Research Project Parv Ahuja

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To build soil quality qualities, soil adjustment with plastic waste might be utilized in dikes and
street asphalt layers. The utilization of plastic waste to settle the dirt delivered a significant
finding, with an improvement in soil strength attributes tried in different analyses. In any case, a
few analysts guarantee that the discoveries shift contingent upon the type of soil, and that
squander plastic adjustment can lessen some strength values.The plastic waste utilized is made of
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) or Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) which comes from
deny, for the most part jugs or bundles. Many scientists utilize waste plastic that had been cut
into strips with measurements going from 4 mm to 40 mm. Plastic squanders, then again, can be
found as drops or textures, and are well on the way to be offered by reusing organizations. The
impact on soil strength properties, in any case, shifts relying upon the type of waste. The
relationship of waste plastic filaments, strips, or drops with the dirt framework fluctuates and is
dictated by soil properties.

Plastic Waste:

In most countries, improper plastic waste disposal is now a major environmental concern. They
are currently engulfing landfills and bodies of water, clogging sewage systems, destroying the
natural cycle, and developing an unsightly atmosphere. As a result, animal, plant, and human
lives are severely harmed. PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottles are a form of traditional
plastic bottle that is widely used today. Water, soft drinks, liquid snacks, and a variety of other
liquids are packaged in them. Their disposal is getting more complex as their market grows. In
nature, the decay of waste PET bottles takes a long time (more than a hundred
years).Reprocessing these plastic bottles and using them to stabilize vast clay soil are positive
steps in the right direction, rendering the building industry an ideal candidate due to its high
consumption ability. This would be a good way to recycle empty plastic bottles while still saving
the environment.
Soil Stabilization:

Soil Stabilization is the cycle by which the properties of the soil are improved and it is made
more steady. It is utilized to diminish the dirt's unfit attributes like porousness and union
potential also, increment the shear limit . The technique is essentially received for expressway
also, runway development projects. Generally, exercises like compaction and pre-solidification
are utilized to improve sorts of soils which are now in great structure. However, soil adjustment
goes far up to empowering use of frail soil and lessening the uneconomical interaction of frail
soil substitution. Other than dealing with the dirt mass cooperation, artificially changing the dirt
material itself is the focal point of this cycle. Once in a while, soil adjustment is utilized for city
and rural roads to make them more clamor engrossing.

There are various research papers which have been taken into account for this research to
validate the ongoing research project in the right direction.
5.1 Literature Survey No. 1

Soil Stabilization by using Plastic Waste Sagar Mali1, Sachin Kadam2, Sagar Mane3,
Krushna Panchal4, Swati Kale5,Yogesh Navkar 61 (Under Graduation Student,
Department of Civil Engineering DYPSOET Pune, Maharashtra, India Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering, DYPSOET Pune, Maharashtra, India )

In this research paper the study revolves around the stabilization of soil by consuming waste
generated from plastic bottles bilaterally focusing on the appropriate dimensions. This research
paper talks about how we can economically enhance the properties of soil and minimize the
pollution by reducing the plastic waste disposal.


The material used in this research study is Soil and Plastic material.


Researchers collected soil samples from the college campus and tried their geotechnical
properties and strength characteristics. The soil sorted falls in the category of dark cotton soil
additionally known as Sweeping soils.It contains montmorillonite clay mineral which contains
exceptionally tall costly characteristics. They display a tall rate of swelling and shrinkage when
uncovered to changes in dampness substance. Since there is a tall rate of montmorillonite in this
soil which leads to make breaks in soil without any caution which is as well unsafe for any
development structures, as this soil is straightforwardly associated with designing structures.

2. Plastic

Plastics can be classified based on the composition of the monomers that make up their
polymer.Because of their difficult chemical composition, the waste created by plastic cannot be
easily recycled. Plastic is therefore not biodegradable, which means it cannot be broken down by
itself into smaller molecules and can last for hundreds of years. Since their properties are mostly
related to natural materials, using plastic waste bottles in geotechnical construction can reduce
the problems associated with their disposal. Basically, they used plastic waste bottles with
dimensions of nearly 20mm in length and 4mm in width to check if it works with soil


During this research execution, there was a protocol that was taken into consideration. The
following is a list of the investigation's method and resources used:
1.Different Gravity
2.Analysis by Sieve
3.Content of Moisture
4.OMC-MDD is a combination of OMC and MDD.

The result are as follows:

S.No Properties of Soil Sample Values

1 Specific Gravity 2.12

2 Moisture content 6.52

3 Optimum moisture content 23.77

4 Maximum Dry Density 1.64

Based on the findings of the researchers they concluded that plastic strips in ideal sum with
suitable dimensions are doable for progressing the building properties of soil. Plastic can be
utilized as one of the materials that can be utilized as soil stabilizing specialist in appropriate
extent of plastic must be there, which makes a difference in expanding the CBR of the soil.
Hence, utilizing plastic as a soil stabilizer is a prudent and profitable utilize in development as
there's need for great quality soil for different development. Decreasing the sum of plastic
squander and creating valuable items from non valuable waste materials for maintainable
establishment and subgrade enhancement. This unused procedure of soil stabilization can be
effectively used to meet the challenges of society and it can altogether upgrade the properties of
soil utilized in development of road infrastructure, establishment, stabilization of banks, asphalt
sub review and other diverse areas as per the needs.

Literature Survey 2

Behavior of Soils Strengthened By Plastic Waste Materials Asst. Lec. Maha Hatem Nsaif
Building and Construction Engineering Department, University of Technology, Baghdad.

This paper describes an experiment in which plastic waste fragments were mixed with two forms
of soil (clayey soil and sandy soil) at different mixing ratios (0,2,4,6,8 %) by weight. The direct
shear test was used to examine the shear strength parameters (cohesion value and angle of
internal friction) of reinforced and unreinforced samples for the two types of soils. A series of
compaction experiments were also carried out on clayey soil containing various percentages of
waste parts. It was discovered that increasing internal friction improves the strength of soils
The percentage increase in internal friction angle is marginally higher in sandy soil than in
clayey soil, but there is no substantial difference in cohesion between the two types of soils. It
was also discovered that the plastic parts reduce the absolute dry density of the soil and reduce
the optimal moisture content due to their low specific gravity.

Materials Used :
Three materials are used in this study,
· Sandy soil
· Clayey soil
· Plastic waste material

To determine the physical properties of sandy soil, standard experiments were carried out:
Grain size distribution, Gravity Specifications, Maximum and minimum dry unit weight test,
Direct shear test

To determine the physical properties of Clayey soil a disturbed sample was taken from the site.

For the Plastic material they used poor-quality materials from the industry in Baghdad.The
material used was polyethylene, which had a specific gravity of 0.93. The plastic was cut into
circular parts with a diameter of 1-2mm and a thickness of 5mm.


The experimental research consisted of a series of laboratory direct shear experiments on two
forms of soil containing varying percentages of plastic waste materials. The test was carried out
under different usual stresses in order to determine the cohesion and angle of internal friction.
Both samples of sandy soil were prepared at a density of 17 kN/m3.Until used in the mixtures,
the clayey soil was dried. Under dry conditions, the necessary quantities of clayey oils and waste
reinforcement material were first blended together.The test specimens were then compacted to
their full dry unit weight and optimum moisture content (OMC), which corresponded to the
results of the Standard Proctor Compaction Tests.
On clayey soil, a series of laboratory compaction tests were conducted using the (ASTM D698)
protocol. This research was carried out for two reasons: first, to obtain clayey soil samples with
the optimum moisture content for use in direct shear tests, and second, to see if the presence of
plastic waste pieces in the soil affected the overall dry density and optimum moisture content.


➢ The friction angle of clayey soil correlates monotonically with the percentage of plastic
material, and sandy soil demonstrated a linear pattern.
➢ The microplastics lower the soil's overall dry unit weight and optimum moisture content.
➢ The form of the compaction curves is identical to that of unreinforced samples, and the
variance of optimum water content and maximum dry unit weight with plastic pieces
content is linear.
➢ Various factors, such as soil conditions and plastic pollution material, affect the impact of
plastic waste pieces on soil. The addition of plastic parts to the two forms of soils has no
discernible effect on their cohesion.
➢ For sandy and clayey soils, the degree of friction force increases significantly when
different percentages of plastic parts are added, but the percentage increase in the
viscosity for sandy soil is slightly higher than that for clayey soil.

Literature Survey. 3

Geotechnical characterization of plastic waste materials in pavement subgrade applications

Mukhtar Abukhettala , Mamadou Fall * Department of Civil Engineering, University of
Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The main contribution of this study is to characterize the geotechnical properties of subgrade
layers modified with various types (LDPE, HDPE, PET, and PP) and forms (shavings, grains,
and ground) of recycled plastic waste for road applications. Compaction characteristics,
unconfined compressive and shear forces, California Bearing Ratio (CBR), permeability, and
robust modulus are among the geotechnical properties investigated. The geotechnical properties
of the modified subgrade soils were assessed and compared to those of a virgin pavement
subgrade (A-2–7 subgrade) soil in a series of comprehensive laboratory tests.
Materials used:

1. Subgrade soil

Three different soil samples from different locations were first checked and examined to ensure
that they met the requirements for subgrade soil in road construction, as specified by the
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the American Association of State
Highways and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).Standards of the American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), as well as Ontario Provincial Standards.

2.Plastic material

Two plastic waste recycling plants, Canada Fibers Ltd. in Toronto and Enviroplast Inc. in
Montreal, provided the types of plastic used in the research. Among the plastics available were:

LDPE (low-density polyethylene) and HDPE (high-density polyethylene) are two types of
polyethylene (HDPE), PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) and PPE (polypropylene terephthalate)
are two types of plastics (PP). These were all post-consumer plastics that had been shredded into
flakes, ground into powder, or extruded into pellets in a high-temperature chamber. Ground,
flaky, and pelleted forms of the three styles were used. Only the LDPE plastic was ground; the
others came in flake and pellet form. Flakes are made by shredding baled plastic into small chips
at recycling plants, while pellets are made by extruding shredded plastic into round and spherical
pellets in a high-temperature chamber.

3.Mixing Water:

The specimens were prepared with purified water during the inquiry (use of distilled water
eliminates any uncertainties related to the composition of a tap water). The amount of water
present was eventually either applied as a proportion of the soil's overall weight.

4.Preparation of Sample:

The soil samples were first dried overnight in an oven at a temperature of about 105 degrees
Celsius. Following that, these samples were thoroughly combined with the pre-selected plastic
contents at the predetermined optimal moisture content (OMC). To ensure detailed dispersion of
the water in the soil, the mixing process was carried out in an electric mixer for approximately 7
minutes. Visual inspection was used to ensure that the mixing phase was adequate and
systematic. Until further processing, samples were stored in a sealed jar for 16–24 hours (18
hours on average) to prevent evaporation.
Testing methods:

1. Determination of the moisture content:

The moisture measurement was carried out in accordance with ASTM standard D-2216 [23]. The
soil specimens were dried in an oven at a temperature of 100–110 C for 18–24 hours before
being used in the tests, as it was important to remove the moisture.

2. Soil Classification:
To make the samples smaller, a sample divider was used. As required by AASHTO, the samples
were checked in duplicate to determine physical properties, and the inputs for the classification
of the soils included gradation and consistency analyses (Atterberg limits). The grain size
distribution analysis was carried out in accordance with ASTM D422 , while the Atterberg limit
measurements were carried out in accordance with ASTM D-4318.

3.Compaction Test:
The experiments were performed in compliance with the ASTM D-1557 standard, and an
updated proctor compaction test was used because it represents higher densities for heavier
loading conditions.5 layers and 56 blows were used to compress the soil. The mold was removed
from the machine, measured, and dismantled at the end of the 5th layer's compaction, and the
soil specimen was recovered from the mold. According to the ASTM D-2216 standard, a
minimum of two samples were dried in the oven at 100–110°C to determine the moisture

4.Strength index of soils

For any soil used in paving work, understanding the strength index is important.Each specimen
was compacted in 5 levels in a 6-inch cylindrical mold, with a total of 56 blows for each sheet.
The tests were carried out on unsaturated specimens using an in-lab fabricated piston, simulating
the CBR penetration test.Each specimen was compacted in 5 levels in a 6-inch cylindrical mold,
with a total of 56 blows for each sheet. The tests were carried out on unsaturated specimens
using an in-lab fabricated piston, simulating the CBR penetration test.

5.Hydraulic conductivity test

The falling head method was used to determine the saturated hydraulic conductivity of subgrade
soils in this study.A porous stone was mounted at the bottom of the permeameter, with a filter
paper on top of it, prior to testing. Another filter paper was placed 20 mm from the upper edge of
the perimeter to cover the surface of the specimen until another porous stone was placed on top.
To perform the examination, the cap for the cell was then added, and both hoses were bound.
Until beginning the examination, the height and diameter of the specimen were recorded in order
to determine the volume of the soil. The engineered subgrade soil sample was prepared in the
same way as a natural subgrade soil sample.

6.Static triaxial shear test:

Although the soils were pooled and undrained, the shear properties of the examined subgrade
soils were determined. Consolidation takes place when the triaxial cell's drainage valve is open,
and the valve is then closed as the three degrees of confining pressure are applied in the shear
stage. The same procedure was used to prepare 56 specimens for the UCS examination. When
forecasting a modulus of resilience, the OMC was applied to the soil, resulting in two classes in
terms of CBR rate values.

Results and discussion:

The findings of this study indicate that using plastic waste to partially replace soil content in road
subgrade applications may be beneficial. Despite the promising results, more research is needed
to gain a better understanding of the performance and behavior of the proposed plastic-modified
subgrade materials by conducting geotechnical and microstructural tests at various scales; (ii)
maximize the content, shape, and type of plastic; and (iii) assess the durability of the
plastic-modified subgrade materials.

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