food because these farmers grow it locally. What about cities? There isn’t much space to have farms. One way to grow food in a city is on a roof! In this roof garden, a class of children grew 453 kg (1,000 pounds) of vegetables in one year. The children grew cabbages, carrots, lettuce, and even strawberries! They had to water the plants and weed them, but they enjoyed the food they grew in their outside classroom. 66 expensive to transport variety | One pevallabia less flavor bad for the environment all year farmers can sell more ie, 6 0 less variety all year may be more expensive fresher healthier not available (15) Read. Make complete sentences. 1, Some fruits and vegetables a. in cities. 2. It is very expensive to b. travel a long way. 3, Food from local farmers ¢. is rooftop gardens. 4, There are no small farms d. transport fresh food. 5. In cities, a way to get fresh food ¢. is fresher and better. © Complete the chart. Read the problem. Write the solution. Lalu) BTC) There is no local food in winter. Transportation of food is expensive. | _ There's no space to grow food in cities. plants raise @® Work in a small group. Share your w 32 Paragraphs of Opinion 55 ¥ i is ‘you feel this Way” ions that introduce your and [ believe. In a paragraph of opinion, yo something. You give the reasons wh You can also use words and express! opinion, such as I think, in my opinion, inions? Read. How does the writer introduce opinions: Underline the words and expressions. Fresh Food or Canned Food? When you shop for food, you can buy fresh food or canned food. Which is better? I think fresh food tastes better. Fresh food is good for you. It does not have any extra salt or sugar. You Know just what you are eating. But you have to wash it first because sometimes it is little dirty. There are some positive and negative things al canned foods, too. In my opinion, canned food i: convenient because it lasts longer than fresh Also, canned foods make more tr to throw the cans away. Write. Write about food from supermarke from local farms. Describe some Positiy, negative points about each one, Express y Listen and take notes. Write q itin Ow! of your classmates, nthe names an cli NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | 2 ONY reciate localfood, “tearing row r we ore rte hich foods'can you buy locallyAwhyisit coe UR Chere iene ran lait Peers aitee Papeete eg Sue Se How can you show you appreciate local food? Discuss and write the best ideas in the box. TE) TCR ae URC Tee ti Did y 'S really a fruit? u know that a tomato ©, talk about obligation. ©) describe frequency. © discuss and order food. © express my opinion. i ates a re Gp —— a eat 35, In this unit, | will... * describe what people did in the past, * talk about what the past was like, * compare the past and the present. * write a unified paragraph. Look and circle. 1. This photo is a. from the past. _b. from the present, 2. They are riding a. to school. b. to the market, iad 3. The boy is holding a. a box. b. 2 computer, Listen and read. Listen and repeat. rr: ais How did people spend time long ago? Their life was different from ours. How did a typical day begin? It Pee TRUSTe Tea mos Ra ean a CORR uC Lon ten tei Na OUeR eta Urimett nek Cc) cook, make soap, wash the dishes, PU Ome om Ue ue SiO Rr mom Uy 19 for the house, garden, or market in Pere STG iret NEN SCOR LUM ala Oso Para at cee ccen At night, families used candles ae e NA CMa ae Pee Lu AC Ce) Pea nn Dern PS Rome CL) meena Rata ars up with the sun? © work with a partner. What did you learn? Ask and answer. & ER ( Why did people — é Ree —— They wanted to do their chores in the Seema daytime, They didn’t have electric lights. electric light < 40 > Listen, read, and sing. 1r: 419 Things were different long ago, different in so many ways. Things were different long ago, different from today. Long ago, children walked to school, but today I ride my bike. Long ago, we learned to sew our own clothes, but now we buy the clothes we like. CHORUS We used to read by candles at night. But now we read by electric light. We used to talk only face-to-face. Now we use a cell phone to call a different place. cHoRUS People spent time with friends by the fire, Instead, now we play video games. But a friend is still a friend until the end, ‘Some things will never change! CHORUS ) Work with a partner. Ask and answer, 1. How do you get to school? How did your parents get to school? 2. What do you do on the weekend? What dig your parents do on the weekend when they were your age? TR:Az0 bike. Long ago, children walked to school, but | ride my ies instead. Many years ago, people didn't have TV. They told stories e Complete the sentences. €. we 1. Long ago, mothers and daughters sewed clothes at home. Today buy clothes in stores —______. 2. Many years ago, people couldn't play video games, | ______ they played some fun board games. 3. Long ago, people didn’t have computers. They wrote letters — 4, Many years ago, people didn't have cars, they did have horses and carts. Siberia, Russia 8 Same or different? Write true sentences. enya) Aer People had fireplaces We have fireplaces, too. People made their own soap. We buy soap in a store instead. People walked everywhere, People played board games. People read by candlelight. People sewed their own clothes. Work in a group. Talk about your grandparents’ lives and your life. How are they different? My grandmother washed clothes by hand, but | use a washing machine instead! for False. tr:azx e or F 6 Listen and say. Then read. Check T for Tru! modern 1. Video games are modern toys. | 2. Parents say that cleaning your room is an important chore.) @) | 3. A pencil eraser is expensive. | 4. Typewriters are old-fashioned. 5. This sentence isn’t difficult. ® Work with a partner. Talk and stick, @® Complete the sentences. 1. 1 think riding a skateboard is — —______ (difficult) riding a bike, 2. Getting exercise is (important) watching TV all day. 3. Video games are (expensive) board games. 4, Board games are (old-fashioned) video games, but they're fun to play. 5. Our new house is — (modern) our old one. @® Play a game. Cut out the game board on page 163. Play with a partner. Make sentences about the pictures. This phone is more old- Heads: Tails: fashioned than this one. Move Move 1 space, 2 spaces. . ® Listen and read. tr: A23 From Walking nos to Biking The bicycle is not the idea of just one Pp! evelopment. \d two wheels 11 was called erson. Over time, many people contributed to its di a = . It ha - The first bicycle was made of wood Een but no pedals. You didn’t ride it-you walked it! a “hobby horse” or “walking machine.” The velocipede came next. Velocipedes had pedals. Pedals were a good idea. With pedals, people could ride instead of walk or push their velocipedes. But velocipedes were hard to ride on cobblestone streets, and so they were called “boneshakers.” : High Wheeler Later, people rode a new kind of bicycle called a “high wheeler.” It was made of metal and had a high front wheel and solid rubber tires. It was more comfortable than a boneshaker, but people could fall off easily. Women didn’t ride high wheelers because women at the time wore long skirts. They rode a machine with three wheels, called a tricycle, The next bicycle went back to two wheels of the same size. it had metal parts and pneumatic tires, and was called the ; “safety bicycle.” This design became the standard for moden bicycles. Then companies began to make bicycles for aa Now everyone enjoys bicycles! = CN ;.

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