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Inglês 8.

º ano

Past Simple, Past Continuous and Present Perfect

1. Choose the correct option.

When I was surfing the net, I… a great website about extreme sports.

a) found
b) have found
c) was finding

2. Choose the correct option.

I... to my favourite CD, so I didn’t hear your call.

a) listened
b) was listening
c) have listened

3. Choose the correct option.

This week I… a new sport called Parkour.

a) tried
b) have tried
c) was trying

4. Choose the correct option.

I… on a diet ever since I can remember.

a) was
b) was being
c) have been

5. Choose the correct option.

She was practicing her choreography while I … some heavy exercise.

a) was doing
b) have done
c) did

6. Choose the correct option.

Yesterday, she... to school. She’s probably sick.

a) hasn’t come
b) didn’t come

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Inglês 8.º ano

c) wasn’t coming

7. Match accordingly.


1. Ever since she got bullied… a) I was reading a magazine.

2. When I was visiting the b) she hasn’t been herself.
museum… c) I saw a Picasso’s masterpiece.
3. While he was playing with his
mother, …

8. Match accordingly.


1. She used to be very vain... a) Actually I have never been here before.
2. They didn’t use to practise b) but now she’s a very simple person.
any sport... c) but now they exercise every day.
3. Did you use to come to this

9. Match accordingly.


1. I have never... a) finished her homework.

2. She has just... b) bought the new football to play together.
3. They have already... c) been to Paris before, but I’d like to.

10. Match accordingly.


1. When I was a little girl I ... a) used to go shopping with my mother.

2. Do you have a Facebook b) but I didn’t use to have any interest in them.
account? c) Now I don’t, but I used to have one.
3. I have recently discovered
social networks...

11. Rephrase the following sentences in the negative. Make any necessary changes.

a) I have never been to Japan.

b) They have just arrived from Spain.

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Inglês 8.º ano

12. Rephrase the following sentences in the interrogative. Make any necessary changes.

a) She went to Hawaii last year.

b) They bought a new car last month.

13. Rephrase the following sentences using the adverbs in brackets.

a) He didn’t go to Italy. (yet)

b) They arrived from Paris. (just)
c) Did you drive all the way to Germany? (ever)

14. Rephrase the following sentences using the adverbs in brackets.

a) He lost some weight. (already)

b) She didn’t go to a concert. (never)
c) I didn’t see him last month. (since)

15. Rephrase the following sentences using the expression “used to”.

a) I didn’t go to the gym.

b) She separated all the garbage into recycling bins.
c) They went to the cinema regularly.

16. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct options.

My best friend a)______________ me to go with her to London. I’m so excited because I

b)______________ there, it will be the first time. When I was little my parents
c)________________ me to Paris very often but since then I d)_________________ abroad.

Options: have never gone; invited; have never been; used to take

17. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct options.

My grandfather a)_______________ me that when he b)_______________ young, children

c)_____________ in the streets. I d)______________ by myself in the street because my
mother says it is dangerous.

Options: have never played; told; was; used to play

18. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct options.

When my mother a)______________ young she b)_________________ a lot of clothes but

since I was born, she c)_______________ a new dress. She said she d)__________________
for a new car.

Options: hasn’t bought; was saving; was; bought

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19. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct options.

I a)________________ to a rock concert, but this week a friend of mine b)________________

me because he c)_____________ two tickets. I d)____________________ forward to the
concert day but unfortunately I got sick.

Options: was looking; had; invited; have never been

20. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct options.

She a)______________ her diet because her doctor b)______________ her she
c)________________ too fat and it could be dangerous for her health.

Options: was getting; has just started; told

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Inglês 8.º ano
Past Simple, Past Continuous and Present Perfect Answer Key

1. a)

2. b)

3. b)

4. c)

5. a)

6. b)

7. 1. – b); 2. – c); 3. – a).

8. 1. – b); 2. – c); 3. – a).

9. 1. – c); 2. – a); 3. – b).

10. 1. – a); 2. – c); 3. – b).

a) I haven’t been to Japan yet.
b) They haven’t arrived from Spain yet.

a) Did she go to Hawaii last year?
b) Did they buy a car last month?

a) He hasn’t gone to Italy yet.
b) They have just arrived from Paris.
c) Have you ever driven all the way to Germany?

a) He has already lost some weight.
b) She has never gone to a concert.
c) I haven’t seen him since last month.

a) I didn’t use to go to the gym.
b) She used to separate all the garbage into recycling bins.
c) They used to go to the cinema regularly.

16. a) invited; b) have never gone; c) used to take; d) have never been

17. a) told; b) was; c) used to play; d) have never played

18. a) was; b) bought; c) hasn’t bought; d) was saving

19. a) have never been; b) invited; c) had; d) was looking

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20. a) has just started; b) told; c) was getting

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