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Planning for Theoretical problems

Problems I may encounter when researching and How I plan to resolve these problems
Problem: candidate for interview rejected invitation : when looking for people to interview,
specifically people higher up who I am looking to ask, they may say no to the offer. To resolve this
I will firstly ensure that the email request I very detailed and polite to help discourage them from
saying no in the first place. However if they do say no I will ask someone else perhaps in their field
or another. I may ask the person if they know anyone with a similar background who is happy to
help. if the candidate says no for timing reasons I will suggest another date or time. The
interviewing process would be done very early to avoid this from being an issue.
If it is due to corona reasons I will suggest a zoom interview. However this isn’t ideal due to
filming quality so I could suggest a corona friendly environment. Hopefully by the time of filming
we are allowed to meet and socially distance. Therefore I could have the room set up with lights
and cameras on the tripods before the interviewee has entered the room and then invite them in
whilst maintaining a 2m distance.

People may not be able to remember their small actions: as it’s a topic many people haven’t
explored before there is a large chance that they cant think of what small actions brought them to
where they are. So I could conduct a list of small thought provoking questions when emailing or
contacting them in order to get them thinking of what happened. I will also email them early on to
provide them time to think about their answer. As one of my aims is to capture the realisation of
being understanding their butterfly effect, I will ask them not to communicate with their partner if
they are doing a group interview. For example, if it is a couple, I am interviewing about they first
met I will email them individually and request they don’t discuss it. Then when filming they can
share the details they have from the day they met and work together to backtrack as far as they can
whilst I film their realisation.

Planning for practical and technical problems

Problems I may encounter when researching and How I plan to resolve these problems
I may have technical difficulties such as dying cameras or full SD cards- to ensure I don’t
experience any technical difficulties that can put a holt to the filming process of my work, I have
planned to bring excess equipment with me such as spare batteries and sd cards to ensure it all runs

The quality may not be good enough after filming- as with documentaries you use two different
cameras, it is essential that the quality is perfect on both or the whole look will be thrown off. If
one camera is blurry and one is not, it will be very evident as they play in correspondence with each
other. To ensure this doesn’t happen, I will be running a test shoot with my interview set up to
ensure I have the right settings needed and that the set up is sufficient. I will run the footage
through premiere pro to inspect the quality and colour.

Mid project check-up (After research)

The main problem I experienced was a lack of response from broader interviewees. It means I have
had to re-evaluate the project tonality. I quickly sorted this as I had back up interviewee options.
These options are still effective but just bring a closer-to-home tonality to the production, which in
a way is more effective and engaging for my audience as they can relate to it and apply it to their
own lives.

End project review

Through out the project I did come across multiple issues but was able to swiftly move past them
due to my planning. I had back up options for each possible scenario and was able to recover
quickly and not lose a lot of time on the project whilst still maintaining a professional standard.

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