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Overview of “The Toilet” by Gcina Mhlope

Mholo (the girl who goes into the toilet) - Protagonist
Her older sister – a domestic worker – “Irene”
Madam of the house - Antagonist

Orange Grove, South Africa

Plot Summary
Mholo, the main character, lives secretly in the house that her sister works at. She
would go to the public toilet in the park every morning before she would catch the
bus to go to work in a clothing factory, since she had to wait 2 hours for the bus.
The toilet in the park was never locked. Mholo would go into the toilet to think,
daydream (especially about being an actress), and read magazines. She bought a
notebook in which to write poems and other thoughts that came into her head.
One day she comes back home to the Madam’s house before her sister returns.
She is discovered by the Madam, who allows the dogs to growl at her for some
time and hints to Mholo that she should leave. When her sister hears that she was
seen by the Madam, Mholo gets scolded.
Mholo continues to find safety and peace in the toilet for many days to come. Her
notebook becomes like a friend she confided in and trusted.
One day when she geos to the toilet, it is locked. It is on this day that Mholo
realizes that the toilet does not belong to her. She decides to go sit on a nearby
bench and write a story anyway.

Overcoming obstacles and doing what she wanted to do (writing)

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